The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 2: Stephens Progress
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 2: Stephens Progress - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘But nothing happened, we woke up to his alarm at seven and were relieved at eight. His parting shot was ‘See you next time kid.’
‘I was sore for most of the following week. I was too embarrassed to report it and as it was my last night of the three, I let it ride. The next time I was on nights, the rota showed three different sergeants for my three nights, so I was happy. Until I turned up and found him there.’
‘I did a swop,’ he said, ‘I knew you would miss me.’ ‘My heart dropped. But I couldn’t think of anything I could do about it. I was even thinking of leaving the RAF. We had a coffee same as last time then he ordered me to strip. Then he started to rape me again, over the table from behind just like last time.’
‘He pushed his cock into me once and stayed still once he was right in like he did previously. Then as he drew out ready to thrust back in again, he suddenly flew backwards onto the floor. I looked round in surprise to find two Military Policemen in the room. Wilkinson was arrested and the older MP told me, ‘Get dressed son, it’s all over now.’
‘What happened next?’ Danny asked. ‘I had to go and see the Winco an hour later. He apologised for what I’d suffered and asked me to sign a statement. He said it would be used only for numbers. My name wouldn’t be known at his court martial. They said he would plead guilty because of the over whelming evidence. I never knew what that was, I assumed it was because he was caught in the act.’
‘I also heard it said that he had a sensor outside the door to the garage to warn him if anyone came in. I don’t know if that was true, but certainly no alarm went off that night.’
‘Well at least it’s all over now,’ Danny said. ‘You can put it behind you.’ ‘That’s what I thought,’ Stephen said. ‘A week later all the young airmen who had done any duty with Wilkinson were sent a text. It said if they had been a victim would they please do a similar anonymous statement. It also gave your name and phone number in case we needed to talk to anyone.’
‘I had decided I could cope ok, especially now it was over. But then several weeks later I started having bad dreams about it. So here I am.’ he said giving Danny a smile.
‘Being raped is a painful and embarrassing form of attack,’ Danny told him as he massaged his head. ‘But it is just that, an attack. Just like someone beating you up in the street. You got hurt, you recovered, it’s over.’
‘By your own admission, you coped with it. So, the only problem you have left, is your memory. Your dreams are simply memories of what happened. If you had a girlfriend and were having sex with her, the memory of that would be uppermost in your mind. That would push out all memories of what Wilkinson did to you because your brain always prefers happy memories. But there is a simple way you can replace the bad memories. I’ll explain that in a moment.’
‘First, I want to tell you a story about your experience with Grant and what might have happened if you hadn’t both been so shy. It’s relevant to your recovery so please bear with me.’ Stephen liked the sound of that, he had had a lot of dreams about that subject.
‘Sit up.’ he said. Danny stood up and told him to lie down again. Once he was settled, Danny sat back on the edge of the settee facing him. He took hold of Stephens cock with one hand and played with his balls with the other.
‘However,’ Danny continued, smiling at him, ‘You know what happened last time we talked about sex. This story will probably have the same effect. But now it will no longer embarrass you. If it does happen there are just two instructions. Enjoy it and let yourself go.’
Stephen felt excited at the idea and unintentionally showed it by his cock throbbing in Danny’s hand. Danny gave it a gentle stroke in return which produced even more stiffening.
‘Imagine yourself back in bed in Ypres,’ Danny told him. ‘You have just felt Grant erect and press into your cheeks. Imagine he had moved his hand down off your side and taken hold of your hard cock. In his sleep, Grant thought he was getting hold of his own cock. So, he stroked it a few times.’
‘Not feeling any sensation on his own cock made him wake up confused. Coming to, he realises he has your cock in his hand and he is erect pushing his hard cock against your bum. He panics. What will you think of him if you wake up. He freezes intending to move away slowly and carefully.’
Stephen’s cock had stiffened up even more under Danny’s hand. Before he can move, you put your hand over his and keep it on your cock. ‘Don’t move away you say, that feels nice.’ Grant relaxes but he’s still worried about what you might think.’
‘I didn’t do it intentionally,’ he said, ‘I woke up and I was here like this.’ ‘You turned over to face him although it was too dark to see his face. ‘It’s ok,’ you tell him, ‘I guessed that, but that didn’t stop it feeling lovely. Did you like it too?’ you asked. ‘Yes,’ he admitted.
‘You put an arm over his shoulders, so he did the same to you. You hugged each other close, your cocks now squashed together with just your shorts between them. You both enjoyed feeling them throbbing against each other.’
Stephen’s cock hit Danny’s hand as it came to full hardness and throbbed at the story. Danny moved his hand and wrapped it around it, just holding it gently. Stephen let out an inadvertent ‘mmm’ at the feeling.
‘Because of your closeness and in the dark, your faces came very close without you realising it,’ Danny told him. ‘Suddenly you were kissing each other passionately. As your cocks throbbed and banged against each other, Grant said, ‘This would be so much nicer with our shorts out of the way.’
‘Ok,’ you replied, ‘Let’s take them off.’ You moved apart, both wriggled out of your shorts, threw them out of the bed and then hugged together again, this time naked cock to naked cock. The feeling of your cock against his was wonderful. You throbbed like mad, as did Grant. Then you both reached down and took each other’s cock in your hand.’
‘Feeling Grants hard cock throbbing in your hand was wonderful. Feeling your own hard cock throbbing in Grants hand at the same time was sublime.’
Grant switched the light on, then threw the duvet off. After studying each other’s cocks, you turned on your backs. Then both of you started stroking each other at the same time. Your special feeling growing seemed even more erotic than usual. It grew very quickly so it didn’t take long before you both fired.
You fired first, your jet of cum soaring in the air and landing on your chest. Before you had finished, Grand shot his load too. You both watched each other’s cum landing as you finished off. After watching each other’s cocks shrink, you lay there with a big pool of cum on each chest. You couldn’t move without making a mess.
Then you had a brilliant idea. You each had two pillows, so you took the pillow case off one pillow each and mopped it all up. That enabled you to get out of bed. You took it in turns to go to the bathroom and wash your chests. Then putting the pillowcases in the basin, you left them to soak overnight.
Getting back into bed naked, you cuddled up to each other. You fell asleep almost immediately in each other’s arms.’
‘When you woke the next morning, you were still locked together. After you were fully awake you kissed each other. ‘That was lovely last night.’ Grant told you.’
‘The next night when you went to bed, you stripped off in the light, no longer bothered about being seen naked. You studied each other’s cocks again in more detail. You were longer than Grant, but he was thicker than you.’
‘You pulled the duvet off again and got up on the bed together. After a long kiss, you kissed down through Grants hairy chest and as you kissed lower, his cock was waving about rock hard. You couldn’t resist kissing it. Then as you kissed around it, you slid your mouth around it and let it slide into your mouth.’
‘It felt lovely, especially when it flexed. Then you suddenly got an amazing feeling. Grant had wriggled around so his head was opposite your cock. He had just taken your cock in his mouth. As your cock slid deep into his mouth, you got an idea of how nice a feeling you had been giving him.’
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