The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 8: Caught In The Act

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 8: Caught In The Act - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

During the week Lewis had checked his camera each night and seen nothing untoward. He’d had no texts from Ollie or Jerry, so everything pointed to this Friday.

Last Friday Lewis had watched live from eleven o’clock through to one but saw nothing other than Ollie going to bed normally and reading before going to sleep.

During the week Lewis had been in touch with DC Walters. and put him on alert. He’d met up briefly, given him the details, the spare keys, and the address. He felt he could now trust him to wait until he was called.

He also gave him a copy of Ollies map of the flat and pointed out which room it would be if anything happened.

On Thursday he texted Ollie and asked him to let him know if Amos arrived the next day.

Friday at seven he had a text from Ollie. ‘Amos just arrived, brought wine as usual. Jerry had had to leave before he came to visit a sick relative and will be away all night.’

‘Thanks Ollie,’ Lewis texted back, ‘Do everything as normal and I’ll be in touch on Saturday.’

Lewis texted Aiden to alert him. ‘We’ll be outside at eleven.’ Aiden replied. ‘Ok, I’ll keep you updated from eleven onwards.’ Lewis told him.

At five to eleven Aiden texted, ‘Parked outside.’ Lewis sent a thumbs up back.

Just after half eleven, Lewis saw Ollie come into his bedroom. He was yawning excessively. He got undressed down to his shorts, then fell rather than climbed into bed. He seemed to go asleep immediately. Fortunately, Lewis had given him a time switch for the night light which came on at eleven and stayed on until daylight.

Lewis texted Aiden. ‘Victim in bed, looked as if he was either drunk or drugged.’ Aiden knew from what Lewis had told him that it was probably the latter.

Fifteen minutes passed, then he heard a noise. Two men appeared, a young one of similar age to Ollie whom he thought must be Vincent. The older one he presumed was Amos. Both were wearing nothing but shorts.

They seemed surprised to see the room lit up. ‘Shall I switch it off?’ the younger one asked. ‘No, leave it on,’ the older one said, ‘That makes it easier for us. It’s not going to bother Ollie, he’s well out of it.’

They were talking at a normal level, so they clearly didn’t expect their voices to disturb Ollie. Then Amos pulled the duvet off the bed. Ollie didn’t disturb. The two of them took hold of Ollies shorts, one each side. Between them then pulled them down and off over his feet. Leaving Ollie still fast asleep and naked on the bed, they both stood looking at him, their cocks sticking out hard in their shorts.

Lewis texted Aiden. ‘Enter the building, wait at flat door.’ Amos stood looking at Ollie, he was rubbing his hand over his own cock as he said, ‘He’s bigger than Jerry.’ Vincent took his own shorts off and stood there grinning. Amos said, ‘I’m going to sit astride him, you get him hard for me.’

As Amos started stripping his shorts off, Vincent got up on the bed and lifted Ollies limp arm up. Then he rested it on his own cock. Vincent started playing with Ollies cock which soon grew fully hard.

As Vincent got off the bed, Amos rolled Ollie onto his back. His cock now sticking up in the air.

Amos got up on the bed astride Ollie, clearly intending to sit down and impale himself on Ollies cock. Vincent got up in front of him, also astride Ollie. He put his cock in Ollies mouth then held onto the bed’s headboard.

Amos took hold of Vincent’s shoulders to steady himself and lowered himself down so Ollies cock went up his bum. Ollie cried out in his sleep as his dry cock entered a dry bum caused him enough pain to disturb his drugged sleep pain. When Amos sat right down with all his weight on Ollie, he sat still for a while.

Then as he said, ‘Go,’ Amos started lifting up and down on Ollies cock and Vincent started thrusting his cock in and out of Ollies mouth in time with his dad.

As soon as they had done a couple of strokes, Lewis texted Aiden. ‘Go.’ Lewis had told him that unless he texted otherwise, the assault would be in the room he had pointed out on the plan.

Aiden opened the front door quietly, then he and his colleague went quietly through the flat to the door of Ollies room. Vincent hadn’t closed it fully behind him, so Aiden was able to move it further open without a sound. He watched them both at it for a few seconds then with some hand signals to his colleague he indicated that he would take Amos whist his colleague went for Vincent.

