The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 5: Happy Experiences for Carlos
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 5: Happy Experiences for Carlos - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘I found her lump,’ Carlos continued. ‘I started stroking it. She was making happy noises and moving about with excitement. After a short time, she said, ‘Stop now and come inside me.’
‘I got on top of her and lowered my cock into her. As I started thrusting in and out, she said,’ ‘Try and keep a steady speed to start with.’ I did but it wasn’t long before my feeling kicked in. I really struggled to stop myself speeding up, but it was worth it. Just as I was about to give up and speed up, I felt her go rigid beneath me.’
‘Her vagina clamped down on my cock like a ten-ton weight. Yet it felt wonderful. She cried out with a long happy choking sound. I remember thinking I hope no one’s walking past outside. Then as she started to relax, my cock was able to move once more. I started thrusting in again, this time going fast and hard. In seconds my feeling surged through me. I cried out, and as I gave a last thrust in, I shot three spurts of cum into her.’
‘As I collapsed on top of her, my cock started shrinking. She was kissing me and running her hands all over my back. I could have laid there forever. Then she rolled me over onto our sides. ‘Don’t forget that when you’re spent and relax on top, you become very heavy,’ she told me. ‘Always think of your partner. Believe me, the more she enjoys it, the more you will.’
‘As we rolled over my cock had slipped out. ‘When you come out,’ she told me, ‘If you have a condom on and your cock has gone soft it’s easy to leave it behind. That means with your cock out of the way, all your sperms can swim out and make her pregnant. It’s a good idea to get hold of it before you pull out,’ she added.
‘The next thing I knew I was being shaken awake again. This time she was out of bed and fully dressed. She gave me a lovely smile. ‘Much as I hate to say so,’ she said, ‘It’s time for you to go. You’ve been asleep for another hour.’
‘I got out of bed and stood in front of her naked. We kissed and she had a last stroke of my now limp cock. ‘Thank you so much,’ she said. ‘I met you this morning as a boy and I was feeling unhappy. Now I’m going home happy and you’re going home a man.’
‘I got dressed whilst she stood and watched me. I couldn’t believe that I wasn’t feeling embarrassed. We had another hug and a kiss then as I was leaving, she said, ‘Remember next time we meet we are just casual friends.’
‘By the next time you’re at the site, you will probably have a girlfriend. If you haven’t, you’ll always be welcome to visit, but only if you want to.’ I gave her another hug and a kiss. ‘Thank you,’ I told her.’
‘I went back to our caravan. Half an hour later everyone returned.’ ‘How was your day?’ they asked. ‘Lovely I said. I went for a walk. The lady in the fourth caravan down joined me then when we got back, she made me lunch. Then I came back here and put my feet up.’
‘That’s nice,’ my mum said, ‘I believe her boyfriend is paralysed and can’t walk now. She looks after him. She deserves a break.’ ‘I suddenly realised I didn’t even know her name. I asked mum.’ ‘Her name’s Alison.’ she said.
‘I didn’t see her again before we left for home, but I dreamt about her for months afterwards.’ As Carlos had been telling his story, Danny had been massaging his head gently. His other hand had been still. It rested over his limp cock.
As Carlos got into the story, his cock had slowly stiffened up. Once it was fully hard, Danny had started stroking it gently. As he neared the end of his story, Danny had increased his speed several times. As Carlos came to an end, he suddenly felt his special feeling growing, and growing rapidly.
He looked down and saw Danny’s hand moving up and down his erect cock. He immediately thought about the previous time, so he relaxed, closed his eyes, and waited for the special pleasure he knew would soon follow.
He wasn’t disappointed. As his feeling moved towards climax, his whole body felt excited. Then as Danny speeded up slightly more, Carlos’s cock swelled, he screamed out deliriously happy as he shot three loads of cum up into the air.
As his lovely feeling surged through him, then started to fade, his cock also started to shrink in Danny’s hand. Danny kept hold of it until it was completely limp then squeezed out from under his head.
Mopping Carlos’s chest with tissue to soak up all the cum, Danny wiped his chest with the damp cloth and dried him with the towel. Then he wiped his tip making him open his eyes and smile as he gave a happy cry. ‘Apart from you, Alison and me, who knows you are no longer a virgin?’ Danny asked. ‘No one, unless Alison has told anyone,’ Carlos said, grinning at Danny.
Danny moved the cleaning stuff out of the way, then put his arms out. Carlos sat up and they hugged. ‘That’s a lovely story,’ Danny said. ‘It was good that you were both able to help each other. Now you will have confidence to ask a girl out. Also, when you start to get close you will know what to do to keep her.’
