The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 4: John and Danny Enjoy a Suck

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 4: John and Danny Enjoy a Suck - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

The following morning, Danny arrived at Johns, having slept like a log after his busy day. He had all of the day to himself as long as he was home for five to get ready for his visit to Uncle Mike’s. He was looking forward to spending time with him, and especially Lewis.

John had the coffee on the table ready for him, he gave him a hug, then they sat down at the kitchen table. John asked him, “I don’t expect you to break any confidences, but I hope you’ll be able to give me some idea of how everything went yesterday, but before we chat, let’s just clear something up so you know where you’re working.

Your duties here are starting to become very wide ranging, far more so than you ever imagined when you first came.” They both grinned at this. “So, when you work here in any way, between your original hours of ten to four, you’ll continue to get £4. However, any hours outside those times you’ll get time and a half, that is £6 regardless of what you’re doing. With the exception,” he added with another grin at Danny, any special services for which you will get the agreed £25 per session, is that ok?”

Danny was thrilled, he hadn’t wanted or expected to get paid for yesterday, the cash register in his brain was pinging like mad. “Ok?” He said, “No, it’s not ok, it’s marvellous.” He got up, went round the table and gave John a hug, with which he was clearly delighted.

So now you know where you’re working, what’s your plan for today?” John asked him. “I’m going to stay with Uncle Mike for a few days,” Danny told him, “So I have to be home for five. My idea would be that I garden until two, then relax afterwards. Oh,” he added, “I’ll be back in time for Saturday.” John smiled at him, “That’s good, I’m starting to miss you whenever you’re not here.”

He pulled his chair closer to the table and asked, “Go on, tell me what you feel you can about yesterday.” Danny told him that of the six who came, two were ones who hadn’t accepted that it had happened. Which means of course that the two who didn’t come are the same. That’s worrying me a bit.” “There’s nothing you can do about it,” John told him, “So there is no point in upsetting yourself. Six out of eight is better than none, so how did it go generally.” Danny smiled as he remembered, “I told them what had happened to me and how I’d coped, then we drew lots for them to talk to me one to one. I’m delighted to say that every single one went home feeling good and happy, with all six having accepted that it happened.”

“That is a real tribute to you,” John told him, they are six very lucky lads. As a matter of interest, did you enjoy your day?” Danny didn’t need to think about it, “Yes,” he answered right away, I could tell I was making a difference to them, it gave me a lot of satisfaction and it made me feel happy too.” John looked at him and asked, “Supposing the other two heard from some of the others and wanted to come after all, would you still see them,” When Danny told him he’d be happy to, he went on to ask, what about someone not connected to this who’s having a difficult time?” Danny replied that if John thought it would help them talking to him, he would certainly do it. “I have a casual friend in town,” John told him, “He has a son who is now twenty-one. I met the lad when he was younger, I always liked him and got on well with him. A couple of years ago he broke into some shops, I know it’s a rotten excuse, but I really believe that he was pushed into it by the lads he was hanging around with at the time.”

“Or perhaps I’m just biased,” he mused. “Anyway, I was talking to his dad the other day. He got three years in a young offender’s prison as he was only eighteen at the time. With remission for good behaviour, he was released several months ago. Apparently, he seems to be finding it hard to settle now he’s home, he’s convinced himself that everyone sees a big sign above his head saying he’s an ex-con. I thought of you immediately, but I haven’t said anything to them, I thought I’d better check with you first in case you didn’t want to deal with anyone like that.”

Danny thought for a moment, then said, “If you liked him before hand and would like him to be helped, then that’s fine with me.” “I half expected you’d say something like that,” John told him, resisting an urge to dash over and hug him. “I might be barking up the wrong tree, but now I’ve checked with you, I’ll have a word with his dad, thanks Danny.”

They had finished their drinks by now, so Danny got up to go and work in the garden. I’ll work right through until two,” he said, “We’ll be eating out with Uncle Mike tonight, and I want to make sure I’ve got enough space.” “Oh, to have the appetite of youth,” John said as Danny went out.

Danny kept an ear out for the church clock, but even so he nearly missed it, getting engrossed in the work he was doing. Two o’clock chimed so he put all his stuff away and went into the house. As he washed his hands, John came into the kitchen to ask him if he wanted a drink.” Danny opted for a coke, so they sat at the kitchen table whilst he drank it. John told him he had rung his friend with the delinquent son. He was delighted at the suggestion and would see if he could get his son to agree to meet. “I told him Saturday was the best day,” John said, “But I didn’t mention your age.” Danny grinned, “Probably best with anyone older!”

