The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 3: Brad Finds It Hard
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 3: Brad Finds It Hard - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Danny arrived at Johns at ten minutes to ten. They had a hug and a kiss in the hall. John thanked him for the lovely time he had had yesterday. ‘We enjoyed it too.’ Danny assured him.
Then the doorbell rang. John opened it to find a young man who looked Danny’s age standing there. ‘Hi,’ John said, ‘You must be Brad, come in.’ As he stepped inside, Danny shook his hand. ‘Hi, Brad, I’m Danny,’ he said. ‘Come through to the kitchen.’
‘I’ll get off,’ John said, ‘You’re in good hands Brad,’ he said. ‘See you next week.’ he said to Danny, then went out of the front door.
In the kitchen Danny made them both a coffee. Sitting at the table he explained all the details and assured him John wouldn’t return until after he had gone. ‘So, nothing you tell me will be heard by anyone else.’ he said. ‘As I never repeat anything I’m told, you can let yourself go.’
‘Before we start,’ Danny asked, ‘Do you have any questions?’ ‘Not questions as such,’ Brad said looking embarrassed. ‘I feel I might have wasted your time. When we spoke yesterday, I was thrilled to think I would have someone to unburden myself to.’
‘But now I’m here, I’m not sure that I can. Nothing personal,’ he added, ‘It’s just so embarrassing I don’t think I can speak about it to anyone.’ Danny smiled at him, ‘That’s no problem,’ he said, ‘Most people feel like that at the start.’
‘That’s why I don’t ask you anything about your problem.’ As Brad looked surprised, he continued, ‘First of all I get you feeling relaxed with me. At the same time, I will ask you all about your life, your home, your hopes, fears and dreams to get to know you.’
‘Only when we both agree that you are feeling enough at ease with me will we discuss your problem. Now, if I ask you a question that you don’t feel able to answer just yet, all you need to do is say pass and we’ll move on. We can return to it later.’
‘If you want to give it a try, we’ll move into the lounge. I’ll ask you to take your shoes off and lie on the settee, then I’ll tell you the first stage. If you want to leave, all you need to do at any time, is to get up and walk out. No explanation is necessary. If you leave, you will always be welcome to return.’
‘Would you like to try?’ Brad couldn’t see any problem trying if he could leave any time he wanted. And Jack had praised him so highly. ‘Yes, please.’ Brad said.
They got up and went through into the lounge. Danny pointed to the settee, so Brad sat down, took his shoes off and lay down. Lewis let him get settled, then went over and sat on the edge by his knees.
Smiling at him he told him, ‘Solving problems has three essential requirements. You’ve already completed two of them. The first one is to admit you have a problem. You did that when you decided to ring and ask me for help.’
‘The second is to actually do something about it. You did that when you came here today and decided to stay. Three is still ahead. That is to stay the course and find a solution. Only you can decide to do that.’
‘In a moment I’ll ask you to turn over. Then as I ask you questions, I will massage your back from head to toe and back again. The questions will help me get to know all about you. The massage will relax you and make you feel at ease with me.’
As he spoke, he studied Brad. He looked about Danny’s size and age, but he was broader in the shoulder and looked quite powerful. ‘Remember you can say pass whenever you want and if anything bothers you just say stop. Turn over when you feel ready.’ Danny said.
Brad turned over onto his front. As soon as he was settled, Danny rested his hands on the back of his head and started massaging. After a few moments he moved down onto Brads broad shoulders and asked, ‘How old are you?’ ‘I’m fifteen,’ he said, ‘I’ll be sixteen next month. Everyone always thinks I’m older.’
Moving down his back, Danny asked, ‘Tell me about your home, the building and who lives there with you.’ ‘I live in a two bedroomed terraced house in town,’ he answered. ‘I live there with mum and dad. I’m an only child.’
