The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 8: Daryls First Friend
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 8: Daryls First Friend - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Reaching his head, Lewis told him he was doing well. ‘Do you realise you have told me who beats you?’ he said. ‘That’s because you are feeling safe and relaxed with me.’ Daryl had felt so at ease that he hadn’t realised he had been doing so.
‘When you turn over,’ Lewis told him, ‘I’ll go down your back again. Because your trousers are loose, when I reach your waist, I’ll massage inside your trousers which will relax you even more. If you feel safe enough with me, when I do that, going down or coming up, lift your hips.’
‘If you do that, I’ll slide your trousers down and massage your legs directly on the skin. Turn over if you still feel ok.’
Daryl turned over almost immediately. He was enjoying the relaxing massage. But even more he was enjoying lying in comfort with company and feeling safe.
Lewis massaged the back of his head briefly, then moved to his shoulders. As he massaged them, he asked, ‘Who is your closest friend either in or out of school?’ He wasn’t prepared for the answer he got.
‘I don’t have any.’ Daryl replied sounding sad. ‘None at all?’ Lewis asked unable to hide the surprise in his voice. ‘No,’ Daryl repeated, ‘I suppose I’m usually unhappy and because I keep myself to myself no one gets close.’ ‘Well today that changed.’ Lewis told him. ‘You now have me.’
A lovely warm feeling flowed through him as Lewis spoke, he felt like crying again, but this time with happiness. He couldn’t remember ever having had a friend.
As Lewis reached his waist, he took hold of the loose waistband of Daryl’s trousers, then as he said nothing he asked, ‘What do you do during the school holidays?’ As he spoke, he slid his hand down inside and massaged his cheeks directly over his shorts. Daryl made the first happy noise he had made for years.
Then he answered, ‘I stay away from home as much as I can. If its dry I go walking, or just sit in the park. If it’s wet, I usually go into the library.’ ‘What about eating?’ Lewis asked. ‘Mum nearly always manages to give me something to eat once during the day,’ he said. ‘The rest of the day I often do without.’
‘The lady at the library is very kind, she often gives me some biscuits or fruit. In the park I pick berries.’ As Lewis started to draw his hands out of the back of his trousers, Daryl remembered what he had said and lifted his hips up.
Lewis slid his trousers down to his ankles, then started massaging down the back of his bare legs. He noticed there were more bruises there too. ‘Does Jake ever come into your bedroom?’ Lewis asked. ‘Only when he’s drunk and comes in to beat me.’ Daryl replied.
‘What does he do then?’ Lewis asked as he reached his feet. ‘He’s usually shouting gibberish and drags me out of bed. Then he either thumps me or smacks me for a while. Last night he did it and as it was warm, I just had my shorts on. He was thumping me all over my back and his ring cut it.’
‘I didn’t realise until I saw some blood on the sheet this morning and looked in the mirror. It had stopped bleeding by then, but it must have opened up again when I banged it this afternoon.’
Lewis reached his shorts and massaged his cheeks over them. This time with his trousers out of the way, he was able to massage on both cheeks at once. That produced another happy noise from Daryl. ‘How would you describe that feeling?’ Lewis asked as he took his hands off.
‘I can’t,’ Daryl said, ‘I’ve never felt anything so lovely. It sent lovely sensations all through me.’ ‘Which did you like best,’ Lewis asked, ‘When I massaged your back over your clothes or when I massaged directly on your skin?’ ‘On the skin.’ Daryl said without any hesitation.
‘Ok.’ Lewis said, ‘I’m going to massage your cheeks once more. When I get to your waistband, I’ll take hold of it. If you say up, or say nothing, I’ll carry on upwards. If you say down, I’ll go inside and massage your cheeks on the skin.’
He put his hands on Daryl’s cheeks over his shorts and massaged them both once more. After Daryl’s happy noise faded, he massaged upwards then took hold of the waistband. Daryl said, ‘Down.’ immediately. Lewis slid one hand inside and massaged one small cheek on the skin. As Daryl cried out happily, Lewis moved over to the other cheek and did the same. After another happy cry from him, Lewis slid his hand slowly out.
