The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 6: Danny Discovers a New Uncle Mike

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 6: Danny Discovers a New Uncle Mike - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Danny and Lewis left Mikes and set out for the shop. It was only a ten-minute walk, so even meandering they soon arrived. The shop was having a quiet spell, so Mike was delighted to see them, giving them both a hug.

In response to his question about what they had been doing with themselves, they told him they had sat and chatted for ages to catch up, then gone for a walk into Town and done some shopping. Mike had some news for them. I’ve thought where I’m taking you tomorrow, he told them, how about a day at Alton Towers Theme Park in Staffordshire.

Danny and Lewis were delighted. Mike told them they would make an early start and have a drive through breakfast enroute so as to get there before the crowds. “You can get a snack midday, then we’ll stop on the way home for a proper meal,” he told them. Then he had an idea, “tell you what, why don’t you two go round to Lewis’s until closing time. Lewis, ask your parents if you can come and stay with us tonight, then we can get away early. I’ll come and pick you up as soon as I close, then I can meet your parents. We should be home again about nine o’clock tomorrow night.”

Danny and Lewis thought that was a wonderful idea, they both instantly had the thought, perhaps we can share a bed for the night. They set off right away.

Arriving at Lewis’s they found everyone out except his Mum, who once she knew Mike was calling so she would meet him, agreed and went to pack a few things for Lewis. Whilst she did that, Lewis showed Danny his room and some of his things.

At quarter past five, Mike arrived and introduced himself to Lewis’s mum. She was charmed and thanked him for taking Lewis out for the day. “No problem,” he told her, “He’s great to have working with me and he’s become good friends with me and my nephew, so we wouldn’t dream of going without him.”

Lewis kissed his Mum goodbye, promising to text her the next day. Mike handed her a piece of card with his name, address, phone number and car registration number on. “I don’t suppose he gave you any contact details,” he said with a grin.

Back at Mikes, they decided that they would go out for an early dinner. As it was only a two bedroomed house, Mike told them, “Before we go, Lewis, take your things upstairs, Danny, move some of your stuff into my room, you can share the double bed with Lewis, and I’ll take your bed for the night. The two boys went upstairs feeling excited at the thought of the night ahead.

Mike had wondered how close Lewis and Danny had got in the short time since they had met, but catching their expressions as they left the room, left him in no doubt. He was pleased, after the trouble Danny had had, he deserved some fun, and he knew Lewis would look after him well. Funny how the ages are the wrong way round seeing as Danny acts like the youngest, he mused to himself, although he has certainly come out of his shell since he met Lewis.

When the lads came down, they went out to eat. Whilst they had been upstairs, Mike had rung and booked a table at the local Harvester. They all had a starter, main and then a desert off the trolley. Washed down with a couple of cokes, they all enjoyed their meals. Mike had stuck to coke too seeing as he was driving home plus, he had an hour and a half’s drive each way tomorrow.

They got back to Mikes about nine o’clock, full and happy. Once they were all inside, Mike put the kettle on and said, “Let’s all go and get ready for bed, then come down and have a hot drink. Then when we go up, we only have to jump in and go to sleep.” Danny and Lewis had other ideas, but as they had all night it would have been churlish to refuse.

Upstairs, they all took turns in the bathroom, Danny and Lewis stripping off together whilst Mike was in the bathroom. They avoided any contact, not wanting to go downstairs with a hard on showing. Even so, just seeing each other naked made them both stiffen up a little.

But by the time they were all downstairs, everything had subsided. Anyway, sitting around the kitchen table kept everything out of sight. All three of them were wearing shorts and a T shirt, so no one felt odd one out.

Mike made them all a coffee and put out a plate of chocolate biscuits. Even though they were all full, these seemed to magically disappear in no time. They chatted about tomorrow’s trip, Mike had been before years ago, but neither Danny nor Lewis had ever been. Mike had discovered a brochure that showed all of the rides. It was a few years out of date, but he thought most of them would be the same. Once you had your entrance ticket, the rides were free to go on. Mike told them that it was his treat, he would get their tickets, then they could go on any rides they wanted. He wanted to spend time with the magnificent model railway layout they had, it was the biggest layout he had ever seen.

Danny and Lewis were agog looking at the pictures of the rides and planning which ones they would go on first. Eventually the conversation came around to other things, Mike asked them about school, then during conversation, Lewis said, “Roy from school went to Alton Towers recently, he was telling everyone how wonderful it was, and that the day wasn’t long enough to go on all the rides.” Danny recognised the name and started to say, “Isn’t he the one who...” he tailed off remembering his uncle was present. Mike looked at him enquiringly, so Lewis stepped in and said, “I was telling Danny this morning that to hear Roy boasting, you’d think he’d had sex with every girl in the school, but Peter and I recon he wouldn’t know what to do if he had the chance.” Mike laughed, then said, “The ones that brag about it are usually the ones who’ve never had it.”

Spotting Danny looking at him in amazement, he grinned at him then told him, I may be older than you two, but I’m still just a horny teenager at heart.” Danny was seeing a new uncle tonight and it must have shown in his expression. Mike told him, “Relax, Danny, forget the uncle tonight, we’re just three lads sitting around the table. I’m not so much older that I can’t remember what it was like being your age. Or what I got up to either,” he added, looking at Danny knowingly.”

