The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 1: A Massage For Daryl
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 1: A Massage For Daryl - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Lewis arrived at the shop as usual. After greeting Mike, he said, ‘I’ve invited Daryl to join us for lunch.’ ‘Have you found out what his problem is yet?’ Mike asked. ‘Yes,’ Lewis told him, ‘It’s on the verge of being sorted out.’ ‘I did notice the radio had disappeared,’ Mike said, ‘I presume there’s a connection?’ Lewis grinned. ‘Yes, it’s in place and waiting.’ he said.
They had their normal chaotic morning then at quarter to one, Daryl came in. He stood waiting by the door. Lewis had already taken Mikes lunch order, so he waved him over, told him what they wanted, said, ‘Add your choice onto it.’ and gave him some cash.
Daryl returned just before they closed so Lewis indicated he should go through to the back room. Once they had closed up after the last customer, they went through.
Daryl had the three meals set out on plates, cutlery out and three hot cups of coffee steaming merrily. ‘Now, this is service.’ Mike said giving him a beam. They sat down and tucked in.
During the meal Mike asked him how his week had gone. Daryl smiled. ‘It’s been very different and busy,’ he said. ‘I’ve been much happier too.’ He glanced at Lewis as he said that. ‘It’s very strange,’ Mike said, ‘Making people happy seems to be something Lewis almost does in his sleep.’
Lewis just grinned. When they finished eating, they cleared away and Daryl insisted on washing up. Mike went over to dry. Daryl still seemed a little nervous when Mike was close. Lewis could understand why because Mike was a similar build to Jake. But Mike found it upsetting.
When they had finished, Mike went and sat in the chair. ‘Daryl, will you come over her a moment, please.’ he said. Although Daryl couldn’t help feeling nervous, by now he had also realised how nice Mike was.
Mike was sitting upright near the front of the chair. As Daryl came closer, Mike put his arms out and asked, ‘Can I give you a hug? I need some practice now I’m going to be a dad.’
Daryl moved slowly closer. Mike rested his huge hands gently on Daryl’s shoulder. ‘I’m not going to pull you any closer,’ Mike said, ‘I don’t want to scare you. But if you feel able to come close and share a hug, I’d really love it.’
Thinking how much he had enjoyed Lewis’s hug, Daryl cautiously moved closer. Soon they were standing so close their heads were almost side to side. ‘I’m not going to put my arms round you until you put yours around me.’ Mike told him.
As Daryl slowly put his arms around Mikes powerful torso, Mike moved his slowly and gently around Daryl. Suddenly they were both hugging each other with their heads side by side. Mike was still hugging very gently, whilst Daryl was hugging as if his life depended on it.
Mike moved his head slightly and kissed him on his cheek. ‘Thank you, Daryl,’ he said, ‘That was lovely. Will you do something else for me now?’ Daryl nodded. Mike sat right back in the chair. ‘Come and sit on my knee.’ he said opening his arms wide.
Daryl hardly paused, he climbed up and nestled against Mikes chest. As Mike closed his arms gently round him, Lewis could see Mikes eyes were very wet. Mike kissed the top of Daryl’s head. As he relaxed in Mikes arms, Lewis came over to them.
Squatting down to look Daryl in the face Lewis said, ‘Are you happy there?’ Daryl nodded and said firmly, ‘Yes.’ ‘Do you realise what that means?’ Lewis asked. Then as Daryl looked puzzled, Lewis said, ‘It means that you now have two good friends.’
Daryl looked up at Mike. Mike smiled at him and nodded. Daryl kissed him on his cheek, ‘Thank you so much.’ he said, then settled back in his arms. They sat like that chatting until it was time to open the shop. As he showed him out, Lewis said, ‘Come back for five and I’ll give you a nice relaxing massage.’
At five to five, Daryl arrived. Seeing Lewis’s wave, he went through to the back room and put the kettle on. Mike and Lewis joined him soon after. Mike put his arms out and Daryl ran into them. As he hugged him, Mike picked him up. Daryl kissed his forehead and put his arms around his neck. ‘Sorry I can’t stop,’ Mike told him, ‘Hope to see you again soon.’
He put him gently down onto his feet. Daryl smiled up at him happily. He went over and made two coffees as Lewis saw Mike out. When he returned, they sat at the table drinking. ‘Where have you been this afternoon?’ Lewis asked him. ‘As it was nice, I went for a walk through the park,’ Daryl answered, ‘It goes on for miles.’
‘When we’ve finished our coffees,’ Lewis told him, ‘If you would like it, I’ll give you a nice relaxing massage.’ Remembering last week’s massage, Daryl’s face lit up. ‘Yes, please,’ he said.
Once they had finished, Daryl washed the cups and Lewis dried. Then Lewis said, ‘Strip off and lie face down on the settee. I’ll do your back first.’ Daryl stripped of, completely at ease in front of Lewis. He stood naked in front of him, his cock hanging soft. Then giving him a grin, he got on the settee and lay down.
Lewis sat at his side and rubbed some olive oil into his hands. ‘Is there anywhere that is too tender for me to touch?’ he asked. ‘No, every where’s fine at the moment.’ Daryl replied.
Lewis put both hands on his shoulders and massaged gently. ‘Oh, that’s so nice.’ Daryl called out. As he worked his way down Daryl’s bruised back, Lewis was pleased to hear happy cries from him, not pain. Even so he massaged extremely gently.
He moved slowly downwards, feeling every single rib on the way. Then over his tiny waist and on to his cheeks. Massaging both cheeks at the same time brought more happy cries from Daryl. Then running his index finger from the base of his spine down between his cheeks, he waited until Daryl’s shriek of delight faded, before going down the back of both legs.
As he went down and back up his legs, Daryl lay still just giving out an occasional ‘mmm’ Then when Lewis returned over his cheeks, he let out a yell of joy. Lewis massaged both of them for a while, then moved on up his back.
After so much pain on his back, the lovely feeling of Lewis’s hands sent lovely happy feelings through him. Then reaching his shoulders, Lewis massaged them both together for a while before moving up onto his head.
Taking his hands away, Lewis told him to turn over. Once he was settled, Lewis smiled at him, ‘Front now,’ he said, ‘Unless you’ve had enough.’ ‘I could lie here forever,’ Daryl said, ‘Lovely feelings and safety.’
Lewis rested his hands on his head, massaged briefly, then moved down onto his temples. After some happy noises from Daryl, he moved on down to his shoulders, then over his chest. He could see a lovely, relaxed smile on Daryl’s face as he moved slowly over the prominent ribs, then onto his very flat stomach.
As he massaged over it, he felt how soft it was. It made him realise just how safe Daryl felt with him. That stomach must have been held so tight and felt so many blows in recent times. Yet now with him it was completely relaxed. Lewis felt so pleased.
As he moved on down to his abdomen, Daryl’s happy noises increased. That wasn’t the only thing to increase. His cock which had laid happily soft up to now, started to grow. Daryl had had his eyes closed for a while enjoying the massage. Feeling himself growing, he opened his eyes briefly, gave Lewis a smile and a wink then closed them again.
As Lewis massaged through his hairs, Daryl’s cock shot to maximum. When Lewis stroked up the underside of it, then did a little circle round the tip with his index finger, Daryl let out a long ‘ooooh yeeees.’
Lewis did a quick massage down to his feet and back up to midthigh. Then as Daryl’s cock waved about happily, he massaged both thighs, moving up very slowly. As he moved higher, Daryl drew his knees up and apart, allowing Lewis open access to his balls.
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