The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 7: Dudley Scores A Bullseye

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 7: Dudley Scores A Bullseye - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Dudley arrived at the shop early so he said Hi to Mike who was serving and went through to the back room. He prepared coffees but didn’t switch the kettle on yet. He hadn’t intended to arrive so early. It was just how things had worked out.

He sat alone looking around. Thinking of all his experiences in this room he felt so lucky that Lewis had come along when he did. I’ve got my life, my health, a place in the swimming team, a girlfriend, money in the bank and new friends he thought. All thanks to Lewis.

Soon Lewis arrived and Mike closed the shop. Going through into the back room, they all had a hug then sat down to their coffees. Mike had another handful of envelopes, thirty-two today. They opened them to find one with a completed form promising the four forty at the end.

Twenty-six had nothing in but a five-pound note. Three had a completed form and a five-pound note. These were marked paid. The last two had nothing but a ten-pound note in. Added up it came to a hundred and sixty-five plus the promise.

‘It’s amazing that it’s still coming in,’ Mike said. ‘There can’t be many people in the area who haven’t sponsored you. What’s it like to be so popular?’ Mike asked him grinning.

Then he realised there were tears pouring down Dudley’s face. He went over and put his arm around him. ‘What’s up?’ he asked. ‘I was just sitting here before you both came in,’ he said. ‘I was thinking of all the wonderful things that have happened to me since Lewis stopped me jumping off the bridge. Then when you said I was popular as well I couldn’t help crying. But they’re tears of happiness.’ he said trying to grin.

Mike held him close, ‘What do you mean about jumping off the bridge?’ Mike asked puzzled. ‘Don’t you know?’ Dudley asked, ‘I was so upset about my weight I was about to jump off the motorway bridge. Lewis happened along, somehow realised what was on my mind and stopped me. I wouldn’t be here today if it hadn’t been for him.’

‘I had no idea, Dudley,’ Mike said hugging him even harder. ‘Well, you have certainly turned your life around since then.’ Dudley got up and went over to Lewis. Hugging him he said, ‘I know I’ve said thank you before, but I can never thank you enough.’ Lewis hugged him. ‘I did very little,’ he said modestly, ‘You have done all the hard work.’

‘Well, I’m off.’ Mike said. He gave Dudley another hug. ‘When we have our little get together very soon,’ he told him, ‘I will feel very proud to have my cock played with by someone who has achieved so much.’ He gave him a kiss then left.

When Lewis was seeing him out, they had their usual hug and a kiss. Mike said, ‘You never cease to amaze me the things you do. I’m so proud of you.’

Lewis returned to Dudley who had been and washed his face. He was stripping off as Lewis walked in. His cock was still soft, so he did his push ups first. By the time he had collapsed on the floor he had done sixty-eight. ‘Brilliant,’ Lewis said, ‘One point.’

‘Let’s do finances next,’ Lewis said sitting down on the settee. Dudley lay down with his head on his hero’s lap. ‘I put all my pocket money in the bank,’ Dudley said, ‘Because a cousin of my mums visited during the week. She gave me twenty pounds, plus a twenty pounds sponsorship. Alison and I went out for a MacDonalds on Friday which Alison paid for. Then we went to the cinema which I paid for. It cost thirteen pounds. On Saturday afternoon we took a bus out into the country and had a walk. Amongst other things,’ he added with a grin. ‘We took sandwiches with us, so I just paid the eight ponds for the bus.’

‘So now you have three hundred and forty-five pounds in the bank and two pounds eighty-three in your pocket.’ Lewis said. ‘Very well done, another point.’

‘Sit ups next,’ Lewis told him. Dudley got back down on the floor and did sixty-eight, only struggling with the last ten. ‘Well done, another point.’ Lewis told him.

‘Come back and tell me about your special exercises now,’ Lewis said. Dudley settled back with his head on Lewis’s lap. Smiling up at him he said, ‘There were eleven this week. Monday night I dreamt of our threesome in here with Michael. Tuesday was me and you firing each other. Wednesday was me and Michael firing each other. Thursday was making love to Alison. Friday Alison and I made love at hers on the settee, then I dreamt about it later. Saturday Alison and I made love in a field out in the country. Then again at hers when we got back. I still managed to dream about it that night. Sunday, I made love to Alison at hers and dreamt about it later.’

‘I’m not going to bother asking if they were good ones,’ Lewis said, ‘I think your face said it all.’

‘Now feet ups.’ Dudley got back down and did sixty-eight feet ups, struggling with the last five then dropping his feet with a crash after the last one. ‘Well Done,’ Lewis said, ‘That’s another point.’

‘Now, I’ve left this to the last. Scales next.’ Dudley stood up and waited whilst Lewis put the scales in place. He kept his eyes looking forward as he stepped onto them. As he waited for Lewis to read out his weight his heart was pounding.

Lewis let his anticipation build before calling out slowly, ‘Eleven stone and,’ he paused then continued, ‘Seven pounds. Dudley, you have done it!’

Dudley stepped off the scales and hugged him. ‘I can’t believe it,’ he said, ‘I didn’t really think I’d ever succeed.’

They sat down, side by side. Dudley had a big beam on his face. ‘Here’s what we’re going to do,’ Lewis said. ‘First of all. I want you to be extra careful eating this week, so it doesn’t go up again.’

You can tell Alison and Michael that you’ve done it and your family, but we won’t announce it officially until after next Monday.’

‘When you come next week, before Mike goes home you can strip to your underpants and get on the scales. Then Mike will be an independent witness to your weight on that day. Then Tuesday you can publicise it and ask all the promises to pay up.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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