Danny blushed, wondering exactly what Uncle Mike knew. “Don’t worry Danny,” Mike told him, “I’m just teasing, I don’t know anything.” Then he added, “And if I did it wouldn’t matter, I’d be very surprised if a lad of your age didn’t at least think a lot about sex, even if he didn’t experiment. I know I did at your age, still do, in fact,” He added with a grin. “If my family knew what I got up to as a teenager, they’d have a fit.”

He looked at them both then said, “Seriously, you two, I’m sure nowadays you probably know more about it than I did at your age, but if there are any questions you want answering, feel free to ask.” Then he added with a big grin for Danny’s benefit, “Don’t worry, I won’t repeat anything you ask to your mother.”

Danny grinned back at him; he was liking this new Mike who was treating him as a grown up. Mike got the impression that Danny was trying to put a question into words, so he announced, “Danny, when I was your age, I played with myself, fired whenever I could, looked at pictures of naked Women and men and experimented with my mates, so whatever it is that you do nowadays, it’s not likely to be anything new.”

“There is one thing I’ve always wondered,” Danny voiced, feeling daring in this brave new world. “Go ahead then, whilst you’ve got the chance,” Mike told him. Danny looked deep in thought for a moment then blurted out, “Once you start having proper sex, do you still play with and fire yourself.” He stopped, looking horrified at what he had said, wondering if he had gone too far.

“So,” Mike said, “You are asking me, your ancient old uncle if I have ever had sex and if I still play with myself?” Danny wanted the earth to open up and swallow him. Then he realised Mike was smiling at him. “Don’t look so worried, Danny,” he said still beaming at him, “In a moment I’m going to answer your question, but before I do, I want you to know that you can always ask me questions like that whenever you need to, ok?” Danny nodded at him, feeling relieved, he loved his Uncle Mike and wouldn’t offend him for the world.

Mike told him, “Everyone is different, and everyone’s lives are different, so there is no set age for your first sex. There are too many combinations of circumstances. You might have sex next week, it might not be for months or even years, you just can’t plan it. I was nineteen my first time, it’s just the way things work out.” Mike continued, “I’m sure you have had sex in your dreams, and enjoyed firing over it, well I can tell you actually having sex is ten times better than you imagine.”

“So, what about your next question, well, if you live with a partner, you will probably prefer sex every time. But there are occasions when it’s not available, so a self-fire is a convenient stand in. Then again, you might have a girlfriend you don’t live with. Again, you can have lots of sex, but there are plenty of times you need an alternative. Then finally, there’s ancient old bachelors like me. I have sex quite often with a lady I know, but there’s lots of times I do it myself in between. If I’m lucky, I can also have it done for me by a good mate.”

He looked at him and smiled, “Does that answer your question?” Danny stammered, “Yyes, er, thank you.” He was delighted to hear the answer, he felt so good to be having such a conversation with Mike, but he felt embarrassed all the same. Mike grinned at him then said, “Suppose I looked under the table at your shorts, what would I see?” Danny was aghast, he was so aware that the conversation had given him a super duper hard on and the thought of his Uncle Mike spotting it mortified him.

Lewis had been sitting listening to the exchange with amusement, he took pity on Danny saying, “Go on, tell him, I’ve got one too just listening to the pair of you.” Danny looked at him, getting a reassuring nod from Lewis. Feeling a little braver with Lewis’s encouragement, he looked Mike in the eye, saying, “You’d see that I’ve got a hard on.”

Mike smiled at him, “There, that wasn’t so difficult between three lads, was it?” After Danny nodded, Mike said, “So Danny, you’ve got a hard on, Lewis tells us he has a hard on, and guess what, I’ve got one as well, so, what do you think we should do?”

Lewis chipped in, saying, “I think we should all stand up and have a three-way hug.” Mike looked at Lewis with a smile, “Good suggestion, that sounds really nice, what do you think Danny?” Poor Danny thought it was a wonderful idea, but he couldn’t get the words out. Lewis said, “Perhaps we should start it off, then Danny can join in when he’s ready, I’m sure he wants to?”

“Good Idea,” Mike replied, standing up as he spoke. As he moved round towards Lewis, Danny saw the colossal bulge in his shorts and so wanted to feel it. He saw Lewis’s bulge as he stood up, then the two of them came together and hugged. How they got close enough he had no idea. Then they separated one arm each and opened out so there was space for another body. They stood there expectantly looking at Danny, bulges sticking out proudly. Danny got up and came out from the shelter of the table. He knew from that point his bulge was on full view. He didn’t mind about Lewis, but Uncle Mike seeing his bulge seemed extra embarrassing somehow. He filled the gap so he had Lewis’s arm and Mike’s arm around his shoulders, their chests were pressed together, and he could feel his bulge pressing into Lewis’s and Mike’s bulge, as well as theirs pressing into his. It felt really lovely.

Lewis said, “Danny,” then when Danny replied, “Yes,” Lewis asked him, “Do you trust me?” “Of course,” Danny replied immediately, “Totally.” Lewis smiled at him, “Do you remember the first four things we discussed this morning?” Danny realised right away it was his erotic dreams, “Yes,” he answered. “Well think about number four,” Lewis told him, “I think you should definitely tell us what it was, or if you’re too embarrassed, give me permission to say it.”

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