The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 6: An Exciting Finish for Dudley

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 6: An Exciting Finish for Dudley - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

On Monday Lewis arrived at the shop well ahead of Dudley so he gave Mike a hand behind the counter. Dudley duly arrived at five to five, called out, ‘Hi.’ and went straight through to the back room to make the coffees.

As Mike locked up the shop, Lewis went through to the back and gave Dudley a hug. ‘Hi, Dudley.’ he said, ‘Had a good week?’ ‘Yes, thanks.’ Dudley told him. Mike came in then, put a handful of envelopes on the table, ruffled Dudleys hair and said, ‘Hi.’

Once they were all sat down with their coffees, they opened the envelopes. ‘A lot less today,’ Mike said, ‘Shows you’re getting near to the end Dudley.’ He gave him a grin. Soon they had them all empty and the contents in neat little piles. They had seven promises of four forty with completed forms. Twenty-two five-pound notes that came on their own in the envelope. Eight had just a ten-pound note in and two had a promissory note plus a ten-pound note. Those two were marked paid.

Four had no form but a twenty-pound note, whilst three had a promissory note plus a twenty-pound note. The three were marked paid.

‘That’s forty-six envelopes,’ Lewis said. ‘A total of three hundred-and fifty-pounds cash and thirty pounds eighty in promises. It’s still a brilliant amount.’ Mike got up saying, ‘Time for me to go. You deserve another hug Dudley,’ he opened his arms.

Dudley got up and went over to him. They hugged and Mike slid his hand between Dudley’s legs to give his cock a little stroke. As Dudley choked mid kiss Mike said, ‘Don’t forget, fairs fair.’ Dudley didn’t twig for a moment, then he put his hand between Mikes legs and had another feel of the monster. It was still soft so Dudley felt really excited at the thought of how big it would be hard.

Lewis came over and joined them. They had a three-way hug and kisses all round. Dudley had gone throbbing hard as he thought about his treat to come.

After showing Mike out and locking the door, Lewis returned and found Dudley already stripped naked ready. His cock was still hard, so Lewis told him to do sit ups first. He did sixty-six so Lewis told him, ‘Well done. An increase of one is still excellent now you are doing so many.’ he said.

Next Dudley got on the scales. ‘Eleven stone nine pounds,’ Lewis read out. ‘Fantastic. Press ups next.’ Dudley dropped to the floor and did sixty-six. ‘I do them first,’ he said, ‘Then I try and do the same with all the others.’ ‘Good idea.’ Lewis said. ‘Come and lie down and tell me your finances.’ He sat on the settee so Dudley could lie down with his head on his lap.

‘No visitors or visits this week,’ Dudley said, ‘So I only had my pocket money. I thought I should keep the habit of putting something in the bank so I put five pounds in and kept the ten.’ ‘So, you now have three hundred and fifteen pounds in the bank and thirteen pounds twenty pence in your pocket. Well done again.’ Lewis told him. ‘No,’ Dudley said, ‘We went to the cinema Friday and each paid for ourselves which cost six fifty, so I only have six pounds seventy left in my pocket.’ ‘Ok, that’s still good.’ Lewis told him.

‘Feet up’s now.’ he said. Dudley got down on the floor, put the chair as a guide, then lifted his feet up above the seat of the chair sixty-six times. ‘Excellent,’ Lewis said, ‘That’s your five points for today.’

Lewis sat back at the end of the settee and Dudley lay back down. As he smiled up at Lewis, Lewis asked, ‘What about your special exercises this week?’ Dudley gave a happy grin. ‘Monday, I dreamt about firing you. Tuesday, I dreamt about going up Michael’s bum. Wednesday, I went up Michael’s bum then fired dreaming about it later. Thursday, I dreamt you me and Michael were having a threesome. Friday, I made love to Alison then dreamt about it later. Saturday, I made love to Alison then dreamt about it later. Sunday, I dreamt we were having a threesome with Michael.’

Whilst he was speaking, Lewis had been stroking his head gently plus resting his hand loosely over his cock which had softened, then gone hard again as he described his dreams. ‘So, you fired ten times again this week,’ Lewis said. ‘All nice ones?’ ‘Yes, very nice.’ Dudley said giving a happy smile at the memories.

‘Ok,’ Lewis said, ‘Tell me how your last Wednesday training session went.’ ‘It was sad, yet lovely.’ Dudley said. ‘We stripped off and instead of jumping straight in the pool we had a naked hug.’ Then Michael said, ‘No one can see the pool so we’ll skinny dip tonight.’ ‘When we got in the pool, we both had hard cocks sticking out.’

