The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 4: A Complication for Ernie
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 4: A Complication for Ernie - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Sunday at ten, Ernie and Susan picked Rupert up outside the home. They had both got out of the car to greet him. After hugs and a kiss from Susan, Ernie said ‘We’re having our evening meal at Susan’s. Julie and Gemma, Ella and Lewis are joining us. So, we wondered if you’d like to go and visit your mum this morning.’
‘That would be lovely,’ Rupert said, ‘But they don’t like visitors in the morning, it’s their busiest time.’ Ernie smiled. ‘I rang the Matron and asked,’ he said. ‘She said she knew you wouldn’t be any trouble and you were very welcome.’
Rupert beamed at them, ‘Thank you so much,’ he said, ‘You’re very good to me.’ They drove out to the nursing home and dropped him off. He turned at the door and waved to them, a happy smile on his face.
Ernie and Susan went and had a wander around the shops, then returned to the home an hour later. They texted Rupert saying, ‘When you’re ready, no rush.’
Rupert appeared ten minutes later. He got in the car and just sat quietly. ‘How was she?’ Susan asked him. ‘She seemed fine,’ Rupert said, ‘She had forgotten that I had been yesterday though. I don’t know,’ he said sounding worried, she just seemed different somehow.’
‘Did she know who you where?’ Ernie asked. ‘Oh yes,’ Rupert said, ‘She was the same as always, I don’t know, perhaps it’s me. Anyway,’ he said, ‘It was lovely to see her again so soon. Thank you both so much.’
They returned to Susan’s where she and Ernie had a coffee. Susan made Rupert a chocolate milk shake. They all had some sandwiches to keep them going until dinner.
When Susan said she was going to start preparing dinner, Rupert asked if he could give her a hand. He seemed so eager she agreed. When Ernie popped his head around the door half an hour later the two of them seemed to be getting on like a house on fire, so he left them to it.
He sat down and took the opportunity to work out some estimates for work.
At four o’clock the others arrived. They all sat out in the garden in the sun having a drink and chatting. Ernie heard Rupert telling Lewis and Ella how he and Susan had taken him over to see his mum again this morning. He was clearly delighted at having been. Ernie felt a warm glow in his insides.
The main topic of conversation was the forthcoming wedding. Ernie told them they had confirmed the date with the Registry office and booked the hotel restaurant for afterwards.
Susan handed round envelopes containing their proper wedding invitations. Rupert and Gemma where the most excited to receive theirs as neither had been to a wedding before.
When Julie and Susan were out of earshot of the others, Julie said, ‘It’s lovely that you’ve invited Rupert, but doesn’t that mean there’ll be thirteen of us?’ Susan laughed, ‘Yes it would have done,’ she said, ‘And if it was it wouldn’t have bothered us. However, one of my friends can’t make it, so we’re still twelve.’
Susan and Rupert had laid the table earlier so at five o’clock they all moved into the dining room. They had a lovely meal over a couple of hours. When they had finished the meal, the grown-ups were told to go and sit in the lounge. Lewis and Ella cleared the table whilst Rupert and Gemma washed and dried.
Then they all sat around the table again for a game of cards followed by a game of Cluedo. This time Rupert won. ‘I’m sorry,’ he whispered to Gemma. She felt a bit put out having won every time previously, but she smiled at him. ‘It’s ok,’ she said, ‘Best of three?’ He agreed.
They all had a coffee then Julie, Gemma, Ella and Lewis went home. Lewis went with Ella, as he had cycled over to hers earlier.
‘I’ll run you back in half an hour,’ Ernie told Rupert, ‘Is there anything you’d like to do before we go?’ ‘I’m just happy to sit here with you,’ Rupert said. Ernie smiled at him, ‘There’s some books and magazines in the bottom sideboard draw,’ he said, ‘Have a look and see if there’s anything you fancy looking at.’
Rupert opened the draw. There were several books and magazines. They were all of interest to him. Unknown to Rupert Ernie had bought them during the week based on what he’d learned of Rupert’s likes and dislikes.