Then pulling the back of his shorts down below his cheeks, he massaged both bare cheeks at the same time. Daryl shouted out, ‘Oh, that’s wonderful Lewis, it’s so lovely.’ He kept massaging for a while, then moved slowly upwards.
As he moved up his back, he asked, ‘What is your favourite dream of a night-time.’ ‘I don’t dream much,’ he replied, ‘But the best one is when I dream that Jake has gone, my dad has returned, and we all live happily.’
‘Have you ever asked your mum how she feels about living with Jake?’ Lewis asked him. ‘No, it never occurred to me.’ Daryl answered. ‘Do your mum and Jake have sex?’ Lewis asked. ‘I think so,’ Daryl said, ‘Because they are noisy sometimes and mum cries out.’
‘Turn over,’ Lewis said. As he settled, Lewis could see more bruises on the front of his legs. As he massaged his temples, he asked, ‘How would you describe her cries?’ Lewis asked, ‘Are they happy or painful?’ ‘I just don’t know,’ Daryl said, ‘Some of them certainly sound as if she’s in pain but I’ve never had sex, so I haven’t a clue what to expect.’
‘Ok,’ Lewis said as he moved down his chest, ‘Let’s talk about your sex,’ he said with a grin. ‘I assume you are still a virgin.’ ‘Yes,’ Daryl replied with no sign of embarrassment. ‘I’ve no chance.’
‘Why do you think that?’ Lewis asked. As he moved onto his stomach, Daryl said, ‘Not that I’d actually have the nerve to ask a girl out, but I couldn’t afford to take her out anywhere and I certainly wouldn’t take her home.’ ‘Yes, that does make it difficult,’ Lewis said, ‘But one day you’ll have a job and a place of your own.’
‘So, I suppose you just have to enjoy an erotic dream now and again then,’ Lewis said as he moved onto the front of his shorts. ‘Is it one of the girls in your class you dream about?’ This time Daryl did look a little embarrassed. ‘Er, yes,’ he said avoiding Lewis’s eye. Lewis finished massaging over his shorts, feeling a reasonable sized but soft cock.
As he started down his legs he asked, ‘What’s her name?’ ‘Natalie,’ he said looking a little sheepish. ‘What is it about her that you like so much.’ Lewis asked. ‘She looks nice,’ Daryl said. ‘She’s kind too, she says hello and smiles at me sometimes. I think she’s shy too.’ Reaching his feet, Lewis slipped his trousers off over his feet and put them aside.
Starting back up his legs, Lewis asked, ‘When did you have your first dream about her?’ ‘The week I started secondary school,’ Daryl admitted, ‘The day I first met her.’ ‘And how many dreams on was it when you made love to her?’ Lewis asked with a smile.
Daryl said, ‘The second night.’ He was feeling amazed that he was telling Lewis such things. Lewis moved up onto the front of his shorts. As Lewis’s hand massaged over his cock, Daryl experienced the lovely sensation again. But this time, with the combination of being relaxed, and anticipating the feeling, plus having just had his memories of Natalie revived, he felt his cock start to swell.
He had a moment of panic, then the pleasure was too nice to fight, he relaxed and let it grow. As Lewis felt it swelling under his hand, he looked at Daryl’s face. He saw wide eyes and a flash of consternation cross his face, then it was replaced almost immediately with closed eyes and a happy smile. At the same time his whole body seemed to relax.
Lewis massaged a little longer, then moved on up over his stomach. ‘Daryl.’ he said. When he opened his eyes Lewis said, ‘That was bound to happen with talking about your dreams plus my massage. It’s a natural thing, so don’t let it worry you. Remember it happens to me too.’
Daryl looked at him, ‘No one has ever touched me there before,’ he said. ‘And no one has ever felt me go hard. I should be more embarrassed than I’ve ever been in my life, yet within seconds I was relaxed, enjoying it and completely at ease.’
‘That’s wonderful,’ Lewis told him. ‘Not only that you are getting some pleasure, but it shows how much at ease you are getting with me. Soon we will be able to discuss your problem in detail. Then together we can find a solution.’
As Lewis reached his head, he gave it a brief massage then took his hands away. Daryl was lying relaxed, a smile on his face and a large tent pole in his shorts. Lewis smiled at him.
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