The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 4: A Tall Order For Danny

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 4: A Tall Order For Danny - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Danny had had two Saturdays uninterrupted gardening at John’s so everything was almost up to date. He arrived at Johns this morning and after a welcome hug and a kiss, they sat and had their usual coffee.

Danny had noticed John seemed a little down and as they had their coffee he discovered why. ‘My Sister was taken into hospital during the week,’ he said. ‘Her neighbour found her unconscious in the kitchen and called an ambulance.’

‘They think she has had a stroke. She’s been unconscious ever since. I’m going to visit her later.’ Danny got up and went round to give him a hug, he knew how close John was to her.

Just then Danny’s phone rang. A female voice asked, ‘Is that Danny?’ When he admitted he was, she said, ‘Hi, you don’t know me. My name is Veronica, I’m a friend of Pam’s, she shared a flat with me some time ago. I met her the other day out with her boyfriend. She looked radiantly happy, and we got chatting.

‘Her boyfriend Richard said he needed to go to a couple of shops so left us in a café together. We had a good chat and she told me she had had a problem with a man in her past. It was something I’d suspected when we lived together. ‘I never thought I’d be able to get close to anyone ever again she,’ said. ‘But I met someone recently who was able to sort it out for me and now Richard and I are very happy together.’

‘I admitted to her that there was something similar in my past and I still felt the same. She told me she had wondered about it but hadn’t liked to ask. Anyway, she painted you in glowing colours, gave me your name and number and told me I should come and see you.’

‘So, can I make an appointment and how much does it cost?’ she asked. ‘I’ll sort out a time with you in a moment,’ Danny said, ‘But there is no charge, I do my counselling voluntarily to help people. Just hold the line a moment.’ he said.

Turning to John, before he could open his mouth to ask John said, ‘I can go shopping this morning, then go on to the hospital from there.’

Smiling at John, Danny returned to the phone. ‘Can you come this morning?’ he asked. He gave her the address. ‘That would be lovely,’ she said, ‘I could be there in half an hour.’ ‘Ok, I’ll see you then.’ Danny told her.

‘She’ll be here in half an hour.’ he said to John. They went through to the lounge. John lay down with his head on Danny’s lap. ‘The hospital is still doing tests,’ he told him. ‘They are saying that a recovery is possible, but equally another stroke could kill her. There’s also the possibility of her surviving but being paralysed down one side.’

‘They can do wonders nowadays.’ Danny told him, stroking his head. ‘I know,’ he replied, ‘But that’s not always ideal. We had a discussion last time we went out for lunch and both of us said that we would far rather die peacefully than live on severely disabled or in pain.’

‘But people can recover completely from a stroke,’ Danny said. ‘Ok, it might take a bit of time, but they can often lead a normal life afterwards.’ ‘That would be great,’ John said, ‘But you wouldn’t know that until it was too late. I’d love to still be here and see you and Lorraine married,’ he told him. ‘And perhaps have children, but if something happened to me like it has to her, I’ve had a good life, I’d prefer to slip away knowing nothing about it.’

‘This is very maudlin,’ Danny said. ‘Well, I’m not letting you leave me for a long time yet and I’m sure your sister will recover.’ They stood up and hugged. ‘You always make me feel better.’ John said giving him a kiss just as the doorbell rang.

They both went to the door to find a lady in her late twenties. She was tall and slim with a nice smile. Danny offered his hand, ‘Hi Veronica, I’m Danny,’ he said, ‘This is John.’ ‘I’m just going out.’ John said giving her a smile.

Veronica was looking a little concerned at Danny. Spotting it Danny said, ‘I guess Pam didn’t mention my age to you?’ Before she could reply John said, ‘Don’t be put off, I’ve lost track of the number of people who have come here with horrific problems and every single one has gone away happy. I’m sure you’ll be the same.’ he said, then giving her a smile, he left.

Still concerned but relived slightly, Veronica smiled at Danny and said, ‘Well Pam certainly thinks you’re wonderful.’ Danny grinned, ‘It’s always nice to be appreciated,’ he told her. ‘Come through and have a coffee whilst I tell you how it works. Then you can decide if you want to stay or not.’

They sat at the kitchen table. Over a coffee Danny explained how he worked and about leaving anytime she wanted to. ‘I don’t want to know anything about your problem to start with,’ he told her. ‘First, I have to get you feeling relaxed with me. I also need to get to know all about you. Only then will you feel able to tell me all about it.’