Rupert clearly couldn’t make up his mind as he looked through them. ‘They’ll still be here next time you come.’ Ernie said, pleased to see he’d got the selection right. Rupert selected an adventure book and returned to his seat. As he started reading, he couldn’t help thinking happily about the further confirmation in Ernie’s comment that he would be visiting again.
As he read, Rupert kept looking up and glancing at Ernie and Susan. He smiled each time feeling so happy to be there with them. He didn’t realise that Ernie and Susan had noticed. That made them feel as happy as he did.
Soon it was time to go. As they got up Ernie said, ‘Take the book with you if you like.’ Rupert thanked him then went over to Susan. He gave her a hug and a kiss. ‘Thank you for a lovely weekend,’ he said. ‘Thank you too,’ Susan said, ‘You have made our weekend special as well.’
She waved them off as Ernie drove him home in his pickup truck. He had asked Rupert earlier which vehicle he would like to go home in, and Rupert had chosen the truck.
When they pulled up outside the home, Rupert moved over and threw his arms around Ernie. As he gave him a hug, he said, ‘Thank you for having me.’ ‘It’s been a real pleasure,’ Ernie told him. ‘Would you like to come next weekend too?’ ‘Yes please,’ Rupert said, his face lighting up. Ernie gave him a hug and kissed the top of his head. ‘We’ll pick you up at ten o’clock,’ he said. ‘Then regardless of whether your bus pass has come through, we will take you to visit your mum.’
‘It’s putting you to a lot of trouble,’ Rupert told him. ‘No, it’s not,’ Ernie said, ‘When we see you happy, it makes us happy too.’ ‘Thank you.’ Rupert said giving him a lovely smile.
Ernie watched Rupert safely inside, then he sent a text to Lewis. ‘I need help with another problem,’ he said. ‘Can you meet me at my house after school on Monday? Here’s the address.’
As he was arriving back home, he had a reply from Lewis. ‘Yes certainly. I’ll be there about four thirty.’
After school Lewis cycled over to Ernie’s. It was the first time he had been, but he found it easily. Ernie welcomed him in. ‘Mums gone to live in sheltered accommodation,’ he told him. ‘Once I brought Susan to meet her, she decided I would be getting married soon. Without telling me, she went and found a bungalow in a complex that has a twenty-four-hour warden.’
Ernie and Lewis sat at the table with a coffee each. ‘You know we decided to sell both our homes and buy a new one between us?’ he said. ‘Well, the other day Susan went through all the estate agents lists and picked out the three she liked the look of most.’
‘When we picked up Rupert from the home last Saturday, we did a drive past to see how they looked. The third one she liked the best. It was a bungalow. It had the size of garden Susan felt was ideal. It also had a double garage which I had said that I wanted.’ He went silent.
‘I couldn’t put her off getting the estate agent to show us round,’ he said. ‘I have to admit it was lovely inside and Susan clearly loves it.’ ‘I can feel a ‘but’ coming.’ Lewis said. Ernie looked at him with a worried face.
‘It wasn’t just any bungalow,’ Ernie said. ‘It was THE bungalow.’ Lewis looked at him blank. Then as he opened his mouth to ask what he meant, it hit him. ‘You don’t mean Damien’s bungalow?’ he asked. ‘Wow, what’s the chances of that.’
‘What do I do.’ Ernie said. ‘Think about it,’ Lewis said. ‘The chances of anyone discovering Damien was always very, very, unlikely, but it had to be a faint possibility. If someone decided to extend the bungalow at the right point. If they dug up the foundations. If they dug beyond the foundations. All most unlikely I agree, but theoretically possible.’
‘Now, imagine if you and Susan bought it. You are a hundred percent safe.’ ‘How do you mean?’ Ernie asked looking puzzled.
‘Well, the only person who could decide to excavate at that spot would be you.’ Lewis said with a smile. ‘Even if Susan insisted on extending at that very spot, you could do the work yourself and make sure the original foundations weren’t disturbed.’
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