The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 2: Lots More Exercise for Dudley
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 2: Lots More Exercise for Dudley - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Monday just before five, Dudley and Lewis arrived at the shop. Dudley went through to make the coffees, whilst Lewis went to help Mike. Customers tailed off a few minutes before closing so Lewis asked if Danny had got the camera ok.
‘Yes,’ Mike told him, ‘Do you know what he wanted it for?’ ‘No idea.’ Lewis told him. ‘Well, when he picked it up,’ Mike said, ‘He was being driven in an RAF car with a uniformed driver.’ ‘Sounds interesting,’ Lewis said, ‘But we’ll probably never know.’
With no sign of any last-minute customers Mike went to lock the front door whilst Lewis went into the back room. He had no sooner sat down when Mike joined them with his usual fistful of envelopes.
They opened them all between mouthfuls of coffee. When they were done, they had opened fifty-one envelopes. Fifteen had promissory forms filled in for four pounds forty pence. Twenty-one had an empty form but included a five-pound note. Eleven had a filled in form plus a five-pound note. Three had no form at all but just a twenty-pound note.
They marked all the filled in forms that had had cash in as paid. The heap of cash came to two hundred and twenty pounds plus sixty-six in promises.
‘Oh, here’s another fifty.’ Lewis said putting an envelope on the table. ‘Warren, the relief manager, got a windfall last week and asked me to pass this on to you.’ Mike looked over at him quizzically, ‘He seems to have had an awful lot of good luck since he met you.’ he said.
‘Yes, he does, doesn’t he?’ Lewis said with a grin. ‘So now we have a total of three hundred and thirty-six pounds including the promises.’ ‘The amount given each week is going down as is normal, but it’s still exceptional.’ Mike said. As Lewis and Dudley packed it all in a big envelope. Mike got up and got his coat.
‘Come and have a congratulatory hug.’ Mike said to Dudley. As they hugged Mike whispered in Dudley’s ear. Then Lewis saw Dudley’s hand move down in between them. As Mike said, ‘See you, folks.’ and headed for the door, Dudley stood there with a bulge in his trousers.
Lewis saw Mike out and had a hug and a kiss. ‘Do I get a feel too?’ he asked laughing. ‘You know you don’t need to ask.’ Mike said. ‘I just thought he deserved a small reward.’ ‘I don’t think Dudley would describe it as a ‘small’ reward.’ Lewis said grinning. ‘His trousers looked as if they might burst as you parted.’ ‘I didn’t notice that,’ Mike said, ‘But it’s nice to know.’
Returning to the back room, Lewis noticed Dudley’s bulge hadn’t shrunk yet. ‘Right, Dudley, I think you better do sit ups first.’ Dudley grinned and stripped off. His cock was sticking out throbbing. ‘If it does that with just a touch over Mikes trousers when it’s soft,’ Lewis said, ‘What’s it going to do when it’s holding it in the flesh and erect.’ Dudley’s cock did several throbs at the thought.
He lay down, put a foot each side of the table leg and swung into action. As he sat up and lay down his cock moved up and down like a lever. But by the time he had done sixty-five sit ups and collapsed, it was hanging limp between his legs.
‘Well done,’ Lewis said, ‘That’s one more than last week. It’s great that you’re still going up, but you’re so high now that it won’t matter if you reach a point that you can’t get past.’
‘Scales next.’ Dudley stood on them, and Lewis read out, ‘Eleven stone ten pounds. Fantastic Dudley, you’ve dropped two pounds. Only three pounds to go.’ Dudley looked pleased then he asked, ‘What happens when I reach the target?’
‘You’ll be a hero.’ Lewis said. Dudley blushed at that. ‘No, I mean about our Monday nights?’ ‘You won’t need to come every Monday after that.’ Lewis said. Seeing Dudley’s disappointed look, he said, ‘But to get rid of the excess fat, you’ll need to stay at or below the target weight for twelve months.’