He explained about saying Go, Pass and Stop. ‘Do you have any questions?’ he asked. ‘You’re very young,’ she said, ‘Don’t you need more experience of life to do what you do?’ Danny smiled at her, ‘I’m sure I still have a lot to learn,’ he said, ‘But life is basically simple. As are problems. What one person sees as an insurmountable problem often seems nothing at all to someone else.’

‘The secret is to get the person with the problem to put every bit of it into words. Doing that achieves two things. First of all, it tells someone like me exactly what the problem is. Secondly the person with the problem hears it. That often tells them that the problem isn’t as serious as they thought.’

‘After that the problem is often easy to solve. So, if you want to try, follow me through to the lounge. If you don’t, just let yourself out.’ He got up and went into the lounge.

Stopping by the settee, he looked round to find Veronica standing behind him. ‘Well done,’ he said. ‘Take your shoes off and lie on the settee then I’ll tell you what happens next.’

Veronica looked very uncertain, but she kicked her shoes off and lay down. ‘Are you ok if I sit here?’ Danny asked. ‘Yes,’ she said after a long pause, looking very nervous.

She flinched as Danny sat down by her knees. ‘Nothing is going to hurt you,’ Danny reassured her. ‘In here, before we do anything I’ll tell you what it is. Why we’re doing it and what we are trying to achieve. But even then, nothing happens until you say it’s ok. Understand?’

‘Ok,’ she replied looking slightly happier but still scared. ‘In a moment I’m going to start asking you questions about you and your life,’ Danny told her. ‘Whilst I do, I want you to turn over so that I can massage your back from your head to your feet and back again.’

‘The questions will tell me all about you whilst the massage will get you feeling relaxed with me.’ ‘I’m sorry,’ she said. ‘I couldn’t let you actually touch me.’

‘Your hair looks lovely,’ Danny said, changing the subject, ‘Do you use the same hairdresser all the time?’ ‘Yes,’ she said sounding puzzled at the question. ‘How often do you go there?’ he asked. ‘Every six weeks.’ came the reply. ‘They must be good if you keep going back there,’ Danny said. ‘I bet you even know your hairdressers name.’ ‘Yes,’ Veronica told him, ‘It’s Enrico, he’s been there since before I started going.’

‘Does he do everything?’ Danny asked, ‘Wash it, cut it, perm it, style it.’ ‘Yes, most of the time,’ she answered feeling on safe ground now. ‘How long is it since the first time you went there?’ he asked. She thought for a moment then said, ‘It must be five years now.’

‘Whatever happened to give you your problem,’ Danny asked, ‘How long ago did it happen?’ ‘It started about six years ago and finished a year later.’ she told him. ‘So, am I right in thinking that you moved away from the cause of your problem five years ago?’ Danny asked.

‘Yes,’ she said sounding sad at the memory. ‘Ok I want to play a little game for a moment.’ Danny said. ‘I want you to repeat word for word what I say.’

‘Ok,’ she said looking puzzled. ‘Here we go,’ Danny said. ‘For five years,’ he paused whilst she repeated it, ‘I have been frightened of any physical contact from a male.’ Veronica repeated it exactly. ‘During those five years I have been to my hairdressers every six weeks.’ A pause whilst she repeated it. ‘Where a man has run his hands through my hair, washing it, cutting it and styling it.’ This time she only got halfway through repeating it before she stopped, looked amazed then said, ‘That’s ridiculous.’

Danny smiled at her, ‘You have just learned the value of hearing your problem out loud,’ he said. ‘Also, how you can accept things you think you are frightened of when they are done in surroundings you feel at ease in. And when they are done by someone you feel at ease with.’

‘That’s incredible,’ Veronica said. ‘I guess I better let you try massaging me.’ ‘That would be a good step forward,’ Danny said, ‘But remember we’re trying to relax you. Doing anything to make you tense would be counterproductive. So, the moment you feel ill at ease call out ‘Stop’ right away.’

‘When you’re ready, turn over,’ he told her. ‘I will massage your head, but I won’t ask questions or start down your back until you say go. Remember we move at your speed, so take as long as you like.’

She lay there looking up at him smiling down at her. She felt daft about her fear now she had told him about her hairdresser, yet she still felt scared. Soon she realised Danny was just going to sit and wait for her. Realising she was under no pressure made it easier. It also gave her confidence that if she did say stop, as she was sure she would, Danny really would stop.

She turned over. Danny let her settle, then said, ‘I’m going to put my hands on your head, then pause a moment before I start massaging.’ A few seconds later she felt two hands rest lightly on her head. She went rigid with fear and opened her mouth.

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