The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 4: Window Box on Guard

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 4: Window Box on Guard - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

By the time he left school on Wednesday, Danny had decided on sizes for the window box. From school he went straight to the local woodyard. Returning home with several lumps of timber tied to his bike, he unloaded it into the workshop in the garage. DIY wasn’t really Danny’s thing. The workshop had been his dads who had been good at most DIY.

But he was confident he could make something as simple as a window box. He cut some of the timber to size before his evening meal, then later that evening he assembled it all. He screwed and glued all the joints. He remembered to drill some drain holes in the bottom of the outer edge so water could drain out but wouldn’t drip on the balcony below.

However, this box had a unique addition to a normal window box. On the end nearest the drug dealing neighbour, Danny’s new hidden camera was built in, so it was half an inch above the balcony rail. That would give a clear view of next doors front door.

Inside the end of the box was a compartment that would just hold a small motor bike battery and a cheap mobile phone. Connecting the camera and the phone to the battery ensured several weeks of power before it needed charging. Connecting the camera to the phone allowed the camera to transmit its image to the internet and thus to Danny.

The access door to change the battery was on the side of the box facing away from the flats, so no one would be likely to notice it.

When it was all done to his satisfaction, Danny primed it just before going to bed.

The next morning, he got up a bit earlier as primer dried quite quick. He undercoated it before going to school. When he came home Thursday evening it was touch dry so he moved it into the house for the evening so the warmth would dry it properly.

Just before he went up to bed, he returned it to the garage and gave it it’s topcoat of gloss paint in pale blue. Inside where the soil was going to touch, he painted a coat of tar so that the wet soil wouldn’t rot the timber.

He had fitted two small screw-in eyes to the bottom of the box and tied a length of string to them. This meant he could lift it up without touching the still sticky paint. Once he had finished glossing, he moved it carefully onto a newspaper in the warm kitchen overnight. He had thought ahead and screwed a tap washer on the underside near each corner so it wouldn’t sit on the wet paint and stick to the newspaper.

Friday morning before school it felt dry. He moved it back into the garage for the day out of his mum’s way.

Friday evening after school, he enlisted the help of David and Angus from next door to Johns. They came with him to help carry and fit it to the railings. David and Angus held it in place, whilst Danny screwed the fixing brackets to the railings. He put plenty on to discourage anyone pinching it.

He had already fitted the camera, phone, and battery before he had glossed it, so he didn’t mention anything about that to David and Angus.

Once done, he filled it up with a compost mix he had bought from the garden centre. Then he put the plants in. He had explained to the garden centre what it was for so they had supplied him with enough plants that would not grow too big. Some were already in bloom so it would look good from the start.

All done, he knocked on the door of Veronicas old flat. The elderly lady was delighted to see it. ‘Oh, that’s lovely,’ she said, ‘Thank you so much.’ Danny introduced David and Angus to her and told her they had come along to help him fit it.

Danny asked if he could take her photo standing by the box which she readily agreed. After cheerful goodbyes, they set off home.

That evening he went online and was delighted to see a perfect picture of Pam’s old neighbours front door. There was all night lighting above the balconies, so he set it to record permanently. The programme he was using to record it also had a date and time stamp in the bottom corner which could prove useful.

Danny decided to leave the camera recording for a week. Then he would edit the recording to remove all the times when nothing was happening. When he had done that, he’d go and see Aiden and tell him what he had done and give him the recording and the access link.

He had texted Aiden and given him all the details of Pam’s neighbour, explained he was suspected of dealing drugs and that although there would be no chance of charging him with it, he and his father had raped a previous neighbour several times.

Aiden had replied thanking him for the info. ‘We know of him,’ he said, ‘But we lost track of him a few years ago. We’ll keep a discrete eye on him.’

‘I should have a recording for you in a week’s time, which might help.’ Danny replied. ‘Be very careful,’ Aiden warned, ‘These people can be extremely dangerous.’ ‘Don’t worry,’ Danny told him, ‘I will be.’

Saturday morning Danny arrived at Johns as usual. The house was empty, so he skipped his first coffee and went out back to work. Lunchtime was approaching when John’s head suddenly appeared out of the back door. ‘I’m back,’ he called, ‘I’ll put the kettle on.’

Danny packed his things away and went in. Sitting at the table eating his lunch, John told him there had been a post-mortem on his sister yesterday. ‘She had had a massive stroke and if she hadn’t died, she would probably have been a vegetable. I won’t get the death certificate until early next week so I can’t arrange a funeral until then.’

‘I’ve spoken to her solicitor. He has confirmed she left a will leaving everything to me. I’m not looking forward to clearing out the bungalow.’ ‘Why don’t Lorraine and I go through it with you tomorrow,’ Danny said. ‘You can sort out what personal things you want to keep, and we’ll make a list of what you want to do with everything else.’

‘Then you can get someone in to move it all.’ John looked relieved, ‘That would be a big relief,’ he said, ‘Thank you.’

Danny finished his lunch, then after giving John a good hug, he returned to the garden for the afternoon. At four o’clock as usual he returned to the house. As he washed his hands John heard him and came through.

Danny hugged him and said, ‘Come on, you need cheering up.’ They went upstairs to John’s bedroom. After a long hug and kiss, they stripped each other off. They did it slowly, taking turns item by item.

Once they were both down to their shorts there were two tent poles sticking out. Another lovely hug with them throbbing between them followed. After their hug, two pairs of hands started running up and down the others bare back.

It wasn’t long before both hands slid down inside the back of the others shorts and massaged over their cheeks. That of course made both cocks throb even more.

As Danny started pulling Johns shorts down, he had to push his cock back against him with one hand to get them past. At the same time John was trying to do the same to Danny. After a bit of contorting, they managed to get both pairs round their ankles.

As they stepped back to kick them off, both cocks were flexing happily.

Once their shorts were clear of their feet, they each reached out and took hold of the other’s cock. Seeing a hand coming towards them made both cocks do a dance of excitement, so they each had to make a grab to get hold.

After holding them for a while, they let go and moved over to the bed. Lying on their sides facing each other, they kissed whilst enjoying their cocks squashed between them and flexing as much as they were able to.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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