Vincent and Amos both had their backs to the door and were engrossed in their pleasure. It must have been a terrible shock to them when two strange men suddenly appeared at their side.

‘Police,’ they both said together. ‘You are under arrest for assault.’ Amos climbed off and was handcuffed. ‘Sit there,’ Aiden ordered. ‘You get dressed he told Vincent who was also now off the bed.’

Once Vincent was dressed, he was handcuffed then Amos was released so he could get dressed. Aiden’s colleague had tried unsuccessfully to rouse Ollie, so an ambulance was called.

Amos now dressed, was handcuffed again. They were taken through to the lounge to await the police van. Aiden’s colleague stayed with them.

Meanwhile Aden had managed to pull Ollies shorts back on and had covered him up with the duvet.

Lewis sent a text. ‘Well done, thank you. I have a video which I’ll drop into the station in the morning. Suggest you search Vincent’s bedroom for sleeping tablets or similar. Would appreciate confirmation that Amos is the sole owner and any info on outstanding finance on the flat.

‘I will ask Jerry, the other tenant to call in and give you a statement about his experiences.’

Aiden sent a thumbs up.


The next day Lewis went to work via the police station. Aiden was out so he left the envelope with the DVD in with the desk sergeant. Reaching the shop early, he let himself in and went through to the back room.

First, he rang Jerry. ‘It’s all sorted,’ he told him. ‘Vincent and Amos have been arrested for assault and rape. I need you to go into the police station today and ask for Detective Constable Walters. He will take a statement from you.’

‘Then come and see me at the shop at five o’clock.’ That arranged, Lewis rang Malcom the previous tenant.

‘Hi,’ Lewis said, ‘Just to let you know that Amos and Vincent were arrested last night. They were caught in the act raping a tenant.’ There was silence for a moment then Malcom said, ‘So I really wasn’t going mad after all. Does that mean I was raped too?’ he asked.

‘It looks very much like it,’ Lewis told him. ‘What I’d like you to do,’ Lewis said, ‘Is go into the police station today and ask for Detective Constable Walters. He will take a statement from you about what you felt and why you left.’

‘Then if you feel you are going to have difficulty coming to terms with what happened to you, call me and we’ll arrange for you to come and see me. That offer is open indefinitely.’ Lewis told him.

‘Ok Lewis,’ Malcom said, ‘Thanks for letting me know and I’ll keep your offer in mind.’

Then Lewis’s phone rang. It was Aiden. ‘Hi Lewis,’ he said, ‘Thanks for the video, I’ve just shown it to Amos and Vincent. They are in front of the magistrates this morning and intend to plead guilty, I’ll let you know the result later. Here’s the information you wanted. The flat is owned by Amos and is fully paid for.’ ‘Thanks,’ Lewis said, ‘I have an idea, but I’ll run it past you after I’ve spoken to the victims.’

Just then Mike arrived. ‘You’re early.’ he said. ‘I left home early as I had to drop a DVD off at the police station,’ Lewis told him. ‘As Aiden was out, I only had to drop it off with the desk sergeant, so I was here quicker than expected.’

‘So, I presume you were busy last night.’ Mike said grinning. ‘Yes,’ Lewis told him, ‘I caught a landlord and his son who were drugging, then raping his tenants.’ ‘Wow,’ Mike said, ‘You do see life don’t you.’

They had their usual busy morning then Lewis went to the chippy. They were sitting in the back room having just finished eating when Aiden rang.

‘Just thought you’d like to know,’ Aiden said, ‘The magistrate decided it merited a much longer sentence than he could give so they’ve been sent to the crown court. Because of the seriousness of the offence, plus the fact that their victims lived in the same flat, they were both remanded in custody.’

‘Oh, by the way,’ he added, ‘When we searched Vincent’s room, we found a pill container with about twenty very powerful sleeping pills in. It turns out that Vincent works in a chemist’s shop. He had managed to pinch one tablet each time someone got a prescription for the strong ones. He decided no one would bother if they were only one pill short. It seems he was right.’

‘How’s Ollie?’ Lewis asked when he’d finished speaking. ‘He’s fine,’ Aiden said. ‘He came round this morning with a sore bum, but no other aftereffects. A blood test showed he had taken the same sleeping pill as the ones in Vincent’s container. We also got a swab from both ends which match Amos and Vincent’s semen, so it’s another nail in their coffin.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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