The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 4: An Intimate Fitness Test
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 4: An Intimate Fitness Test - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
During the week Lewis’s main thoughts were about the evening session he had had the previous Saturday with Mike. He had never felt so worked up, fired so much in one go or experienced so much pleasure. When they left the shop, he had been amazed to find they had only been in the back room for half an hour. On the Saturday night when he went to bed, he had played with himself a bit, but he was still too worn out to fire. But he had lovely dreams that night. In the morning and every night for the rest of the week he fired himself, but nice as it was, it was nowhere near as good as when Mike had done it.
If it’s that much better when another man does it for you, thought Lewis, it must be something really special when a woman does it for you, or when you do it properly and go inside a woman.
Saturday couldn’t come around fast enough but come it did. Lewis was outside the shop as Mike arrived. ‘Keen and eager I see,’ Mike called out to him as he approached. Lewis just smiled at him and waited whilst he unlocked the shop. They got everything ready, and the minute Mike turned the sign round to ‘Open’ there was a ping from the doorbell as the first customer came in.
A busy morning followed, with a constant stream of customers that meant there were people around most of the morning. They managed to have a cup of coffee mid-morning by having it on the counter as they served. Lewis was kept busy rewinding videos, it seemed that that week a lot of customers just hadn’t bothered.
At ten to one, although there were still customers in the shop, Mike told Lewis to go to the chippy. Passing him the money, he said ‘I’ll have the same as last week.’ ‘Ok, is it ok if I get an extra portion,’ asked Lewis with great stress on the ‘extra’. Mike got the point immediately, grinned over at him and said, ‘Sure, whatever you fancy.’ Lewis set off with a big grin on his face.
Whilst he queued in the chippy, he was dreaming about what the lunch break would have in store. So much in fact that the chippy man had to call his name twice when his order was ready.
Returning to the shop, Mike was still dealing with a customer. He looked over at Lewis and indicated he should go on through to the back. Lewis did so and put the kettle on. A few moments later he heard the shop bell ping as the customer left. Seconds later Mike came through. ‘Phew,’ he said as he plopped down onto the settee, ‘That was a busy morning.’
As they ate, Mike said, ‘That was a tactful way of asking about extras, well done.’
Lewis grinned, pleased that Mike was happy with the way he had done it.
‘So,’ Mike said, ‘The answer is yes, and I’ll run through your options in a moment. First a question. When you left last week, you gave a relax score of a thousand. You’ve now had a week to reflect on your experience and how you feel about it. If you were reviewing that score now, what would it be?’ ‘Still one thousand,’ came the immediate reply.
‘Great, so let’s set out todays programme,’ Mike paused to eat more of his lunch, then continued, ‘When we finish eating, we’ll do a more detailed fitness test, this time with you stripped to your shorts. There’ll be some extra exercises, so you’ll need the freedom of less clothes. Plus,’ he added, ‘I don’t think you’ll feel shy anymore, will you?’ Lewis laughed, ‘After last week I could probably do gymnastics completely naked in front of you and not feel the least embarrassed.’
‘That’s a lovely compliment.’ Replied Mike, pleased, but at the same time getting worked up at the thought of watching a naked Lewis doing gymnastics!
Mike dragged his thoughts back to reality then continued, ‘After the fitness test, the relax and question session will be similar to last week but without your shorts. Then if you want to, we will do an additional session at the end of the day. More of that one later. For the moment, do you want to do the first two now?’ ‘Yes please,’ came a firm reply from Lewis. ‘Ok, finish your lunch first,’ said Mike.
Ten minutes later they had finished eating and cleared away. On Mikes instructions, Lewis stripped to his shorts, then they did the usual check of head, neck, arms and shoulders. Then he stood up whilst Mike sounded the front and back of his chest. Next, he lay on his back whilst Mike measured his heartbeat, then he did five press ups and lay down again whilst Mike re measured it. After checking his ribs and measuring his heartbeat once more Mike told him to stand up, take his shorts off and lie down on his stomach.
As he did so, Mike noticed that although he was still fairly soft, he had grown in size. Once he was prone on the settee, Mike sat at his side and checked every single bone of his spine. When he reached the base he said, ‘Turn over onto your right side with your back to me,’ Lewis did, then Mike got hold of his left leg which was uppermost and showed him what movements he wanted him to make, explaining that whilst he was doing them, he would have hold of his hip joint. Putting a hand on his hip and buttock, he held it firmly whilst Lewis lifted his leg a few inches in the air, then drew his leg up to his chin.