‘You are definitely relaxed enough now to discuss your problem.’ He sat back and Carlos put his head back on his lap. ‘Usually at this stage you would be relaxed enough to tell me what happened to you,’ Danny said. ‘But because of how I found you, I already know that Robert raped you.’
‘What I want you to do now is start at the beginning. Tell me how you met Robert, how it happened, exactly what happened and how many times. Then we’ll talk about how it affected you and how to get rid of it from your mind.’
‘It was a year and a half ago,’ Carlos began. ‘I was thirteen and a half at the time. Mum and dad had joined a group that arranged swops with their caravans. You could go and spend a week on another site in someone else’s caravan, whilst they came and stayed in yours.’
‘It was a popular thing because you could then explore different areas and meet different people. We had done it several times and thoroughly enjoyed it.’
‘On this occasion we had done a one-week swop to the lake district. The caravan was similar to ours, so we felt quite at home. In the next van was Robert and his parents. His parents and mine got on well and we did a few things and trips together.’
‘I never took to Robert. He was a miserable sod. He made it clear that he hadn’t wanted to come but had been dragged along by his parents.’
‘Towards the end of the week the four parents decided they were going on a local coach trip for the day. My elder sister wasn’t with us, she had been invited to join one of her school friends and her parents. Robert was adamant he wasn’t going which clearly pleased both sets of parents.’
‘I could have gone too, but I decided to stay behind and explore nearer the van. Mum and dad went off early so I got up with them, saw them off and wandered into the local village.’
‘I treated myself to a breakfast in a little café and looked forward to a nice day on my own. I went on a boat trip on the nearby lake, then went for a walk along a linear park that had once been a railway line.’
‘I returned back to the site late afternoon. No one would be back before eight o’clock, so I was going to have a snack. I went into the van and put the kettle on. I’d just opened the fridge to decide what to eat when the outside door opened, and Robert walked in.’
‘No knock, he just came in and plonked himself down on the settee.’ ‘I’m bored,’ he said. ‘I’ve been out walking,’ I said. ‘I’m just about to have a snack, would you like something with me?’ ‘No,’ he said abruptly.
‘I just carried on looking in the fridge then an arm suddenly came around my neck.’ ‘You can keep me amused,’ he said, dragging me into the middle of the room. ‘Strip off,’ he said. ‘What for?’ I answered as I struggled to break free. As I said, I’m fairly strong but fighting isn’t me and he was older and bigger.’
‘He thumped me in the side knocking the wind out of me. It was also very painful. In fact, it took several days to go. He pulled my top things off and as I objected, he gave me another even harder punch. ‘Get this through your head,’ he said sounding quite nasty. ‘You do as I say when I say, otherwise the pain you’ll feel will make those two lightweight punches seem like a tickle.’
‘So, I stripped down to my shorts. I had no idea what he intended but I was starting to feel fear. As I was stripping off, he was too. Except where I stopped at my shorts, he stripped off naked. His cock was stiffening up and looked bigger than mine and much thicker.’
‘Seeing I’d left my shorts on, he said, ‘What’s up are you shy?’ Then he got hold of the legs of my shorts and yanked them down hard. I was still recovering from the second punch, now I had a sore cock to cope with too.’
‘He grabbed hold of it, I felt awful, no one had ever touched it before. He grabbed my hand and put it round his. As I struggled to pull my hand away, he grabbed hold of my balls. ‘If you don’t do as your told right now,’ he said, ‘I’ll squash your balls so hard you’ll really know pain. Then you’ll never get a hard on ever again.’
‘I took hold of his cock immediately. ‘Play with it.’ he ordered. I felt sick as I messed about with it. Now my balls were hurting too for although he hadn’t squeezed them, he had held them far too tightly.’
‘He let me play with him for a few minutes, then he grabbed hold of me and turned me round. He pushed my head and shoulders down on the table and twisted one arm behind my back.’
‘I still had no idea what he intended, the idea of anyone putting their cock up someone’s bum had never ever occurred to me. A few seconds later his tip hit my bum and forced its way inside. The pain was horrific, and I couldn’t help but cry out. ‘Make too much noise,’ he said, ‘And I’ll give you something to shout about.’
‘As I struggled to keep quiet, he was thrusting in and out of my bum. Every thrust in was excruciatingly painful. I was frightened, disgusted, and so embarrassed at what was happening to me.’
‘He kept going for what seemed ages but was probably only a few minutes. Then he started going even faster. His increase in speed didn’t seem to make the pain any worse, in fact it seemed a little easier.’
‘Then he gave a couple of extra hard thrusts in. I felt his cock swell and then as he did a final thrust in, he cried out and his cock throbbed several times. I felt all my insides go wet and warm then my insides started stinging like mad.’
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