Finished at last, they went upstairs where John had already set up the stool and heater. “I await your instructions,” John said with a big smile. Danny climbed on the bed fully dressed apart from his boots. He lay on his back, arms and legs akimbo, looked up at John, then told him, “Undress me anyway you like, then fire me anyway you like. You don’t need to ask permission, just do everything exactly as you want. I won’t say anything unless you get stuck for any reason. (“Apart from lots of expressions of pleasure, of course,” he added.)

John stood looking down at him on the bed, he thought Danny looked magnificent spread out there. The thought of stripping him and playing with him was already sending tingles down his spine. (And elsewhere!) His problem was, where to start. He suddenly realised that he had never undressed a boy before. Danny saw he was struggling with something, so he spoke, “Come and lie down and have a cuddle, then you can decide where to start.”

Relieved, John got on to the bed and as he did so, Danny drew his limbs in and turned on his side so they could hug. Danny tried hard not to actually do anything, wanting John to take the initiative. After a bit of hugging and kissing to which Danny responded willingly, John finally plucked up courage to go exploring. John put a hand on Danny’s waist, pulled the back of his T shirt up, then slid his arm up his bare back, moving his fingers around as he did so. Danny made some “I like that” type noises to encourage him, although he really did like feeling John’s hand on his bare flesh. Emboldened by the encouragement, John started pulling the T shirt up. Danny sat up and held his arms up above his head whilst John slid it off.

It felt strange but exciting to John to be undressing him, then as Danny lay back down, John placed his hand on his chest and explored his nipples. More noises from Danny encouraged him to lean forward and kiss both nipples, followed by a suck on each. He liked the feel of them in his mouth and the hairs on Danny’s chest tickled his chin, so he took a longer suck on each, accompanied by some more ecstatic noises from Danny. John put his hand flat on Danny’s stomach, loving the feel of it being no fat and flat, something his own had long given up. He slid his hand lightly over every inch until he reached the waist. Going over the top of his trousers, he placed his hand flat between Danny’s legs.

Immediately he could feel a kick from Danny’s already erect cock on his hand even through

two layers of clothes. Thinking how lucky he was to be young and virile; he enjoyed the feel for a while before giving it a little massage. The resulting hammer drill effect of Danny’s cock made him jump. Danny laughed saying, “Don’t worry, it won’t bite.”

John wriggled down lower and rested his head on Danny’s chest, then looking down towards his waist, he carefully undid his belt, pulling it completely apart before unfastening the top button of his trousers. Taking hold of the little tag on the zip of Danny’s fly, he slowly slid it down as far as it could go. From this position, he could now see down the front of his trousers, seeing a big bulge in his shorts which kept flexing. He wanted so much to feel it. He slid his hand down inside his trousers but over his shorts until his hand was cupped over Danny’s cock once more, this time with just his shorts in between. After some more jerking about, it settled down so he could enjoy feeling it standing firm. He had a strange sudden desire to kiss it.

John got up on his hands and knees, crawled down to alongside Danny’s knees, then took hold of the trouser waistband. As he pulled, Danny lifted his hips up so John was able to slide them right down. He enjoyed seeing bare thighs appearing. Slipping them off altogether, he was getting into the swing of it now. He put a hand on Danny’s leg and ran it up the inside of his thigh as far as he could, sliding up the leg of his shorts until his fingertip just touched a ball.

Emboldened now, he told Danny to turn over. Once he was lying face down, now just in his shorts, John ran his fingers over his bare shoulders and down his back. He felt Danny give a shiver as he did so, Next, he leaned over and kissed the back of his head, his neck and several places down his spine. Reaching the waist, he slid a hand inside his shorts and enjoyed massaging both of his cheeks, Danny gave a loud pleasurable murmur as he did it.

Kneeling astride the back of Danny’s knees, John leaned forward, took hold of the waistband of his shorts and pulled the back of them down as far as he could. The lovely white firm small cheeks he uncovered gave him a strange feeling between his legs, which strengthened as he leaned further forward and planted a kiss on each cheek. A very loud ‘mmmm’ came from Danny, part muffled by the pillow. John tried to pull them down further, but they were stuck. Danny felt what he was doing and lifted his hips up. John still couldn’t move them as they were stuck fast on Danny’s cock.

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