The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 3: Sex In Prison
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 3: Sex In Prison - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘No more of that for now,’ Lewis said. ‘First, you’re going to finish your story. Then you can tell me everything that happened to you. After that, together we will sort it all out. Stay sitting up.’ he said as he got up.
Sitting at the end of the settee he told him to lie down. Once he was settled with his head on Lewis’s lap, Lewis put one hand on his head and stroked it. With his other hand he took hold of his cock and held it still.
‘You are very worked up,’ Lewis said, ‘And you are narrating an erotic story which will bring back to you some very happy and exciting memories.’
‘If all that gets you so worked up that you feel yourself near to firing, don’t fight it. Let it go and enjoy it. We can mop it up afterwards ok.’
‘Ok,’ Dave said with amazement at how easily he had accepted the idea.
Closing his eyes and relaxing he carried on where he had left off. ‘We held each other’s cock still for a while,’ Dave said, ‘Then Dillon started exploring all over with his fingers. It felt so lovely I did the same to his. Then we each got hold of the other’s balls. We stood together for ages, then Dillon said. ‘This has been amazing, but do you know what would make my day?’ ‘What?’ I asked.
‘To be able to fire you,’ he said. ‘You mean like I do in bed at night?’ I asked surprised. It had never occurred to me that anyone else could or would do it for me. As soon as I grasped the idea, I knew I wanted it to happen more than anything.’
‘How would you like to do it?’ I asked. ‘If we go in the bedroom you can lie on your bed,’ he told me. ‘Then I can fire you with one hand whilst I play with your balls with the other.’ I couldn’t wait I headed for the bedroom right away.’
‘I got up on my bed and Dillon sat at the side. He leaned over and kissed me again. Then he took hold of my cock, stroking it right away. As I enjoyed it, another lovely feeling flowed through me. I looked down and saw he was playing with my balls.’
‘It wasn’t long before my special feeling started. It seemed to start in my toes and work its way up all the way through my body.’ The feeling he was describing started to feel very real, then he realised that in time to his story, Lewis’s hand was now sliding up and down his own cock.
Giving him a happy smile, he continued, ‘My special feeling grew steadily until I knew I was very close. ‘Dillon, I’m nearly there,’ I said. He just went faster so my feeling went into overdrive. ‘I’m coming,’ I called out to him. Then as my cock throbbed like a machine gun. I shot spurt after spurt of cum. I screamed out, the feeling beat anything I’d ever managed to produce myself.’
‘Dillon kept going until I stopped shooting, then he slowed down to a stop. He kept hold as I shrank, then he laid it down in my hairs. We hadn’t thought about the mess, so he went out and got some tissue and a cloth.’
‘He mopped it all up off my chest, then washed me with the cloth. I sat up then and we hugged. ‘That was wonderful,’ I said. ‘Can I fire you now?’
‘Yes please,’ he said. ‘I got up and he lay down. He was still hard, so I started stroking right away. I held his balls too, that was a lovely feeling.’
‘As I went up and down on his cock, it only seemed like a few moments before he called out to say he was very close. I speeded up and seconds later he gave this lovely long happy screech as his cock throbbed like mad and shot out several jets of cum. I watched it soar into the air and land in a big pool on his chest.’
‘Although his cock was smaller than mine. I’m sure he shot more cum than me.’ At that point his own feeling kicked in. ‘Lewis, I’m coming.’ he shouted. Lewis went faster, then as Dave’s cock swelled in his grip, it pumped out jet after jet of cum. It soared in the air to a great height before dropping onto Dave’s chest to form a lake. As he shot, he made a noise somewhere between a scream and a cry of joy.’
Lewis kept moving until it finished, then slowed down to a stop. Holding it until it went soft, he lay it down on his hairs. Then squeezing out from under his head, he went and fetched his cleaning stuff.
Returning, he mopped all the cum up off his chest. Then after a wash with the wet flannel, he dried him off. Picking his cock up, he slid the foreskin back and wiped Dave’s tip with the wet cloth. As Dave gave a happy shiver at the sensation, Lewis let his foreskin return to cover it.
Laying his cock down on his hairs, he smiled at him. ‘Now, after telling me all the things you have and being naked in front of me, you should be relaxed. But getting a hard on and letting me fire you with very clear sounds of enjoyment, you are definitely relaxed enough. So now you can tell me not only everything that is bothering you, but how it all happened and how it has affected you.’
Lewis started massaging his head very slowly with one hand and his abdomen with the other. Dave closed his eyes, lay still enjoying the massage, then he started his tale.
‘I was working and very happy,’ he said. ‘At the weekends and some evenings, a group of us from the estate who had known each other for years, would get together and play football or just hang around.’
‘We got complaints from residents sometimes for being noisy but nothing serious. A lot of the others either didn’t have a job or had a job they didn’t like. So, whilst we were hanging around at weekends and evenings, the ones without a job spent most of their days just hanging around.’
‘One week we had been playing football, then we were all sitting round in a circle talking. There was me and Keith, two girls and six other lads. I can’t remember who suggested it, but there was a discussion on breaking into one of the shops on the estate.’
‘There was a lot of talk about how much money would be in the shop plus lots of electrical goods. As soon as it was clear this was becoming a definite project rather than just a suggestion, The two girls and one of the lads got up, said, ‘Count us out,’ and walked away.
‘I think Keith and I would have followed,’ but as the others moved away, the remaining lads turned quite nasty and called after them saying they were traitors to the group. One even threw some stones after them. Then they were talking about never speaking to them again.’
‘Looking back now, I know it’s no excuse, but Keith and I were too weak to walk away. Because of that we became part of it.’ Lewis interrupted at that point, ‘I can understand that happening,’ he told him. ‘You are the first person I’ve met who has been in prison. But I have met a few who were put in prison. They were nasty pieces of work which you clearly are not. But I’m sure you have realised by now, whilst your weakness explains your actions, it is not an excuse. You and Keith are responsible for your own lives. You made the decision to stay, no one else. Ok you made the wrong decision. But lots of people going through life do that and have to take the consequences.’
‘You have taken the consequences. You paid for your bad decision by losing your freedom and your job. But it’s over now. It’s time to put it behind you and move on with your life. After today, I expect you will do just that.’
‘Carry on now,’ he said. Dave resumed, ‘Plans were made and the next weekend we broke in. Keith and I had discussed not going but we were too worried about the reaction from the others.’
‘In the shop we discovered what should have been obvious, there was no cash left there overnight. So, everyone helped themselves to things off the shelves. I’m ashamed to say but I did too. Within a few weeks we had all been arrested and charged. Two of the older lads already had records for break ins so we were all sent up to the crown court.’
‘The judge said that he had no doubt that some of us were pushed into it, but that was our decision. He sentenced everyone to three years in prison. I felt as if my world had ended. A few people had said with no previous I’d get either a suspended sentence or probation.’
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