The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 5: Brad Shares His Bed
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 5: Brad Shares His Bed - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘I started to think about her hug,’ Brad said, ‘And compare it to the hugs I get from my own aunts. It seemed different somehow, but in the end, I decided it was just me and forgot all about it.’
‘The next weekend was a repeat, except that this time we watched Cats. Aunty Doll had a big collection of musicals, and we liked the one’s she chose too. It wasn’t until we were getting ready to go that I remembered my thoughts about the hug. I wondered if I’d get one this time as well.’
‘After hugging and kissing Scott, she turned to me. As she hugged me, then gave me a kiss, she said ‘Thank you Brad.’ just like last time. As we were cycling home, I suddenly realised what the difference was. When my aunts gave me a hug, they hugged me with their top half. Their kiss was always in the middle of my cheek.’
‘Aunty Doll’s hug had been full length. Her entire front had pressed against me. I didn’t say anything to him, but I determined to watch how she hugged Scott next week. Then there was the kiss. I felt sure that her kiss this week, whilst still on my cheek, it was nearer my lips than last time. You’re imagining things I decided. It’s just how she happened to be standing.’
‘So, what happened the following week?’ Danny asked. ‘Towards the end of the week, Scott went down with a tummy bug. He texted me and asked if I would carry on with the job on my own. ‘Taffy still isn’t available,’ he said, ‘So I’ve told Aunty Doll it will just be you. She says it’s fine.’
‘Friday evening, I arrived and was welcomed as one of the family. A hug and a kiss as soon as I walked in. We had a nice meal and sat chatting for a while. She asked me about hobbies, girlfriends and leaving school. She was easy to talk to and I told her I didn’t have a regular girlfriend yet. ‘You’ve plenty of time yet,’ she said, ‘A fit looking young man like you won’t have any problem.’
‘It’s probably too late for me,’ she said. ‘I don’t regret looking after my dad, but I wish I’d made more of an effort to meet people. Just make sure you don’t end up alone,’ she told me, ‘Humans are not meant to be alone.’
‘I went up to bed and was asleep in no time. Over breakfast aunty Doll said she was glad I had still come. ‘It’s so nice having company.’ She told me. I set to work in the garden. It was heavy work and a warm day, so I was just wearing shorts.’
‘Mid-morning, she brought us both an iced drink out. We sat together on the garden bench. She told me that when her dad was young, he had kept the garden immaculate. ‘Life goes by so quickly,’ she said, ‘Don’t let it creep up on you.’
‘Shortly after we were both sitting in silence. I glanced over at her to find she was staring at my chest. She saw I had spotted her and blushed. ‘I couldn’t help admiring your body.’ she told me. ‘You look so fit and strong, a real pin up.’
‘I felt both embarrassed and pleased at the same time. It also sent some strange shivers through me.’ ‘I’d better let you get on.’ she said. ‘She returned to the house, and I carried on.’
‘At lunch time she brought a picnic out to the old summerhouse. We sat on its veranda. It was so quiet and peaceful there. ‘You like it here, don’t you?’ she said looking at me. I nodded. ‘I could tell,’ she said. ‘That’s nice.’
‘Towards the end of our lunch, she turned to me and said, ‘As an oldie, can I ask you a personal question about life as a modern teenager?’ ‘Sure,’ I said, having no idea what was coming. ‘I know todays youngsters have sex much more readily than in my day,’ she said, ‘But if you met a girl that you liked but didn’t want as a girlfriend, would you have sex with her just to lose your virginity?’
‘I was astounded. It would never have occurred to me I would ever be asked anything like that. Yet she seemed genuinely interested. And I liked her. I thought for a moment then I said, ‘I would hope that any sex I had would be with someone I cared for a lot and was very fond off. But if I met a girl I only liked slightly and knew it wouldn’t last, I don’t know. If she indicated that she was keen to go to bed with me, I don’t know if I would be able to resist, just for the experience.’
‘I shouldn’t have asked you that,’ she said, ‘I can see it embarrassed you. But thank you for being so honest.’ ‘How did you know I was a virgin?’ I asked. She smiled at me, ‘You told me, the first weekend you were here.’ she said. When I looked surprised, she said, ‘This is a very old cottage, and it has some rather strange acoustics.’
‘When you and Scott were in bed discussing sex the first weekend, I heard nearly every word. Not intentionally,’ she added, ‘But lying quietly in bed, your voices carried into me. I intended to turn over and put my head under the covers, but I was too fascinated with what you were saying.’
‘How did you feel?’ Danny asked. ‘I was trying hard to remember if we had said anything about our firing experiences,’ Brad said. ‘But I don’t think we did.’ ‘I wouldn’t dream of saying anything to our Scott,’ she said, ‘It would probably embarrass him terribly if he thought his spinster aunt knew anything about his sex life, or lack of it.’
‘We are pretty similar you and I in many ways,’ she said, ‘Apart from age. You have passed through your childhood and are moving towards being an adult. You’re looking forward to life’s experiences ahead, girls, sex, work, all sorts of things.’
‘I’ve passed through even more of my life, and now I’m moving towards old age. I still dream of meeting a partner, having company and experiencing sex. I’m still a virgin too, as you’ve probably guessed.’
‘We are both learning one of life’s hard lessons, you can’t always have what you want. Sometimes until later, sometimes not at all.’
‘Have you ever thought of joining a club or taking up a hobby, so you meet new people?’ I asked her. I was feeling at ease with our discussion already. She smiled at me sadly. ‘I’ve thought about it often,’ she said. ‘If truth be told, I’m frightened.’
‘Of what?’ I asked. Then added, ‘Sorry you don’t have to answer that.’ ‘No, please say or ask anything you want,’ she said, ‘After all I’ve been prying into your thoughts and desires.’
‘She smiled wistfully. ‘Sex.’ she said. ‘Sex?’ I repeated puzzled. ‘Yes, I suppose if you met someone tomorrow, you’d jump into bed quite confident you knew what to do, would enjoy it and could make both of you happy.’ ‘I hope so,’ I said with a grin, ‘But until it happens, I can’t be certain.’
‘Well, I know the theory of course,’ she said, ‘But I’ve had forty odd years of being on my own. No one has ever seen me naked and the last person I saw naked was Scott when he was about four. Could I cope getting undressed with a man present. Would I start screaming if he touched me. Would sex hurt for someone having their first time at my age.’
‘How did you answer that?’ Danny asked with interest. ‘I said even us modern youngsters don’t usually leap into bed with a complete stranger.’ I smiled at her, ‘I’m sure if you met someone nice, he would let you get to know him well first. If he truly loved you, he’d move forward slowly and gently at your speed. Even making love should have a slow build up.’
‘There must be lots of people of a similar age who are still virgins,’ I told her. ‘They would probably feel as nervous as you. Remember what you told me. Humans aren’t meant to be alone.’
‘She stood up, so I did too. ‘I’ll let you get on,’ she said. ‘She took my hands in hers and smiled at me. ‘Thank you for the talk,’ she said. ‘I really will try and make the effort to join something.’ Then she moved forward, hugged me and kissed me on the lips.’
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