As Danny massaged over his cheeks, with no reaction from Brad, he asked, ‘What do your mum and dad do?’ ‘Dad is a manager in a builder’s merchants,’ Brad said. ‘Mum is a cook in the canteen of a local factory.’
As Danny reached his feet and started back up, he asked, ‘How do you all get on with each other?’ ‘They both tell me off sometimes for being untidy at home,’ Brad said. ‘Dad tells me I should do better at school but apart from that we get on well.’
Massaging his cheeks again, still with no reaction from Brad, Danny could feel that they were firm, and his hips were narrow. Coupled with his broad shoulders, he had a good figure.
‘Do you think their complaints are justified?’ Danny asked as he massaged up his back. Brad was silent for a moment then answered, ‘Yes, I suppose they are. I do tend to be a bit messy at home and a subject at school has to really interest me to keep my attention.’
Moving onto his head, Danny massaged for a moment then taking his hands away, he said ‘Turn over.’
Brad turned onto his back. ‘You’re doing ok,’ Danny told him, ‘How are you finding it?’ ‘I expected a grilling,’ Brad said with a smile. ‘I didn’t expect a massage. So, I’m happy with both.’
‘I’m going to do exactly the same on your front now,’ Danny said, ‘With more questions of course.’ ‘Of course.’ Brad said with a grin. Danny massaged his head briefly, then his temples. As he moved down onto his shoulders, he asked, ‘How do you get on with the other boys at school?’
‘Pretty well,’ Brad said, as Danny massaged over his chest. ‘There’s a couple I just don’t like, but they’re not any problem. I have about ten that I’d call friends and two I’d call real good friends.’ ‘What are the names of the two special ones?’ Danny asked as he massaged over his flat hard stomach.
‘Taffy and Scott,’ Brad said, ‘We all came up from primary school together and they both live close to me.’ ‘Tell me all about Taffy.’ Danny said. ‘He’s very quiet,’ Brad said as Danny moved up onto the front of his trousers. ‘He’s brighter than I am but not as strong. He’s a fast runner, he’s in the school team, wouldn’t hurt a fly and I’d trust him completely.’
As Danny’s hand passed over his cock, it was soft, and he couldn’t judge a size. Brad drew his breath in sharply as Danny passed over it, but he didn’t seem to tense up at all. ‘That sounds a good recommendation,’ Danny said, ‘So why haven’t you discussed your problem with him?’
Brad went quiet for a moment, then said, ‘I’d trust him not to say anything, but I’d be too embarrassed to tell him.’ ‘Fair enough,’ Danny said as he started back up from his feet. ‘How about Scott?’
‘He’s the opposite of Taffy. He’s lively, outgoing, no good academically but brilliant at sports. He’s very kind-hearted. I’d trust him with my life, but not a secret.’
‘Still a good recommendation,’ Danny said, ‘You’re lucky to have two such good friends. Considering all the good things you’ve told me about each of them, where would you put yourself in comparison?’ ‘Probably in the middle in everything.’ he answered.
‘Suppose the three of you were standing in a row naked,’ Danny said, ‘Can you describe all your differences.’ Brad called up a mental picture to fit Danny’s description. As he opened his mouth to start speaking, Danny’s hands came up massaging over the front of his trousers.
Before he could speak, he felt his cock suddenly start growing. As Danny’s hand passed over, it moved at his touch and swelled up even more. ‘Stop!’ he cried out and sat up, going red in the face.
Danny stopped and said, ‘Don’t worry about your reaction, I’ve just asked you to think of your two best mates standing naked each side of you. At the same time my hands were massaging over your cock. Because you are relaxing with me, it was a natural reaction and a common teenage thing.’
‘How do you mean, common?’ Brad asked. ‘Well, lots of teenage pals experiment with each other,’ Danny said. ‘It’s just that when you remembered how nice it was, you happened to have a picture in your mind of you all naked. Coupled with a stranger’s hand massaging over your cock. Because it was a stranger you were starting to feel very comfortable with, there couldn’t really be any other result.’
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