The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 8: Another Airman Lands At Johns

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 8: Another Airman Lands At Johns - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

During the week Danny had a text.

‘Hi Danny, I got your number from Wing Commander Bailey. Could I come and talk to you please. I’m off duty this Friday evening and all-day Saturday and Sunday. If they’re not convenient I’ll let you know more dates when I get my rota for next week.

Thanks, Stephen.’

After checking with John, Danny suggested Saturday morning at ten o’clock. Stephen said that was fine.

Saturday morning Danny arrived at nine o’clock so he could do a bit of gardening first. He skipped his early coffee with John, so they just had a hug and a kiss before he went out back and started work.

At ten-to-ten Danny came in to wash his hands to find John sitting in the kitchen talking to a very slim young man about Danny’s height. He looked like he was in his late teens. He seemed vaguely familiar.

‘I was just about to come and call you,’ John said. Stephen stood up and shook hands, ‘Sorry,’ he said, ‘I arrived earlier than I expected.’ ‘That’s no problem,’ Danny told him, ‘The main thing is that you are here.’ As he washed his hands John said, ‘I’ll get off then. Let me know when you’re through.’

‘I hope I’m not driving you out,’ Stephen said. ‘Don’t worry, it’s not a problem,’ John said, ‘I’m used to fitting my shopping in around Danny’s counselling. It’s been nice to meet you.’ he said, ‘You’re in good hands now.’ He shook hands with him and left.

Danny made them both a coffee and sat at the table with him. He seemed quite cheerful, so Danny wondered if perhaps his problem was something other than what he had assumed.

‘Whilst we have our coffee,’ he told him, ‘I’ll tell you a bit about how I work. Then you can decide if you want to stay or not. But if you do stay, you can get up and leave any time you want to. You don’t need to give a reason because it doesn’t matter. If you’re not happy being here, nothing we do will work.’

‘You should know that other than knowing people on your base, I have no connection to the RAF. Nothing you say or do here, even the fact you are here, will ever be known to anyone unless you choose to tell them. It is possible that sometime in the future your Winco might ask me how many of his airmen visited me as a result of his text. If he does, I will tell him the number. Nothing else.’

‘If you decide to stay, I will ask you to go into the lounge, take your shoes off and lie on the settee. Then I’ll tell you the first stage. Nothing will hurt you and nothing will catch you unawares. Before we do anything, I’ll tell you what it is, why we are doing it and what we hope to achieve. Even then, unless you say ok, it doesn’t happen.’

‘If at any time you feel uncomfortable, just say stop. Also, at the start you might feel unable to answer some of my questions. If you do, just say pass. We’ll move on and return to it later.’

‘Whatever your problem is, we will not talk about it just yet. First, I will get to know all about you. At the same time, you will hopefully get to relax and feel at ease with me.’

‘Do you have any questions?’ Danny asked. ‘Do you know why I am here?’ Stephen asked. ‘I think so,’ Danny told him, ‘But I’ve learned not to jump to conclusions. So, I’ll get you relaxed first. Then when we both think you’re ready, you can tell me all about it.’

‘Ok, thanks,’ he replied. ‘I’d like to stay and try please.’

Danny stood up. ‘If you’re sure, follow me please,’ he said and headed for the lounge. Stephen followed him and without being asked he sat down, pulled his shoes off and lay down. Danny sat at his side and smiled at him. ‘Problems never go away on their own,’ he said. ‘First you have to admit to yourself that you have a problem. You must have done that before you sent me your text. Second you have to do something about it. By coming here today and staying, you have started to do that too.’

‘The only thing that will stop it being sorted now, is if you get up and walk out before we finish. Both of those first things are hard to do. It gets easier from here.’

‘Our first step,’ Danny told him, ‘Is for me to get to know more about you by asking you lots of questions. At the same time, I need to get you feeling relaxed with me. So, whilst I ask you questions, I’m going to ask you to turn over on your front. Then I will put my hands on your head and massage all down your back and up to your head again. The combination of the two things will start us on the road to achieving your total relaxation. So, if you’re ok to start, turn over when you’re ready.’

Stephen turned over immediately. As soon as he settled, Danny rested both hands on his head. As he started massaging, he said, ‘I won’t start down or ask questions until you say go.’

Stephen was enjoying the massage on his head. He had never had one before. Whenever he was having his hair cut, he had always loved the feeling of the barber’s hands in his hair. Now he was getting the lovely feeling as well as being in a more relaxing position.

He felt he could lie there all day, but he managed to say, ‘Go.’ at last. As Danny moved on down to his shoulders he said, ‘Tell me about where you lived after you left school, up until you joined the RAF and who lived there with you.’

As he moved down his back Stephen told him, ‘When I left school, I was living with my mum and dad and a younger sister. As soon as I was eighteen, I moved into my own studio flat. I lived there on my own until I joined the RAF when I was nineteen. I’m twenty now.’ he added.

As Danny massaged over his cheeks he asked, ‘Why did you move from home?’ There had been no reaction to the massages on his cheeks. Stephen answered, ‘I’ve always been quiet and shy. My sister was very popular and outgoing. She always had friend’s round. I decided I wanted my own place and independence.’

Danny was on the back of his legs by now. ‘How did your parents take it?’ he asked. ‘They were upset when I first mentioned it,’ he said, ‘We’d always got on well, so I suppose they had assumed I’d always be there. But they soon accepted it. I used to visit every week and I was within walking distance, so it wasn’t too bad.’

As Danny came up the back of his thighs, he asked, ‘Did you have a job between school and the RAF?’ ‘Yes,’ Stephen said, ‘I worked in a garage for nearly two years. I’d always been fascinated by machinery so working on cars seemed the ideal choice.’

Danny finished massaging over his cheeks and as he started up his back he asked, ‘What made you join the RAF?’ ‘I saw a documentary on tv about apprenticeships in the RAF,’ Stephen told him. ‘They were working on aeroplanes and all sorts of military machinery. It looked much more interesting than just cars, so I looked into it further and joined up a day after my nineteenth birthday.’

Reaching his head Danny told him to turn over. ‘I’m going to go down your front now,’ he said, ‘Just the same as your back and of course with more questions.’ Stephen who had half expected a grilling from the start was quite enjoying himself. The questions were nothing like he had expected, the massage was nice, and he was getting to feel at ease with Danny.

Danny massaged his head and temples then as he moved onto his shoulders he said, ‘Tell me about your hobbies and what you did when you weren’t working before you joined up.’

As Danny massaged his chest, he replied, ‘I like watching sports like football and rugby but I’m no good at actually playing either of them. I spend a lot of time on my computer. I like watching the engineering videos about all sorts of things. I also like some of the computer games.’

‘What about close friends?’ Danny asked as he moved down over his stomach. ‘I’ve got loads of good mates now in the RAF,’ he answered, ‘But before that I was very much a loner. I had a good mate at school, but he and his family moved away after he finished at school. I didn’t really make any others until the RAF.’

As he finished speaking, Danny was massaging over the front of his trousers. There was no adverse reaction. It had been clear to him that Stephen was enjoying all his massaging. This bit was no exception. As Danny passed over his cock, he felt a medium sized soft bulge and he noticed out of the corner of his eye that Stephen had blushed slightly. But he gave a slight grin at the same time.

Moving down his legs, Danny said, ‘I bet you found life very different when you joined up, how did you cope?’

‘I very nearly didn’t,’ Stephen told him. ‘First of all, I was thrown in with a gang of complete strangers. That was something that had always terrified me. Then to make matters worse, we all had medicals together and lived in a dormitory. I had always been such a private and shy person, I almost packed up before I had started.’

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