The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 5: An Unexpected Kiss

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 5: An Unexpected Kiss - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘Sit up.’ Danny said putting his arms out. Veronica was feeling so upset that she automatically sat up, following his instructions. Then suddenly finding herself wrapped in Danny’s arms and crying on his shoulder, she went rigid. Danny stroked the back of her head, ‘Just relax,’ he said, ‘You’re quite safe here, just let it all out.’

He felt her tension slowly disappearing and her hands gingerly took hold of him. She continued to sob on his shoulder. But now she was experiencing something strange. She was feeling completely safe in Danny’s arms.

Gradually her sobs lessened then stopped. Danny kissed her head, ‘Stay there as long as you like.’ he told her, ‘There’s no hurry.’ He started running one hand up and down her back, slowly and gently.

After a while he said in her ear, ‘When you feel ready, I want you to lie down again. When we continue, if you feel you need another hug, just sit up and take it. You don’t ever need to ask or wait to be told.’

Veronica didn’t move. She was feeling something she hadn’t felt for years, a desire to stay where she was and enjoy the close contact of a man. Danny just kept hold of her and waited patiently.

Quite a while passed before she gave a long sigh, then sat up before lying back down. Danny smiled down at her. ‘You must have had a terrible experience,’ he said, ‘Am I correct in assuming your experience and your problem is connected to your new neighbour?’

She nodded, ‘Yes,’ she answered, ‘I didn’t think I could ever get over it.’ Danny picked up on the ‘didn’t’ immediately but said nothing. ‘Like most people’s problems,’ he told her, ‘The horror of it took over your mind and made you reject all close contact. You are not the first and won’t be the last to have that experience.’

‘But because it had such a tight grip on your subconscious you didn’t see that you were already getting over it. Your close physical contact with your male hairdresser plus hugs and kisses from your flat mate’s boyfriend are just some of the obvious signs. But your mind wouldn’t let you see it.’

‘Today, because of Pam’s recommendation, you came to see me. When you saw my age, you still managed to stay, because you so wanted to get rid of the bad memories and move forward.’

‘Against your own instincts of terror, you have allowed me to put my hands on your breasts and your vagina. As well as every inch of your body. Even though it was over your clothes they are still things you would never have believed you could possibly do.’

‘Then you told me you had lost your virginity. Something I suspect you have not only never told another soul but thought you never could.’

‘Then you nestled in my arms and cried on my shoulder. You clearly felt safe there as well as being content to stay there for quite a while. That shows a number of things. Most importantly is that you are starting to feel comfortable and safe with me.’

‘I think your experiences have been far too bad for you to feel able to tell me about them just yet. So, we need to continue what we have started and get you feeling even more relaxed. At the same time, I will get to know more about you.’

‘I suspect that we won’t be able to do all of that today. But that doesn’t matter, however we do it we will keep going until we succeed, just as long as you are prepared to persevere.’

‘Now, you have done tremendously well so far, let’s see how much further we can get today. In a moment I want you to turn over so I can massage your back once more. But this time I want to massage it directly on your skin.’

‘Seeing the look of terror on her face, he said, ‘I’m going to leave the room for a few minutes. Whilst I’m away, I want you to try and take your top off. Then lie down on your front. When I come back in, all I will see is your bare back and your bra strap, just like I would if you were walking on the beach in a bikini. I will then massage your back just like last time. With more questions of course. Remember I’m going to massage you to relax you, not inflict any pain.’

‘If you can’t do it yet, don’t worry, we’ll take a break and continue next week. Now before I leave the room, sit up and have another hug.’ He put his arms out. With only a slight hesitation this time, she sat up and went into his arms. But this time she put her own arms around Danny and rested her head on his shoulder without thinking.

As she relaxed against him, Danny said quietly in her ear, ‘Think how frightened you were when you came and how much at ease you feel now. Now think about how you felt when Edwin hugged you and tell me how this hug compares.’