Michael said, ‘There’s nothing really that I need to teach you tonight. What I want to do instead, is go to opposite ends of the pool and swim a quarter length. Then go underwater for half a length before finishing the last quarter above water. We’ll turn round and repeat it several times.’

‘When we pass in the middle of the pool,’ he said, ‘We’ll try to give each other’s cocks a stroke.’ ‘We did eight lengths, we both missed each other the first time but managed the other seven. It was a lovely sensation being stroked under water. Actually, it felt nice swimming naked too.’

‘We got out, both rock hard, and went into the changing area. We had another hug which made our cocks dance about. Then Michael went

over and sat in the Armchair. I stood in front of him smiling. I watched his cock wave about, and I knew he was watching mine do the same. It was a lovely feeling.’

‘Then I rubbed some oils around his bum and sent a jet of oil up inside him. He laughed and said, ‘That made all my insides tingle in anticipation.’ ‘I rubbed some oil all over my cock, then knelt down between his legs.’

‘As I put my tip to his opening, he cried out with delight and a lovely feeling went through me. I pressed very gently but with the oil and Michael being very relaxed, I slid in easily and immediately.’

‘As soon as I was in, Michael wrapped his legs around me and pulled me to him even tighter. It felt lovely. Then as soon as he released me, I started thrusting in and out slowly but firmly. I felt so excited at living my dream.’

‘Michael was now lying back with his eyes closed and a big smile on his face. I increased my speed and felt my special feeling starting. Going a little faster, it built up very quickly. So going even faster I knew it would hit in moments.’

‘As I gave a good hard thrust in, I screamed out with joy as my feeling flowed though me. My cock throbbed like mad and shot all my juices into Michael. As he felt them, he called out,’ ‘Oh that’s lovely, I feel all warm inside.’

‘I slowed down to a stop and he wrapped his legs round me again. He held me so tight that even after I had shrunk, I stayed inside him. Then as he released me, I dropped out. We stood up and hugged with an amazingly long kiss.’

‘We went into the shower together. It took us quite a while and was great fun. When we came out and got dried, we had another naked hug before getting dressed.’

‘Then we went into the house for our last coffee. Michael told me he had enjoyed his first date with Erica. They had got on really well and were going out again at the weekend. He told me they had kissed when he saw her home, but he hadn’t risked anything else on a first date.’

‘Money is still coming in, but in smaller amounts.’ he said, ‘Which is quite normal.’ ‘He didn’t give me any figures as I’d asked him not to. When we finished our coffee, we locked up and went home. I was quite sad.’

‘How did your training go with the team on Friday after school?’ Lewis asked. ‘It was great,’ Dudley said. ‘They all made me so welcome and were still talking about us winning the last competition. Geoffrey came over and congratulated me. I told him I was sorry I had pushed him out of the team.’

‘Don’t worry about it,’ he said. ‘You are clearly a far better swimmer than me. At least I’m still part of the team as a reserve.’ ‘We were apart from the others, so he added quietly,’ ‘Actually you’ve done me a favour. I’m not myself at the moment so I’m not operating to my best anyway.’

‘I’m sorry to hear that,’ I told him, ‘Is there anything I can do.’ ‘No,’ he said, ‘It’s a personal matter.’ Then he added, ‘Sorry I didn’t mean to sound ungrateful, but it’s something I find too difficult to talk about.’ ‘Do you have anyone you can talk to about it?’ I asked him. ‘No, I couldn’t tell anyone.’ he answered.

‘Then some of the others came over so I dropped it. We all trained in the pool including Geoff. Then after we got changed and were leaving, I caught up with him. Can I have your phone number?’ I asked, ‘I have something I’d like to text you. I wouldn’t say anymore as there were others about. He gave it me and I put it in my phone.’

‘I wanted to check with you first, but is it ok if I send him your number and suggest he comes to see you?’ ‘Of course.’ Lewis said. ‘You don’t ever need to ask. Give me his number then I’ll know who’s calling. He entered it in his phone.’

‘Ok, how did your weekend with Alison go?’ Lewis asked. ‘Great,’ Dudley said, ‘We went to mine after swimming and had a light meal. Then we went walking. Going back to hers, we spent some time chatting to her parents. Then when they went to bed, we made love on the settee.’

‘Saturday after lunch we went round town then picked up some fish and chips which Alison insisted paying for. We went back to mine as mum and dad were out again. After we had had our food, we went up to my bedroom. We each stripped off and got into bed like a married couple.’

‘We lay under the duvet in each other’s arms for ages, kissing and playing with each other. Then we threw the duvet off and Alison said she would like to try sitting on me. So, I lay on my back with my cock sticking up in the air.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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