Then Mike moved his hand onto the side of his hip as Lewis straightened his leg back again, still keeping it in the air. Next, keeping his leg stiff and straight, he pushed his leg backwards as far as he could. As he did so, Mike moved his hand round to the front of his hip again.
Lewis then brought his leg forward, still in the air, until it was directly above the other leg, then lifted it up as high as he could. Mike moved his hand around to the bottom of Lewis’s groin, then as he lowered his leg slowly down until it rested on top of his other leg, Mike felt along his groin an inch at a time so that by the time his leg was down and relaxed, Mikes fingers had reached the top of his hip.
‘Turn over onto the other side,’ Mike instructed. As he did so, Mike could see that feeling his fingers running up his groin had made Lewis stiffen up a bit more, although he was still far from being fully hard. Once lying on his left side Mike had him do exactly the same with his right leg. As this time, he was facing Mike, he could watch Lewis’s semi stiff member move about as he took his leg through the movements. When they had finished, Lewis lay on his back, put his feet together and lifted them six inches off the settee whilst Mike tested the now rigid muscles of his stomach with his fingertips.
At the start of this portion of the test, Lewis’s cock stood in the air a bit like a deflating balloon, but as Mikes hands moved lower down his stomach and onto the top of his abdomen, it stiffened up quite a bit more. Next Mike had him lower his legs onto the settee, relax and draw his knees up. This made his stomach quite soft, so Mike was able to press his fingers deeper in and feel more.
Next Mike had him stand up on the floor, put his hands behind his neck and do three squats. Whilst he did the first one, Mike held two fingers between the top of his cheeks on the bottom bone of his spine. For the second one Mike held his fingers in the top of his left groin, followed by the third one in his right groin. For the third one, Mike had to reach across his front, so as he went up and down, Mike’s forearm couldn’t avoid brushing against his semi erect cock. As a result, it quickly changed into a fully stiff but not yet at maximum rod. Finally, Lewis lay back on the settee, a leaning Tower of Pisa between his legs, whilst Mike did a final heart measurement. ‘Well done,’ Mike told him, that’s all the hard work for today. You’ve got your first fiver. Now, if you want to stop, just get up and get dressed, but if you want to do the relax and question, just turn over onto your tummy.’
Without any hesitation, Lewis turned over.
Mike rested his hands on the back of Lewis’s head and started massaging the back of his head and his neck, then as he reached his shoulders he asked him, ‘Has anyone ever seen you with a lob on, or have you ever seen anyone else with a lob on?’ ‘Yes, to both, but at the same time,’ Lewis told him. ‘That sounds interesting,’ Mike said as he moved his hands down his back. ‘Tell me about it.’ ‘Pete and I were talking one day when we were alone at my house,’ Lewis told him. ‘We got to talking about being circumcised. I told him that I wasn’t, and he said he was.
Then we each said almost together, that although we knew the difference, we had never had the opportunity to have a close look at our opposites. Obviously, Pete had examined his circumcised dick, and I’d examined my uncircumcised dick, but neither of us had had chance to see the other in any detail. So, we decided that we would have a good look at each other, in the interest of general knowledge of course!’
‘Of course,’ Mike told him, ‘Knowledge and experience is what life is about.’ As Mike reached his waist, he continued, ‘So we both dropped our trousers and shorts, sat on the settee side by side, and took a good look at each other.’ ‘How did you feel about that?’ Mike asked as he massaged over his cheeks. ‘It was interesting,’ Lewis told him, ‘I’d never had opportunity to study anyone in detail before and neither had Pete. He was fascinated with my foreskin and asked if I minded him touching it. I said no, it was fine, so he took hold and slowly peeled it back, watching my tip appear from inside its cover, then he let it go slowly back again.’
I reached over and took hold of his and felt the tip, but of course being circumcised it looked exactly the same whatever you did to it.’ ‘What happened then,’ Mike asked as he moved on down the back of his legs. ‘Well next minute we both started swelling up,’ Lewis said with a laugh, Pete still had hold of mine as it happened, and we both let go like they were hot bricks. By the time we stood up, we were both rock hard and very embarrassed. We quickly got dressed and both agreed that it had been interesting but not something we would ever tell anyone about.’
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