The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 3: Danny Examines Victim Alan.

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 3: Danny Examines Victim Alan. - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Five minutes later there was a knock at the door, then Alan walked in. He was shorted than Danny and very thin, at first glance, he looked about twelve. Danny welcomed him and told him to take a seat, indicating the dining chair. As he sat down, Alan said, Fast Track, please.”

Danny asked him why he had chosen that. Alan told him that he had liked the idea of speeding things up when it was first mentioned, then being the last one, he had seen everyone going in and coming out.

“Everyone going in looked nervous,” He said, “Except Kevin who looked frightened and Colin who looked absolutely terrified. Every single one of them came out with a smile on their face and looked happy, so I decided there can’t be anything to worry about.”

“That’s good to hear,” Danny told him, “I’m going to ask you some personal questions, then I’ll ask you to strip off and lie on the table. If you’re shy, you can leave your shorts on for now. I’ve already told you I can’t examine you without your approval, so I’ll take you’re getting on the table as permission, ok?” Alan nodded agreement.

“Remember, nothing you tell me in this room will go any further, so please answer openly and honestly,” Danny said. “Are you a virgin?” Alan looked at him with a smile and said, “No.” Danny thought to himself, lucky so and so, then he asked, “Tell me how old you were and some details of where and how it happened.”

Alan told him, without any sign of embarrassment, “I was fourteen, it was a girl who lived over the road who I’d known for years. She was fifteen, she came over to borrow one of my records and we chatted for a while as we often did. The house was empty, and she asked me if I was still a virgin, I was surprised, but I told her yes, then she said she was too, how about we tried having sex together.”

He grinned saying, “I said yes, naturally,” then he continued, “So we went up to my bedroom.” “Talk me through what happened,” Danny asked him. “ We kissed first,” Alan told him, “Then we stripped each other off one item at a time, having a bit of a play with each other as we did so. Then she lay on the bed, I climbed up alongside her and we kissed again. I played with her breast’s, and she played with my cock which was hard by now, naturally, then I climbed on top and went in, she was a bit uncomfortable as I went in, being her first time, but once I was in, she was fine, so I got to work. I was over excited, and she was pushing her hips up as well, so I came quite quickly, but we both enjoyed it.” “How many times have you had sex since?” Danny asked. “Four,” came the reply. “How many different people did you go with?” Alan told him, “I had it twice more with her, then I had it recently with a girl at school.”

“Sounds like you’ve been enjoying yourself,” Danny told him, giving him a big grin.

“Ok, you seemed to have no problem telling me all that, so I think we can move on, If, you still want to fast track, strip of and get up on the table.” Alan stood up and started undressing. Danny told him, “When you get up on the table, lie on your front please.”

Alan had intended leaving his shorts on to start with, but as he was going to lie on his front, he decided they may as well come off. He dropped them, kicked them under the table and climbed up, lying down on his stomach.

Dany had only seen his back as he climbed up, his figure was good in that his shoulders were broader than his hips, but they weren’t very wide even so. His hips were narrow, his cheeks small and his legs slim. Going over to the table, Danny told him, “I’m going to examine your spine first, have you ever had any injuries or problems with your back?” As he put his fingers on Alan s neck and started feeling the bones one at a time, Alan replied, “No, never.”

Danny worked his way down his back, right to the bottom of his spine, in between the tops of his cheeks. He noticed that there was no reaction from Alan as he handled his cheeks. As he had come down his back, he had asked, “Have you had sex since the incident?” Alan answered right away, “Yes, once, about a month ago.” “Did you have any pain at all, or when you played with yourself between the incident and having sex,” he asked.

Alan told him,” I tried to fire about a week after when I was still feeling sore, but as soon as I erected it was too painful. I tried again a week later and managed to fire, but it hurt as I fired, then after another week it was fine, and sex was fine too.”

By now Danny had finished on his back, so he asked him to turn over. Alan did so without any hesitation or apparent embarrassment. His cock hung limp between his legs, not as small as Colins but still quite small, although perhaps in proportion to his body size. It was about the thickness of Danny s little finger and about two inches long.

“When you hurt whilst firing yourself,” Danny asked him, “Did it hurt as you were actually shooting sperm out, or was it just before when you were seconds away and the nice feeling was building up?” “Just as I was almost there,” Alan replied, “Actually firing was painless and as nice as usual.” “Good, Danny replied, “I’ll explain why that happened shortly. I’m going to examine your stomach and abdomen now, just relax. He ran his hands down from the bottom of his ribs to the top of his pubic hairs, a nice little patch, jet black. When he had finished pressing his fingers all over, he told Alan to draw his knees up and then he did the same, now able to go deeper in.

That done and Alan’s legs flat once more, Danny explained what would happen next. “In a moment, I’m going to examine down the inside edge of both your groins,” he told him. “As I do so, my hand is going to brush against your cock. Then I’m going to check your cock and your balls. It’s quite possible that my touch may make you erect. If you feel it happening, please try not to fight it. Again, I’ll explain why in a moment, but that will give me a better examination on the final stage.”

As Danny started down one groin, he asked, “You’ve already told me that you have put your cock into a vagina four times, how many times have you put it up someone’s bum?” By now

he was halfway down one groin and had brushed against the little stump a couple of times. So far without any effect. Alan hadn’t answered right away, then he told him, twice.” “Where they before or after you had sex?” Danny asked. As he reached the bottom of the first groin, Alan’s cock moved slightly and seemed a little thicker. Danny grinned at him, “Looks like we’re getting a bit of a reaction, well done.”

Alan told him, my first time was about a year and a half ago with my mate Mark after we had been messing about with each other. The only other time was about a week ago, also with Mark.” “Which of you went first?” Danny asked. “Alan told him that he had gone first on the first occasion, then Mark had gone in him, but last time they had done it the other way round. “Did you both enjoy it on both occasions,” Danny asked. “I certainly did,” Alan replied with a grin, and as far as I could tell, so did Mark.”

“When Mark went into you last time, how did it feel after your experience?” Danny asked, “I told Mark that I had been sore inside without saying why and asked him to go in carefully. I know him well and knew he would be gentle, so although I was a little worried, we went ahead. He slid in carefully without giving me any problem, and the whole thing was pain free and as lovely as the first time?”

By now Danny was going down the other groin, Alan’s cock was rigid and giving an occasional wave. It was about three inches long measured up the front and about the thickness of Danny’s thumb. Alan didn’t seem to be showing any concern as it jumped about.

Finishing examining his groin, Danny took hold of his cock, which immediately jumped about in his hand. He squeezed it gently, then worked his way down to its base, then taking hold of his balls and examining them. They were about the size of a couple of cherries and the sack was small. As he examined them, Danny explained about the cock muscle going up inside, telling him that it was that stretching when he fired that had pressed on a sore spot and given him the pain. Now you are hard, that same muscle will have expanded so I’ll be able to examine it easier when we do the last bit, which is next.

“Given that you have had a cock up your bum before and after the incident,” He told him, “Having my finger examining inside you should be no problem for you. He explained the procedure and went over to get his things.

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