The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 3: Incest By Example
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 3: Incest By Example - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘He started thrusting in hard immediately, he seemed to be even further up inside me this time. Because of the position he had thrown me into, every time he thrust in, it banged my legs against the end of the bed.’
‘It must have excited him more because he seemed to come sooner. As I felt him swell and shoot, he made more happy grunts. I just felt sick again. After he had shot, he lay down over my back worn out. Then just before he got up, he reached round and felt my breast. That felt revolting too. Not nice like that she added looking down at Danny’s hand massaging her breast.’
‘As he was getting up, he reached underneath and squeezed my breast hard. As I screamed out, he said. ‘That’s for making me wait.’ When he stood up and yanked himself out, he gave me a really hard smack with his hand on my bum. I screamed out again. ‘If you’re going to keep making a noise,’ he said, ‘I’ll have to gag you.’
‘Then he walked out. I lay on the bed and pushed another contraceptive tablet up inside me, then put a tampon in to hold it all inside. I cried myself to sleep again.’
‘The next day I was in the canteen when one of the factory girls came over to speak to me. She was sharing a flat already, but her co occupier was wanting to move in with her boyfriend as soon as her notice finished.’
‘She was happy to move out immediately, so I went to see it from work and moved in two days later. I took a couple of days off, then during the day when I had the house to myself, I packed as much of my stuff up as I could.’
‘I had been given a key to the new flat, so I took it all round there and stacked it in a corner out of the way. That night he came in again. This time I was in bed. I hadn’t bothered barricading the door thinking it was only for one more night.’
‘He walked in naked again, pulled the duvet off and told me to strip off. Then he got up between my legs and put my legs up on his shoulders. He rammed his cock inside me and started thrusting in and out, watching my face as he did.’
‘You disgust me,’ I said, ‘No decent parent would do this to their child.’
‘Go on, you’re enjoying it really,’ he said, ‘Next time you can suck me, that’ll be a new experience for you.’
‘He shot his load and left. The next morning, I waited until I heard him leave for work, packed the rest of my stuff up and left. I put my house keys on the table and left a note.’
‘What did you say?’ Danny asked, still stroking her breast. ‘I put, Goodbye for ever, I no longer have a father. May you rot in hell.’ Pam said. ‘It felt quite satisfying.’
‘So how was your new flat,’ Danny asked. ‘It was lovely,’ Pam said. ‘After a couple of nights, I felt safe again. I cried most nights for a week or so thinking about my dad and wondering if he had illtreated mum. Then I decided there was nothing I could do about it and tried to forget. ‘
‘The girl I was sharing with was nice. We got on well and we’re still friends.’ Pam told him. ‘I just thought with the extra pay I was getting plus it was looking likely my new position would become permanent, I should get on the property ladder.’
‘I took an extra evening job with a local restaurant then just over a year later I had enough for a good deposit and managed to get a mortgage on my present flat. The original secretary never returned so the boss asked me if I’d stay on. When I said yes, he gave me a rise.’
‘Everything was going really well, except there were times when I felt lonely, even though I had company at work and at the flat. Then when I met Richard, I realised I would never be able to let him near me. The idea of lying here like this with any man was beyond my comprehension.’
‘Then when Keith mentioned you, I didn’t see how you could do anything, but he sang your praises so much I decided it would be silly not to try. Thank heavens I did.’ she said giving Danny a lovely smile.
‘Sit up,’ Danny told her. He came round to sit back on the edge and took her in his arms. As she settled against him, he held her tight and told her, ‘You have had an exceptionally bad time, but you have coped well and rebuilt your life. You are well able to take the final step and accept Richard as your boyfriend. When we’re through here you will be able to hold him as we are now, but with him being naked too. He will make love to you properly, so that you enjoy it happily.’
‘In a moment I will go through what happened to you and dissect it. Then we will decide how to take all the fears from your mind. After that you will be able to put all your bad experiences behind you.’
‘Have you seen or heard from your dad since?’ Danny asked. ‘No, I’ve never tried and neither has he.’ Pam said. ‘He doesn’t know where I live but he does know where I was working so he could have done if he’d wanted to.’
Danny held her firmly for a while, then he eased his hold and ran his hands up and down her back. Pam let out a few quiet ‘mmm’s as he did. She was cuddled up to him, happy and feeling safe.
Danny had been giving her head a kiss every now and again. Pam lifted her head up off his shoulder and kissed him on his cheek. Danny turned to smile at her, then Pam leaned forward and kissed him on his lips.
Danny responded gently and briefly, then pulled back. ‘I don’t know what made me do that,’ she said going red. Danny grinned at her, ‘Well whatever the reason, it was lovely.’ he said. ‘Did you enjoy it?’ ‘Yes.’ she admitted, still very red, ‘It was even nicer than last time.’
Danny put a hand each side of her face and gave her another long kiss. As he backed away, Pam’s face was radiant. ‘That was lovely,’ she said. ‘I could never have imagined being able to do that.’ ‘Well start imagining how nice it will feel with Richard.’ Danny told her.
He got up and moved back to the end of the settee. Pam lay down with her head on his lap, completely at ease now moving about naked. Danny rested his hands back on her, one on her head and one on her stomach.
‘Let’s go through what happened,’ he said. ‘First your dad behaved disgracefully and sadly I can see no redeeming factor. I think you have already decided what I would suggest and that is to forget he exists. My suggestion would be to say you lost your mum and your dad at seventeen, should the question ever arise.’
‘Incest, or sex between close family members is not common, but it does happen more than you would think.’ Danny told her. ‘After all, even the Bibles creation story is based on incest. So, it’s not surprising that there are people who would follow suit.’
‘Really?’ Pam said, ‘I’m no expert on the Bible but I don’t remember that.’ ‘You probably do,’ Danny told her, ‘But it just didn’t occur to you to question it simply because it’s the Bible. Religions generally don’t like their followers asking too many awkward questions. Followers are usually trained to accept everything blindly.’
‘According to the Bible, Danny continued, ‘Adam was created by God and was the first man on earth. Nowadays we know that isn’t true of course, but let’s not digress. Having made Adam all on his own, this wonderful deity now couldn’t make Eve without pinching one of Adams ribs. So, if Eve was cloned from Adam, they were as good as brother and sister.’
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