‘No comparison,’ she said, ‘His was just a quick hug and a peck on the cheek. This is... ‘ she broke off. Danny waited then she said in a surprised voice, ‘This is so much nicer.’ ‘Can you demonstrate his peck on your cheek?’ Danny asked. After a slight pause Danny felt her move her head, then a quick peck of a kiss was planted on his cheek.

He gave her a gentle squeeze and returned her kiss with one of his own. He felt her stiffen then relax. He moved his head back to look into her eyes. ‘You really are doing well.’ he said. He gave her a lovely smile which was returned.

‘Just shout out Danny when you’re ready.’ he said as he got up and left the room. Veronica sat there unmoving. She really didn’t think she could do what Danny was asking of her. But she ran through in her mind all the things she had done that day. ‘I would have said I couldn’t possibly have done any of them before I met Danny,’ she told herself. ‘All I will see is your back and your bra strap.’ she heard Danny say in her mind.

Making her decision, she stood up, made sure the door was shut, then pulled her top things off over her head. Lying down quickly, she settled into place, then taking a deep breath she called out ‘DANNY’ before putting her face down into the cushion.

She heard the door open then felt Danny sit at her side. ‘Very well done,’ he said. ‘Now, I’m going to massage your back exactly like last time. Remember if you panic just call out stop and I’ll return to your head. If at any time you feel you can’t continue, I’ll leave the room whilst you get dressed. Ok?’ ‘Ok,’ came her muffled reply. She turned her head to the side so she could see him, and he would hear her better.

He rested his hands on her head and started his gentle massage. Then as he moved down onto her bare shoulders he asked, ‘Which of the boys in your last class at school did you dream about being your boyfriend.’

Before she could even think about her answer, the touch of his hands on her bare skin sent a shiver of terror through her. She went rigid for a moment. Then the pleasurable sensation it was giving her pushed her bad memories aside.

As she relaxed, felt by Danny, she savoured the lovely feeling flowing through her. Finally, she was able to answer his question. ‘That was Nathan.’ ‘Can you describe him?’ Danny asked. ‘He was shorter than me but taller than most of the others.’

‘Did you ever speak to him?’ Danny asked as he massaged over her bra strap and on down her back. Finding it hard to concentrate with the lovely feeling on her back, Veronica managed to answer, ‘No, not really, we said, ‘Hi,’ in passing occasionally, but we never had a direct conversation.’

As Danny’s hands moved up onto her cheeks over her jeans, she felt quite disappointed that the touch on her skin had stopped. ‘So, did you have to make do with dreaming about him at night instead?’ Danny asked as he went on down her legs. ‘Yes.’ she answered, still thinking about how lovely the sensation on her skin had been.

Then realising what she had admitted she went red. Danny saw the back of her neck go red and guessed. ‘Nothing to be embarrassed about,’ he said, ‘Boys and girls of that age all have dreams like that. Even the ones you had about him making love with you.’ he said as he started back up.

He saw the back of her neck go red again. ‘I know you must have done,’ he said, ‘And your red flush confirms it. But I can sense how relaxed you’re getting with me right now. It would be a big step forward if you could actually tell me.’

‘Can you answer just yes or no. Did you have erotic night-time dreams in which Nathan was your boyfriend and made love to you.’ As he came back over her cheeks, she was silent, struggling to get her answer out. As he reached her waist, Danny moved back onto her bare skin.

The touch of his hand sent the same lovely sensation through her as last time. It jolted her into action. ‘Yes,’ she told him quite clearly. ‘Very well done indeed.’ Danny said. ‘I’ll bet you have never told a soul that either have you?’ ‘No,’ she admitted immediately. ‘I can’t believe I’ve told even you.’

As he moved on up her bare back, he asked, ‘How many times a week at that time did you have dreams about Nathan?’ ‘About three times,’ she admitted. ‘How about any of the other boys in the class?’ Danny asked. ‘No others,’ she said. ‘What about celebrities or pop stars and the like?’ he asked.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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