The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 6: Kirk Can’t He’s Dead
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 6: Kirk Can’t He’s Dead - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Danny kept going as Normans cock swelled in his grip then throbbed as it fired several shots of cum. Accompanied by an ecstatic sounding wail from Norman it soared up and then landed on his chest. The quantity was big, but his hairy chest held it in place.
Danny slowed down to a stop as Norman stopped firing. Then he held it gently as it shrank. Norman looked at him with a big beam on his face. ‘That was amazing,’ he said. ‘Thank you.’
Danny mopped as much cum up as he could out of his hairs. Then he went and fetched a wet cloth and towel. Giving his chest a good wash, Danny dabbed it dry then gave Norman the towel.
Whilst he was rubbing his chest dry, Danny picked up his cock and wiped the tip. It was the first time he’d seen Norman soft. It was circumcised so there was no reaction from Norman as he wiped it. It was only about two and a half inches long now it was soft. It wasn’t much thicker than Danny’s little finger either.
Norman saw him studying it. ‘There’s not much of it, is there?’ he said. Danny smiled at him, ‘But it grows a lot when it’s hard,’ he said, ‘And I can assure you it’s then big enough to give your girlfriend all the pleasure she desires.’
Norman felt quite relieved to hear that although he still wasn’t a hundred percent sure. But by now he trusted Danny completely, so he accepted it happily.
‘Sit up,’ Danny told him holding his arms out. Norman sat up, then they hugged. Danny kissed him on his forehead then Norman moved his head and kissed Danny on his lips. After a short kiss, Danny said, ‘That was nice, but you need more practice.’ He kissed him long and hard.
When they broke for air, all Norman could get out was, ‘Wow.’ ‘Stay sitting up,’ Danny told him. He moved to the end of the settee so Norman could lie down with his head on Danny’s lap.
‘Now,’ Danny said, ‘During your answers to my questions earlier, you confirmed my assumption that you were a victim of Sergeant Wilkinson. So now I know, and given what we have done so far, you should have no problem with my next instruction.’
‘I want you to tell me every little detail of what happened to you. How it started, where it happened and how you felt. Take your time and try not to miss anything out. Then we will decide what we need to do so that you can put it behind you for good.’
‘Is that possible?’ Norman asked looking hopeful. ‘I’m sure it is,’ Danny told him, ‘But we’ll come to that later. Off you go.’ He rested one hand on Normans head and stroked it very slowly and gently. His other hand he rested still, over his soft cock.
Norman cast his mind back and began. ‘The first few months after joining were rough,’ he said. ‘We had to train first as soldiers. It was physically hard and because of my excess weight I found it very difficult. But I persevered and the time came for our passing out parade.’
‘Mum and dad and my sisters came to watch, then I showed them round the base afterwards. They were clearly very proud of me. I felt good about that. But I was also pleased with myself at getting through it.’
‘I had a week’s leave then before I started training as an apprentice. I had to work on ordinary vehicles first and qualify as a mechanic. Then I could transfer when there was a vacancy and train for working on planes if I wanted to. Which I do.’ he added.
‘The first few weeks were great. I learned a lot. The Sergeants teaching us were good mechanics and easy to get on with. Then after a while I was added to the night shift list. Because we are a fully operational base, we had to do three nights every fourth week.’
‘We still worked through the night and trained, but unless there were urgent jobs waiting, a lot of the night was spent sitting in the mess room in the roof, drinking coffee.’
‘My first nights went fine, all with the one Sergeant who was nice. Then the first night of the next three I had him again. After that everything changed. The second night I had a new Sergeant who was rough and grumpy. I worked with Sergeant Wilkinson in the garage without problem up to eleven o’clock. Then he sent me up to the mess room to put the kettle on.’
‘I’d done the same with the other Sergeants, so I thought nothing of it. Soon after he came up to join me. We sat drinking our coffee and chatting. He asked me how I was finding the RAF and commented on my being overweight. I told him I’d been a lot heavier when I joined but basic training had thinned me down a bit.’
‘So, are you fit and strong now?’ he asked. ‘I’m certainly much fitter,’ I said, ‘And I’m probably a bit stronger. But basically, I’m soft. He asked me about my hobbies and then asked if I did any martial arts or similar things. I told him I wasn’t a fighter. In fact, I said, I’ve never ever had a fight until we did it here in training.’