‘So, we will meet up here once a month to keep a check on you.’ Dudley’s face lit up again. ‘If you achieve that, then after twelve months unless you let yourself go, you’ll be fine. With all your new activities now, plus sensible eating you should stay round your target weight without any problem.’
‘Right,’ Lewis said looking between his legs, ‘It’s safe for you to do press ups now. Alison would never forgive you if you broke it.’ Dudley grinned and got down on the floor.
He started going up and down at a steady pace, only slowing down towards the end. ‘Excellent, that’s sixty-five,’ Lewis told him. ‘One more than last week. So that’s your third point.’
‘Ok, come and rest whilst you tell me your finances.’ Lewis said sitting down on the settee. Dudley lay down with his head on Lewis’s lap. ‘I got my pocket money of fifteen pounds as usual,’ he began. ‘We had two visitors during the week who hadn’t seen me for ages. They couldn’t get over how much weight I’d lost. They each gave me twenty pounds. Then when mum told them about my sponsorship and how much weight I’d actually lost, they both gave me another twenty pounds each sponsorship.’
‘I put thirty pounds of my gift in the bank and kept my pocket money. Alison and I went out Friday as usual. We had an early doors restaurant meal then went to the cinema. I paid for the restaurant which was twenty-six pounds, and Alison paid for the cinema.’
‘We went out again on Saturday afternoon and walked the old railway park again. This time we did the entire length of eleven miles each way. We stopped at the café on the way back. Alison insisted on paying the bus fare and the café.’
‘So, you now have three hundred and ten pounds in the bank, and three pounds twenty in your pocket?’ Lewis said. ‘Yes,’ Dudley said, ‘Amazing, isn’t it?’ ‘Yes, it is,’ Lewis said, ‘It just shows what you can do if you try. So that’s another point.’
‘Feet ups now.’ Dudley moved the chair over as a guide then he got down on the floor. His feet started going up and down at a great rate until they started to slow down towards the end. ‘Well done, that’s sixty-five as well,’ Lewis said. ‘That’s two more than last week. Now all three are the same, I suggest you keep them the same now and just try to add one to each, every week. So that’s your five points.’
‘But first of all, let’s hear about your special exercises.’ Dudley lay back down with his head on Lewis’s lap. ‘I had eleven this week,’ he said. ‘Monday, I dreamt of firing you. Tuesday, it was making love to Alison. Wednesday, I fired up Michael’s bum, then again dreaming about it that night. Thursday, I dreamt of making love to Alison. Friday, I made love to Alison at hers then dreamt about it later. Saturday, I made love to Alison in my own bed twice, then found the energy to dream about it later. Sunday, I dreamt about sucking you tonight.’
‘And I assume they were all nice ones?’ Lewis asked. ‘Yes, definitely.’ Dudley said with a big beam.
‘Ok, tell me about your training session.’ Lewis said. ‘We stripped off together then got in the pool.’ Dudley said. ‘Michael watched me do some turns and a couple of dives. He watched some above the water and some from underneath. He gave me one tip then said, ‘I don’t think I can teach you anything else. You have the knowledge now, and you have the power too.’
‘I felt really chuffed at his praise but disappointed that this was going to be our last session together. We had a swim around then got out. In the changing area when we stripped off, we were both already hard. We had a naked hug feeling our cocks throbbing together. Then Michael said, ‘What, position do you want me in?’ I said you don’t have to just because I did. ‘Don’t be silly,’ he said with a grin, ‘I’ve been dreaming about this every night. Well,’ he added, ‘Every night except Friday.’ I didn’t ask but I knew he had been out with Erica on Friday, so I guessed she had taken priority.’
‘I asked him to kneel down on a cushion with his head on the armchair. I knelt behind him and as I rubbed oil round his bum with one hand, I put my other hand in between his legs and played with his hard cock. Then after I’d squirted some oil up his bum, I gave my cock a good oiling too.’
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