The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 1: Geoff Learns His Fate
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 1: Geoff Learns His Fate - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Lewis stroked Geoff’s head gently as he revealed what had happened to him. ‘Each time you come,’ Harold told me, ‘We will strip off. We will lie down together and whilst I play with your cock, you will play with mine.’
‘I can see that you will get hard easily,’ he said. ‘But I haven’t been able to get much of an erection for ages. I’ve tried dreams, magazines and watching films like the one we’re watching just now. Some even more explicit.’
‘If I do stiffen up it only lasts seconds. I expect your assistance to make it last longer. If you succeed in enabling me to make love to my wife, you can stop, and your dad’s contract will be safe. If you can’t then I’ll expect you to make love to my wife for me so that she doesn’t miss out. That will also keep your dads contract safe.’
‘You have until mid-day on the thirtieth to text me one word. Yes. I’ll then arrange a time and day with you. If I don’t hear from you, I’ll take it as a no. Then on the thirty first your dad will get a month’s notice.’
‘By now the film had finished. ‘Stand up,’ he ordered. He stood in front of me and held my cock over my trousers. ‘Put your hand over my cock,’ he told me. As I hesitated, he said, ‘If you’re refusing, I’ll take it as a no and I’ll send out the notice in the morning.’
‘I needed time to think, so I took hold between his legs. I had a job to find his cock to hold. I was still rock hard, but he was softer than soft. I couldn’t tell a size, but it seemed very small.’
‘I went home and tried to decide what I should do. ‘Did you consider telling your dad?’ Lewis asked. ‘Yes, but when I thought about it, I felt sure dad’s reaction would be to go and thump him or worse. That would lose him the contract anyway.’
‘It might even get him arrested, because there was no proof of what he had said, only my word against Harold’s. ‘How old is Harold?’ Lewis asked. ‘Around seventy, I think.’ Geoff said.
‘What did you decide in the end?’ Lewis asked. ‘I had seven days until the deadline,’ Geoff answered. ‘First, I thought about what losing the contract would mean to dad. I felt sure it would mean at the least sacking some of the staff. I knew and liked them all, so I felt I was responsible for them keeping their jobs.’
‘So, then I gave more thought to what I would have to do and how I would feel about it. I thought about my dream about Raymond and decided that doing the same thing with Harold would be weird and revolting but wouldn’t be that much different.’
‘In the end, on the morning of the last day I sent the message, ‘Yes.’ He messaged back and told me to come to his on Wednesday from school.’
Lewis remained silent waiting for him to continue. ‘I went and he took me into the kitchen. We had a coffee and he told me, ‘I know you’re going to find this strange but just remember you’ll be old one day. The best way for you to cope with what you’re going to do, is to try and enjoy it.’ he told me.
‘When you’re erect, I’ll fire you so at least you will get some pleasure. I also hope doing that will arouse me too.’ ‘I want you to be very clear,’ I said, ‘That the only reason I am doing this is because you are blackmailing me with what you could do to my dad.’
‘Whatever helps you,’ he said. ‘I think of it more like persuasion. After all, you could have said no.’
‘When we finished, he took me upstairs to a bedroom with a double bed in. ‘Strip off to your shorts and lie on the bed,’ he ordered. He started getting undressed himself.’
‘I was lying on the bed before he had finished. All his body was wrinkled, I almost felt sorry for him. He got up on the bed besides me and lay on his side facing me. He ran his hand over my chest and said, ‘I used to be fit and strong like you a long time ago.’
‘He slid his hand down over my shorts and felt my cock. It stayed soft but he was gentle I’ll give him that. Then he lay on his back and said, ‘Now do the same to me.’ I put my hand on his chest, it felt so frail and weak, and the skin was loose. It felt so strange. Will my body be like this one day? I wondered.’
‘Now go down and do everything that I did to you,’ he ordered. I slid my hand down. His stomach was so soft I couldn’t really feel any muscles. When I rested my hand over his shorts, his cock felt so small. Even when I tried to get hold of it through his shorts it was very difficult.’
‘As I tried, he was making some happy noises. ‘Ok,’ he said, ‘Lie back again.’ This time he ran his hands around my nipples then down my front. When he reached my shorts, he slid his hand down inside and ran his fingers through my hairs. I couldn’t stop my cock starting to swell.’
‘He felt it move and took hold of it. With his hand around it, it swelled up hard right away. ‘Oh, to be young.’ he said to himself as much as to me. He stroked it a couple of times then reached below and felt my balls.’
‘Then he lay back and I had to do the same thing to him. When I held his cock, it was like I was holding the cock of a young child, it was so small and made no attempt to grow. I felt his balls and although he made more happy noises his cock stayed soft.’
‘Lie back,’ he said. He got up on his hands and knees. Pulling my shorts down he had to reach in and hold my cock. Then once my shorts were out of the way he played all over my cock and my balls.’
My cock was throbbing like mad. He was stroking it very gently and before long I knew I was going to fire. I’m coming,’ I called out. He just kept going at the same speed and after a short while, I cried out and shot my load. As I started shooting, he just stopped and held it as if he couldn’t believe his eyes.’
‘As it all dropped onto my chest, he looked down at me with a sad expression on his face. ‘You’re so lucky to be able to do that,’ he said. ‘Stay where you are.’
‘He left the room and returned with a wet cloth, some tissues and a towel. He mopped it all up, washed my chest and gave me the towel. By the time I’d dried myself he was lying on his back.’
‘That was a lovely experience,’ he said, ‘Now try and do the same to me.’ I ran my hands over his stomach, then pulled his shorts down and off. No problem getting them over his cock.’
‘I took hold of it and played with it. When nothing happened, I took hold of his balls with my other hand. As I played with them, I started trying to stroke his limp cock up and down.’
‘I was just about to say, this is a waste of time, when I felt it stiffen very slightly. It must have given him a nice feeling because he called out, ‘Oh yes, keep going, keep going.’
‘I did, and it kept growing very slowly. After what seemed ages, it felt almost as hard as mine. Even then it was only about four inches long and not much thicker than my index finger.’
‘He looked down at it and said, ‘That’s the first time it’s been that hard for years. It’s never been as big as yours,’ he said, ‘But it used to be much bigger than it is now.’
‘I kept stroking it, but after a while he said, ‘You can stop now, it’s not going to last much longer. Get dressed now.’ he said. He got up and got dressed too. By the time he had stood up off the bed his cock had gone completely limp again.’
‘When we were dressed, he gave me a smile. ‘Thank you,’ he told me, ‘You’ve done well. Keep helping me and your dad’s contract is safe. Now I know you didn’t want to do it, but even so, I could tell you tried your best today. So, I’m going to pay you twenty-five pounds each time you come. You deserve a reward.’
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