The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 4: Another Airman Drops In

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 4: Another Airman Drops In - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

On Friday on his way home from school Danny got a text. ‘Hi, Danny my name is Norman. I’m nineteen. I’m an apprentice engineer in the RAF. I got your number from a message sent out recently by Wing Commander Bailey. I wonder if I could come and see you when it’s convenient.’

‘Of course,’ Danny texted back. He sent him John’s address and asked if he could come the next day, Saturday at ten o’clock. ‘Yes, please.’ Norman replied immediately.

‘I’ll just need to check the house is available,’ Danny said, ‘I’ll confirm very shortly.’ A quick text to John then he confirmed with Norman.

Saturday morning Danny arrived at nine o’clock. John had gone out early so he went out and did a bit of gardening. At quarter to ten he went in, washed his hands and put the kettle on.

At five to ten the front doorbell rang. Opening it Danny found a plump young man similar height to himself. He gave Danny a nervous smile and shook hands. ‘Come in and have a coffee.’ Danny told him.

Sitting Norman at the table Danny made the coffees explaining as he did so that he would give him some information over coffee then he could decide if he wanted to stay or not.

Norman who had been expecting to walk in and get a grilling immediately, started to relax right away. As they had their coffee Danny explained about walking out anytime he wanted to. He also told him about the confidentiality, as well as saying stop or pass.

‘Have you any questions?’ Danny asked. ‘Do you know why I’m here?’ Norman asked. ‘I have a pretty good idea,’ Danny said, ‘But I’ve learned not to jump to conclusions.’

‘In any case,’ he added, ‘I don’t want to know just yet.’ As Norman looked surprised, Danny told him, ‘Our first task is to get you to feel relaxed and at ease with me. Not until we have done that will we look at why you’re here. Hence the pass option.’ he reminded him.

‘Who do you report back to?’ Norman asked. ‘I don’t report to anyone.’ Danny assured him. ‘Anything that we say to each other or do today stays between us, unless you choose to tell anyone yourself.’

‘It is possible that the Winco might ask me in the future how many of his airmen have visited me,’ Danny said. ‘If he did, I would tell him a number and nothing else.’

‘Thank you,’ Norman said, ‘I’ve no more questions.’ Danny grinned at him, ‘I’m afraid that I have loads,’ he said. ‘What happens now is, if you decide to stay, we go into the lounge. You take your shoes off and lie down on the settee.’

‘Then I’ll explain the next stage. Nothing will happen here without you knowing about it beforehand and agreeing. ‘So, there’s no need to feel nervous.’

They got up and Danny led the way through to the Lounge. Norman went over to the settee, sat down, took his shoes off and lay down. As Danny sat down at his side, he smiled at him saying, ‘That’s the first step over.’

‘Problems never solve themselves,’ Danny told him. ‘There are two necessary steps to solving any problem. One is that you have to admit to yourself you have a problem. You did that by deciding to contact me. Two is you have to do something about it. You’ve done that by being here today. So, the only thing to stop it getting sorted now is you, if you get up and walk out.’

‘Now, the first things we need to do is for me to get to know all about you and you to feel relaxed and at ease with me. To achieve that I’m going to ask you to turn over. Then I will put my hands on your head and massage from your head to your feet and back again.’

‘Whilst I do that, I’ll ask you lots of questions to find out all about your life, hopes, dreams and people around you. Do you think you can cope with that?’ ‘Yes certainly,’ Norman said thinking it didn’t sound half as bad as he had anticipated.

‘Ok,’ Danny said, ‘Turn over when you’re ready.’ Norman turned over and made himself comfortable. As Danny placed his hands gently on his head, Norman felt himself relax at his gentle touch. Danny massaged the back of his head then moved down onto his shoulders.

As he did, he asked, ‘Tell me about the house you lived in during your time at secondary school and who lived there with you.’ Norman was surprised, he had expected questions about his life in the RAF.

‘I lived in a terrace of three floor, three-bedroom council houses.’ he said. ‘I lived there with my mum and dad and two younger sisters. They are five years younger than me.’

‘How did you all get along?’ Danny asked as he moved off his back onto his cheeks. As he massaged over his cheeks, he felt Norman tense up. Even so he still managed to answer.

‘We got on pretty well,’ he said. ‘I always got on well with mum and dad. My sisters squabbled with each other regularly but nothing serious. But they rarely fell out with me, or mum and dad.’

As he moved on down his legs Norman relaxed again. ‘Did your mum and dad work?’ Danny asked. ‘Yes, dad worked for the local authority driving a bin wagon and mum had a part time job in a local shop.’

As he returned up his legs Danny asked, ‘On a scale of one to ten, where would you mark your home as a happy home. Ten being high.’ ‘Ten, definitely.’ Norman said with a smile.

‘What about the boys at school?’ Danny asked, ‘How did you get on with them.’ As he spoke, he was massaging his cheeks again. Norman had tensed up, but it didn’t seem as bad as before. ‘Pretty well,’ he said. ‘I was never any good at sports, but I was always willing to try. I was the person who no one would choose to have on their team, but if they were a man short, I was better than nothing.’

Moving on up his back Danny asked, ‘Did you swim at all?’ ‘Yes,’ Norman said with a grin. ‘I can do an amazing belly flop and I can swim a length but I’m not competition material.’

‘What did you wear to swim in?’ Danny asked. ‘Trunks,’ came the immediate response. ‘How often did you go swimming?’ ‘Once a week with the school,’ he replied, ‘Otherwise just occasionally on holidays.’

‘When you went with the school,’ Danny asked, ‘Did you get teased because of your weight at all?’ ‘Yes, lots in my first year.’ Norman said, ‘But once they saw it wasn’t bothering me, it stopped.’ ‘Was it bothering you?’ Danny asked. ‘Yes, a lot.’ he admitted, ‘But I didn’t let it show. I knew that would probably make it worse. I was much heavier then, than I am now.’ he said.

Reaching his head Danny told him to turn over. ‘How are you finding it?’ he asked. ‘It’s nothing like I anticipated,’ he replied, ‘I thought I’d feel very uncomfortable, but I don’t.’ ‘Good,’ Danny told him, ‘That’s a great sign.’

‘Now, I’m going to go down your front exactly the same, With more questions naturally.’ He massaged the front of his head, then his temples. As he moved onto his shoulders he asked, ‘How did you get on with the girls at school?’ ‘Ok, I suppose,’ Norman said. ‘I had no problems with any of them, but they tended to avoid me and chase the ones with better bodies. Also, I was very shy and quiet then. Still am to some extent.’ he added.

Moving down his front Danny asked, ‘Who was your first girlfriend?’ ‘I haven’t had one yet.’ he replied. ‘Well, you’re still young,’ Danny said with a grin. ‘So can I assume you are still a virgin?’ Norman avoided his eyes as he answered quietly, ‘Yes.’ ‘No problem with that,’ Danny told him, ‘Lots of people your age are.’

‘Who were your best mates at school?’ Danny asked as he massaged over the front of his trousers. He felt the slightest bit of tension but very slight. As Norman answered Danny massaged all over, finding his cock soft and small. It didn’t seem to make any difference to Normans tension when he passed over it.

As he moved down his legs Norman answered, ‘I only had two. Thomas and Kurt. Thomas came up from primary school with me. We’ve been friends for years. Kurt came from another school, but he was shy too, so he clicked with us in the first year. We both got on well with him.’

Returning up from his feet Danny asked, ‘Describe Kurt and Thomas to me. Imagine the three of you were standing in a row naked and tell me how you all compared.’

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