The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 3: News of a Court Martial
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 3: News of a Court Martial - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Lewis checked the mess room online for the next two nights. He found the same two men doing the same thing, just sitting chatting happily. Then Friday night he signed in at five to eleven. Five minutes later two different men came in. He recognised Wilkinson immediately. He could also see that the young airman with him was looking far from happy.
As they made a drink, Danny rang the Major. ‘It looks like we’re on,’ he said. ‘If you go to the door and unlock it, but wait until my text to go in.’
‘Ok,’ the Major told him, ‘I’ll be at the door in five minutes.’ He called one of the older MPs on duty and took him with him. Arriving at W334, He unlocked the door quietly. Then as they stood and waited, he filled his colleague in on what they suspected was happening.
Danny was glued to his screen. He watched as they sat in silence drinking their coffees. As the young airman put their cups in the sink, Wilkinson got up and moved over to the table. He was rubbing over his cock as he went.
‘Come here,’ he ordered, ‘Strip off.’ The young airman came over to the table and stripped off. As he stood there naked, Wilkinson stripped off in front of him. ‘Get hold of it and make it big.’ he ordered. The airman took hold of Wilkinson’s cock, clearly revolted at what he was doing. He started stroking it. Then Wilkinson ordered him to turn round and bend over. Wilkinson rubbed Vaseline on and into his bum, then all over his own cock. As he put his tip against the lad’s bum, Danny pressed send.
He had already typed out a message to the Majors number saying, ‘Go, go, go.’ Moving swiftly but quietly, the two MPs went up the stairs and along the corridor to the mess room door.
The Major held the door handle and turned it slowly and quietly then pushed open the door as quietly as he could. Even though he had been warned what he would probably see, he was still horrified. Wilkinson was thrusting his cock hard in and out of the young airman’s bum.
Danny watching at home saw Wilkinson push in and start his thrusting.
As he started to speed up, the Major suddenly appeared on screen. Wilkinson hadn’t heard him come in. The Major suddenly grabbed Wilkinson’s shoulder and pulled him back with such force he went crashing down onto the floor.
‘You dirty bastard,’ he said, ‘You’re under arrest for assault.’ Leaving his colleague to see to a very surprised Wilkinson who was lying still, his cock still hard and sticking up in the air.
Feeling Wilkinson suddenly pulled out of him, the young airman turned round to see what the commotion was. Seeing the MP’s there and Wilkinson on the floor, his face lit up. ‘Get dressed son,’ the Major told him.
‘Cuff him as he is and take him into the office.’ The Major told his companion. When they had left the room, the Major waited until the lad was dressed and told him to sit down. ‘It’s all over,’ he told him, ‘He’ll not touch you again.’
‘As of now, you’re off duty.’ he said. ‘Go and have a shower and meet me at the Winco’s office in an hour. We’ll keep this as discrete as we can.’ he said, ‘Don’t worry, you’re not in any trouble.’
When he had gone, he rang the Winco and told him he had caught Wilkinson in the act. ‘I’ve told the lad to meet us at your office in an hour.’ he said.
Next, he called Wilkinson back in. Taking the cuffs off he told him to get dressed. Then he was cuffed again and marched off to the bases guardhouse. Danny made a DVD off the computer, managing to edit off the part showing the young airman’s face. Checking it showed enough evidence, he sent a text to the Major.
‘I have a DVD of the mess room from their arrival at twenty-two hundred hours. It shows everything that happened up to you pulling Wilkinson off. We can arrange to get it to you tomorrow. Thanks for your help.’
That was a surprise to the Major, but with him catching Wilkinson in the act, plus a video of it, he knew there would be no problem getting a guilty verdict at the court martial. Although given the evidence, Wilkinson would be daft not to plead guilty.
Shortly after the Winco arrived at his office to be met by the Major and the young airman. They went in and the Winco told everyone to sit down. Looking at the young airman, he said, ‘Son, I apologise for what you have suffered under my command. I am horrified it could happen. I’m also concerned that you felt unable to report it. I will be looking into how we can overcome that in due course.’
‘Now, because of the evidence we have, I expect that Sergeant Wilkinson will plead guilty at his court martial. However, just in case, I’m going to ask you to stay in here with the Major after I have gone. He will guide you through making a statement. The Major will seal it in an envelope so no one else will see it. Your statement, and others I expect to collect, will be given to the court martial. I will request that it remains sealed. I will submit a letter to the court stating how many airmen were victims and how many rapes he carried out.’
‘My letter should give enough information for the court. Then they can remain permanently sealed. The only people who know you were a victim are Myself, the Major and his colleague, plus Wilkinson and an undercover agent. So, your involvement will not be known to anyone else.’
‘I’m giving you a week’s leave starting tomorrow. When you return Wilkinson will have gone from the base and I hope you will feel able to settle back here happily.’
He got up, shook hands with him and left. The Major moved over to sit at the Wincos desk. ‘I’ll write out the statement for you,’ he said. ‘Just tell me the date of the first rape and how many times it has happened.’
The young airman who was only nineteen, gave him the date and said, ‘It had happened nine times plus tonight.’ The Major wrote out the details and gave it him to sign. Then putting it in an envelope he sealed it and wrote on the outside. He put his age, the date of the first rape and the number of rapes. ‘That’s all the court will see he told him.’
‘Now, put my number in your phone.’ he told him. ‘When you come back, if you have any problems relating to this or anything else I can help with call me.’ ‘Thank you, Major.’ the young man told him. ‘I appreciate everything you’ve done.’ He stood up, saluted, and returned to his billet.
That night he slept better than he had done for ages. Delighted his suffering was over and happy with his unexpected leave.
As soon as he got up the next morning, Danny sent Dean a text asking if he could come round at ten thirty as he had some good news. He got an, ‘Ok,’ back almost immediately. Danny texted John to let him know.
Danny arrived at Johns at his usual time. Then as they were having their morning coffee Danny’s phone rang. It was the Wing Commander. ‘Good morning,’ Danny he said. ‘I owe you a vote of thanks. Wilkinson has agreed to plead guilty at his court martial in return for a shorter sentence and a dishonourable discharge from the service.’
‘However, just to be sure, I want to collect as many statements as I can from his victims. Are you likely to see your chap again.’ ‘He’s due to meet me this morning sir,’ Danny said. ‘You’ll have some good news for him then.’ the Winco said. He explained what he planned to do with the statements. ‘I’ll get the Major to text you the layout,’ he said. ‘If you text him when you have it, I’ll get him to arrange with you to collect it and the DVD.’
‘One question,’ he added, ‘‘Have you ever flown anywhere?’ ‘No, sir, never.’ Danny replied. ‘How would you like a flight in a helicopter?’ the Winco asked. ‘I’d love that sir, thank you.’ Danny said his face lighting up at the thought. ‘I’ll be in touch later in the week to sort that out.’ he said.
‘Another thing too, do you have any bright ideas how I can get any other victims to give a statement?’ ‘I’m sure I can think of something.’ Danny said, ‘Shall I send it to you or the Major?’ ‘To me please,’ he said. ‘I’ll see you soon.’ he said as he hung up.
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