The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 4: Loosing It in a Caravan

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 4: Loosing It in a Caravan - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘I told her how sorry I was and how hard it must be for them.’ ‘It’s a struggle,’ she told me. ‘But I always feel refreshed after I’ve had a few days here.’ We walked for an hour then sat on a hillside looking out to sea.’

Danny reached his waist and took hold of his shorts. He lifted the back and paused. Carlos didn’t break off talking, so Danny slid a hand down inside. Resting it on the cheek furthest from him, he massaged all over it.

Carlos stopped talking then to let out a howl of pleasure. That was repeated when Danny moved over to the other cheek and did the same. It wasn’t until he took his hands out and had massaged down over his shorts onto his thighs that Carlos resumed his story. ‘We were getting on well and chatting like old friends. She asked me about my girlfriend. I said I hadn’t got one.’

‘I’m surprised,’ she said, ‘I would have thought they’d have been chasing you with a body like that.’ I blushed and said, ‘It’s probably because I’m so quiet and shy.’ ‘Once you’ve had your first sex you’ll get more confidence,’ she said. ‘I presume you haven’t?’ she added.’

‘No,’ I admitted, ‘But it sounds like a vicious circle.’ ‘It’ll happen one day,’ she said, ‘Don’t worry.’ We sat for a while then started back. We reached her caravan first. ‘That was lovely, thank you for putting up with an oldie.’ she said. ‘It had never crossed my mind,’ I said. It really hadn’t.’

As Danny returned up over his shorts, Carlos was hoping he was going to go inside again. When he reached his waist and picked up the back of his shorts, Carlos stopped speaking to concentrate on the feelings he knew he would get.

Danny massaged both cheeks in turn getting some happy noises from Carlos. Then as he slid his hands out, Carlos was about to resume his story when he felt the back of his shorts sliding down. Then Danny put a hand on each cheek at the same time. Carlos cried out with ecstasy at the lovely feeling.

After giving them a good massage, Danny drew one index finger from as far down as he could get, then moved up along the crack between Carlos’s cheeks. As he reached the base of his spine, Carlos’s scream of delight started to fade.

As Danny moved on up his back, Carlos continued, ‘I’d already told her my parents would be out all day, so she said, ‘Come in and have lunch with me, I don’t like eating alone either.’ ‘I had enjoyed her company a lot, so I was more than happy to agree.’

‘She made us a snack and we sat eating and talking. When we had finished, I helped her wash up then we sat with a coffee. ‘It seemed strange having you helping me do the washing up,’ she told me. ‘My boyfriend always did that before his accident.’ Then she burst into tears. I didn’t know what to do, I froze for a few moments then I went over and put my arms around her.’

At that point Danny reached his head. ‘Turn over,’ he said. Carlos engrossed in his story turned over. Then he glanced down, saw his shorts had moved down to expose most of his hairs and because his cock was so long and hard, his shorts had lifted a couple of inches so he could see the base of his cock.

Obviously if he could see it, so could Danny. He gave an inner shrug thinking ‘so what’ and returned to his story. As Danny massaged the front of his shoulders Carlos said, ‘She put her arms round me and held me tight. ‘I’m so sorry,’ she said, ‘It just reminded me of happier times.’ I kissed her head without thinking and stroked her hair. ‘You’re so kind,’ she said. Then she moved away and swilled her face in the sink. I just stood there uncertain what to do next.’

‘After drying her face, she said, ‘Come and sit down for a minute, I have an idea.’ We sat on the settee as she told me, ‘I’m going to suggest something that will help both of us,’ she said. ‘I’m asking you to listen to me first, then if you don’t agree, it’s fine, it has to be your choice.’

‘I had no idea what was coming next, so I just nodded. ‘I love my boyfriend with all my heart,’ she said. ‘I’d never dream of leaving him because of how he is. It’s difficult for me, but I know it’s even more difficult for him.’

Danny reached his shorts and massaged over the top, making sure that he gave every bit of Carlos’s cock an extra good massage. There was silence as Carlos enjoyed the sensation. Then as Danny moved down his legs, he managed to take his story up again.

‘The simple things, like washing up together, is something we can no longer do together, and it upsets me sometimes.’ I started to apologise. ‘No, no,’ she said, ‘Don’t apologise, it will be a happy memory to carry with me.’

‘One of the things my boyfriend can no longer do,’ she continued, ‘Is have sex. Naturally that means that I can’t have sex either. So, here’s me who’s had sex and desires it because I know how lovely it is. Whilst you haven’t had it but desire it because you want to experience it.’

‘If you want to,’ she said, ‘We can have sex this afternoon. No commitment, no repeats. You can give me the pleasure that I’m missing and in return I’ll give you the pleasure of having your first sex. Plus, if you need it, I’ll give you some tips.’ I had gone hard as soon as I realised what she was suggesting.’

Danny had returned to his shorts and was massaging over his shorts once more. Carlos went silent again, too busy with the enjoyment. As Danny returned to his waist he kept hold of his shorts and said, ‘The back of your shorts are already down. That made the massage on your cheeks even nicer. The front would have the same effect. If you lift your hips, I’ll slide them down and off. If you don’t, I’ll carry on upwards.’

Danny had hardly finished speaking when Carlos’s hips shot up. Danny pulled them down after having to reach in and hold his cock down. Carlos sounded as if he was choking as he tried to make twice as many happy noises.

Taking them off over his feet, Danny started massaging up his legs. Carlos resumed his story.

‘She spotted it and said, ‘Well someone wants to. I’m flattered, but don’t let your cock rule your head.’ she said, ‘Don’t think about the sex, think about how you would feel afterwards. How would you feel next time we met.’

‘I’m going to go into the bedroom,’ she said. ‘If you decide no, we’ll still be friends, just let yourself out.’ She came over and took my face in her hands. She kissed me on the lips. ‘Thank you for a lovely day.’ she said and left the room.’

At that point Danny reached the top of his thighs. Carlos stopped talking as he drew his knees up and apart slightly. Danny massaged his balls gently, then ran his fingers up each groin. That made Carlos’s cock wave about happily.

Then Danny ran his fingers through his hairs before running a finger up the underside of his cock. As Carlos screamed out in delight, Danny took hold of his cock with all of his hand. That brought out another scream of joy. As Danny put his index finger over the tip and stroked it, Carlos went rigid, then as he cried out, ‘I’m coming,’ he shot four spurts of cum up into the air.

As soon as he realised, Danny started stroking up and down. He kept going until the cum stopped flowing, then slowed down to a stop. Carlos had had no inkling he was about to fire. He had just been enjoying the lovely sensations. As his feeling appeared and shot to maximum in seconds, he didn’t even have time to feel embarrassed. He screamed out in ecstatic happiness as his cum emptied out. The feeling surging through him being so exquisitely lovely.

He watched as his cock shrank in Danny’s hand. It feels very special having him holding it, he thought to himself. When it was soft, Danny lay it down on his hairs. ‘Just lie still.’ he said. Getting up he fetched his usual cleaning stuff.

As he sat down Carlos said, ‘I’m sorry, I had no idea, it just happened.’ Danny mopped up the cum off Carlos’s chest and smiled at him. ‘No need to be sorry,’ he said, ‘It’s another lovely compliment. You’re not going to get any more relaxed with me than you are now.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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