The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 3: Jerry Enjoys His First Massage
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 3: Jerry Enjoys His First Massage - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Sunday morning Lewis arrived at the shop at ten minutes to ten. He opened it up and went through to the back room. Putting the kettle on and preparing two cups ready, he returned to the front door.
Standing outside was a tall young man looking very nervous. Lewis held his hand out. ‘Jerry, I presume, I’m Lewis.’ Jerry took his hand as he said, ‘But you’re just a...,’ and faded away. ‘School kid?’ Lewis finished off with a grin. Jerry blushed, ‘I’m sorry,’ he said, ‘That was very rude of me.’
‘Don’t worry,’ Lewis said, ‘A lot of people have the same reaction. But it doesn’t stop them going away happy. Anyway, come in and have a coffee whilst you decide.’
Lewis locked the front door behind him and pointed out his key in the lock. ‘No one can come in and disturb us,’ he said, ‘But if you want to leave, all you need to do is open the door and go.’
They went through to the back room and Lewis told Jerry to take a seat at the table. He made their coffees and sat opposite him. ‘Whilst we have our coffees, let me tell you what happens next if you decide to stay. Then you can ask questions and decide what you want to do.’
‘What will happen next,’ Lewis told him, ‘Is that you will go and lie on the settee whilst I ask you questions. Not about your problem but about you, your life and everything connected with it. Only when you are feeling really at ease with me will we delve into your problem.’
‘We proceed at your speed not mine, there’s no time limit. Nothing in here will hurt you or take you unawares. Whatever we do will only happen after I’ve told you what it is, and you have agreed.’
‘If anything bothers you at any time, simply call out ‘Stop.’ If I ask you a question you find too embarrassing to answer at that point, just say ‘Pass’ and we’ll skip over it until later. I should also tell you that most people’s problems involve sex of one sort or another, so I’m used to dealing with it.’
‘Now after you’ve asked any questions, your choice is to either go over to the settee, take your shoes off and lie down. Or get up and go. No one’s left yet, but it’s your choice. Unless you want to try, we would be wasting our time.’
‘I still don’t understand how you got my phone number or knew about my dreams.’ Jerry said. ‘I’m afraid I can’t tell you that,’ Lewis said, ‘Because it would break my confidentiality promise.’ ‘I’m more puzzled about the dreams than anything,’ Jerry said, ‘After all, they’re my dreams in my head. How would anyone else know.’ ‘Perhaps when we solve your problem, it might become clear.’ Lewis said. ‘Take as long as you like to decide.’
Jerry got up almost immediately, walked over to the settee and sat down, He took his shoes off and lay down. He felt strange and very nervous, but his dreams had really been bothering him. There were also the strange things he had felt on and in his body which he couldn’t explain.
His brief chat with Lewis had relaxed him more than he had expected. Plus, Lewis seemed very confident in what he was saying. What have I got to lose he thought to himself.
Lewis went over and sat on the edge of the settee. Smiling at him Lewis told him, ‘You have done the two most important things towards solving any problem. One, you have admitted you have a problem. Two, you are doing something about it. The only thing that can stop us solving it now is you getting up and walking out.’
‘In a minute I want you to turn over. When you do, I’m going to put my hands on your head and massage from your head to your feet then back again. Whilst I do that, I will be asking you questions to get to know you. All I know about you so far is that your name is Jerry, you’re twenty-one and have a problem. So, when you answer my questions try and give as much information as you can. I doubt that you will tell me anything that I haven’t heard before so there’s no need to feel embarrassed.’
As Jerry turned over, he was thinking to himself, ‘I wonder how Lewis knew I was twenty-one, I’m sure I didn’t tell him.’ Lewis put his hands on his head and started massaging. ‘I won’t start the questions or moving down until you say go.’ he said.
Jerry enjoyed the feeling on his head for a few moments. He had never been massaged before. ‘Go.’ he said at last. As Lewis moved down onto his shoulders he asked, ‘Tell me where you live and who else lives there.’ As he moved on down his long tapering back, Jerry said, ‘I live in a three bedroomed flat which I share with two others.’
‘Ollie and Vincent, who are both a similar age to me. Vincent’s dad owns the flat and he stays over two or three times a month.’
As Lewis reached his waist he asked, ‘How did you come to move into the flat?’ ‘My dad had to take early retirement on health grounds,’ Jerry told him. Mum and dad wanted to move into a bungalow. I had been thinking for a while I should have my own place, but I couldn’t afford one just yet.’
As Lewis massaged over his cheek’s he felt a slight tension, but it soon passed. Jerry didn’t interrupt his flow. So, I went looking for a place to share. I spotted an advert in a shop window and rang up. I didn’t know at the time, but it was Vincent’s number. He invited me to come and see it.’
‘I liked it right away. Vincent seemed nice too. Malcom who was the other tenant at the time was out at work but when I met him later, he was nice. He was quiet and shy like me. He left recently and Ollie moved in.’
Lewis reached his feet and started back up again as Jerry kept going. ‘When I asked who to apply to, Vincent told me his dad owned the place and as he lived there and liked me, the tenancy was mine if I wanted it. He gave me the forms and I moved in two days later.’
As Lewis massaged over his cheeks this time there was no sign of any tension. Lewis asked, ‘How did your mum and dad feel about you moving out?’
‘They were upset,’ Jerry said, ‘I suppose all parents are to some extent. But I had a job and it meant they could get a smaller bungalow, so it was ok. I visit regularly and it’s much easier for them in the bungalow as well as not having to look after me.’
As Lewis reached his head, he told him to turn over. As Jerry settled on his back, Lewis smiled at him. ‘You’re doing fine,’ he said, ‘How are you finding it?’ ‘It’s nice,’ Jerry said, ‘I’ve never had a massage before and the questions aren’t as bad as I expected.’
‘Good,’ Lewis said, ‘Now I’m going to go down your front exactly the same. With more questions of course.’ he added with a smile which Jerry returned.
As he massaged his shoulders he asked, ‘What is your work?’ ‘I work on a lathe in an engineering factory.’ Jerry said. ‘I’ve been there since I left school.’ Moving down his chest Lewis asked, ‘Was it what you wanted to do when you left school?’ ‘Yes,’ Jerry said, ‘It was the only thing in school I was any good at.’
As he reached his waist, he felt Jerry start to tense up. Moving up onto the front of his trousers, Lewis asked, ‘How did you get on with the boys at school?’ As he massaged over his cock Jerry went extremely tense, then as Lewis moved onto his legs he relaxed and answered. ‘Ok with most of them. I was always very quiet and shy, so I was often unnoticed. There were a few who picked on me from time to time, but most of them were ok.’
As Lewis started back up his leg’s he asked, ‘Who were your best mates at school?’ ‘There was only one,’ Jerry said. ‘Grenville was as quiet and shy as I was. We hit it off the first day and remained good friends right through. He was hopeless with his hands but academically bright. He’s in university now.’
He went tense again as Lewis passed over the front of his trousers. Lewis could feel a soft bulge which was bigger than his body implied. As soon as he reached his waist he relaxed again. ‘I’m sorry,’ Jerry said, ‘It’s not you, no one’s ever touched me there before.’
‘That’s ok, I understand,’ Lewis said. ‘I’m not trying to upset you, but as I told you earlier, most people’s problems involve sex. So were likely to have to discuss it at some stage. The massage will help you with that. I assume from what you’re saying that you are a virgin?’
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