‘He seemed to lose interest after that. We sat in silence for a while finishing our coffees. Then I got up, collected his cup and washed them. As I came back towards the chair, he told me to stay on my feet.’
‘He got up and told me to come and stand by the table. I did, you are trained from the word go to do as you’re told when you’re told. ‘Strip off,’ he said. I looked at him startled.’
‘Don’t you understand an order,’ he screamed, ‘Strip off or I’ll do it for you.’ I stripped to my underpants starting to feel scared. When I stood still in my underpants, he screamed at me again. ‘When I tell you to strip, I mean strip,’ he screamed. ‘I’ll give you two seconds then I’ll do it for you. Believe me you’ll regret it.’
‘As he moved towards me, I chickened out and yanked them off. He looked me up and down, then he laughed. ‘What do you call that?’ he sneered, pointing at my cock hanging limp between my legs.’
‘Before I could decide what to say, he said, ‘Eat your heart out kid.’ Then he started stripping off himself. I just stood silently watching. Then as he took his shorts off, I couldn’t help a gasp. His cock was a whopper.’
‘He must have heard me. He gave me an evil grin and said, ‘Jealous kid? This is what a woman wants, not little tiddlers like yours. Get hold of it.’ he ordered. I didn’t move. I don’t think I should Sarge, I said.’
‘He thumped me in the side hard. He was a really hefty man. It knocked the wind out of me as well as giving me a lot of pain that lasted for days. So, I got hold of it. At my touch it went hard. I’d never seen anyone erect before and to hold such a whopper made my cock go hard too.’
‘He laughed, ‘Your little fella is feeling jealous,’ he said. ‘Now bend over the table.’ I don’t think ... I started to say. ‘I’m going to fuck you whether you like it or not,’ he said. ‘If you do as your told I’ll use Vaseline to make it easier for you. If you don’t, I’ll just go in dry. Believe me that will hurt more than you’ve ever hurt before.’
‘I bent over the table. He poked something sticky up my bum which I assumed was Vaseline. Then there was a pause whilst he rubbed some on his cock. Then next minute he shoved his enormous cock up my bum.’
‘Nothing gentle, just rammed it in as far as it could go. I felt as if my insides were being torn apart. Then as soon as he was in, he started thrusting in and out fast and hard. Every thrust in was painful.’
‘Soon he was speeding up, he had hold of my hips so as he thrust in, he was pulling back on them. That made his thrust even more forceful. Then as he gave several extra hard thrusts in, I felt his cock swell even bigger as it shot all his cum into me. My insides suddenly felt wet and warm. I felt sick at the thought of what was inside me.’
‘He lay his top down over me. All his weight was on me making it hard to breath, then after what seemed like ages he lifted up. His cock had gone soft by then, but it was still very tight inside me. He just yanked it out and got dressed.’
‘He gave my bum a smack with his hand. ‘Come on kid, get dressed,’ he said. After I was dressed my insides still felt sore. He took me down to the base’s ambulance parked in the garage. We got in and slept on a stretcher each for the rest of the night.’
‘When we got up the following morning, he told me that if I reported him, he’d find me, and I would wish I was dead. I knew I couldn’t do anything anyway as I had no proof. Also, it was frowned on to complain about higher ranks. I consoled myself with thinking it was a one off, and I probably wouldn’t be teamed up with him again.’
‘I looked at the rota and he wasn’t shown as being on, another Sergeant was on with me the next two nights. When I went on duty the next night, still with a sore bum, I got a shock.’
‘He was there. ‘Surprised to see me?’ he smirked. ‘I got a swop. I thought you might miss me.’ The whole night was a repeat of the last one. The next day my bum was even more sore. I had a terrible time the following day, but I couldn’t think of what to do.’
‘Then when I went on duty my heart leapt. It was a different Sergeant. The whole night was great. When we were sitting in the mess having a coffee, I thought about telling him. But I couldn’t bring myself to tell anyone what had happened.’
Norman continued, ‘The next morning, I was happy thinking that was that. At least I knew I’d be ok for three weeks. The next time I was due for the night shift I checked the rota. I was on with three different Sergeants, none of which was Wilkinson.’
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