The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 4: Lewis Is Called To The Bar
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 4: Lewis Is Called To The Bar - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Six weeks after Warren moved into his new flat, he and Lewis were called to attend the Crown Court. DC Walters told them they would be unlikely to be needed as his cousin Bashiir had indicated his intention to plead guilty. However, until he actually did so in Court, they had to go prepared for a trial.
Lewis’s mum and dad went with them for support. As Lewis and Warren might be called as witnesses if Bashiir changed his mind at the last minute, they were not allowed in court at the start. However, when the clerk of the court read out the charge and asked him, ‘Do you plead Guilty or Not Guilty. Bashiir answered. ‘Guilty.’
That meant the jury which had been sworn in ready could be dismissed. Whilst that was happening, DC Walters came out and brought Warren, Lewis and his parents into the public gallery.
Even the Judge noticed the look of pure hatred Bashiir gave them as they sat down. Once everyone was settled the Judge told Bashiir to stand. ‘You have pleaded guilty to a horrific and disgusting crime,’ he said. ‘At a time of family loss and distress, you dropped on your younger cousin like a vulture. As a family member he reasonably looked to you for help and support. Instead, you inflicted terrible physical pain on him, carried out regular acts of gross indecency on him by force, kept him a virtual prisoner and took over his bank account under pressure.’
‘Had it not been for a chance meeting with a very talented young man, your assaults on him would be continuing still. I have read the victims
impact statement, as well as watching the video of your last assault and arrest. You are clearly a very evil and violent man with no thought or consideration for anyone but fulfilling your own twisted desires.’
‘You will go to prison for ten years. Because you pleaded guilty and saved your victim having to give evidence, I am suspending the last two years.’
Then he continued, ‘I also have an application here for restitution for monies you removed from your cousin’s bank account. The application is for the return of ten of your illegal withdrawals, each of three hundred and fifty pounds. I grant that request. Take him down.’
As the court stood whilst the Judge withdrew, the court usher came over and spoke to DC Walters. Then he stood waiting. DC Walters told them, ‘His Honour the Judge would like to meet you all in his chambers.’
They followed the usher through the back of the court and were led into a lovely oak lined room with a desk and chair plus a number of very old comfortable looking seats. As they came in the Judge had taken his wig off and was standing waiting for them.
DC Walters introduced everyone to him, then he invited them to sit down. A tray of tea or coffee was served. He quickly put Lewis’s parents at ease who were feeling a bit overwhelmed.’
‘How are you coping, young man?’ he asked Warren. ‘I’m fine now thank you sir,’ Warren told him, ‘Thanks to Lewis I am not only free of my cousin, but I have a new flat and a new career.’ Turning to Lewis His Honour said, ‘You seem to have an amazing ability, Lewis. I hope you will keep using it. I understand from DC Walters here, that all the organisation of his arrest was down to you.’ Turning to Lewis’s parents he told them both that he was a credit to them and how proud they should be of him.
‘I’d love to stop and chat,’ he said, ‘But I have several more cases waiting for me so I will have to leave in a moment. Finish your drinks at your leisure then DC Walters will see you out. Lewis, it’s not in my power to give you any award for what you have done, although you undoubtably deserve one. But I would like you to have a small souvenir of your visit today. Please come with me for a moment. DC Walters will you come too.’
They went back into the court which was empty apart from the usher.
His Honour led Lewis up to the bench and told him to sit in the Judges seat. Taking his wig off, the Judge placed it on Lewis’s head, then stepped away.
DC Walters who knew what His Honour intended, had gone down into the well of the court and took some photos on his phone. Then when they returned to the Judge’s chambers, he went round shaking hands with them all once more before leaving them. Having recovered his wig from Lewis, to return to court.
After they had all finished their drinks, DC Walters escorted them back to their car. Wishing Warren good luck for the future, he shook hands with Lewis’s parents. Then he said goodbye to Lewis. ‘I have a feeling we will meet again,’ he said with a grin. ‘Oh, by the way,’ he added, ‘Your invite to the Judge’s chambers is unheard off.’
Warren had the day off from work and Lewis from school, so Warren insisted that they went out to lunch as his treat seeing he was going to get so much more money back. After lunch Lewis’s mum and dad returned home. Warren and Lewis went to Warrens bank. As they were leaving the Judge’s chambers, the court usher had brought them the court document they needed for the bank.
They saw the same lady as last time who remembered them. She took the form away, returning ten minutes later with a photocopy for Warren to keep. ‘We’ve already given you two of the payments,’ she reminded him, ‘So the remaining balance of two thousand eight hundred will be credited to your account later today.’
They thanked her for her help, then left the bank. Warren couldn’t resist putting his card in the machine outside and checking his balance. He showed the screen to Lewis. There was the deposit already there.
Warren immediately drew out fifty pounds. ‘Pass that on to your friend Dudley.’ he said. Lewis thanked him, then they went round to the agents office who handled Warrens flat.
Lewis explained that Warren had been visiting Phillip who was still the official tenant. ‘Phillip wants to move out at the end of his tenancy to move in with his girlfriend,’ he told the girl in the office. ‘Warren would like to take over as tenant. As that would give you a continuous let, they’re hoping that if you agree they could do it sooner.’
The lady didn’t see any problem with that. ‘Obviously, we would need something in writing from Phillip.’ she said. ‘I have his letter with me,’ Lewis told her, ‘But I’m instructed not to hand it in until you have approved Warrens tenancy.’
She gave Warren all the necessary forms to fill in. He had brought a letter from his employer and one from the bank. Within half an hour Warren was approved and a phone call to Phillip confirmed his agreement. Lewis handed over Phillips letter, Warren signed the new lease, set up a bank standing order to pay the rent and from the following Monday the flat would be in Warrens name.
They walked back to the flat and as he opened the door, Warren said, ‘I loved this flat from the moment I saw it, but I love it even more now it’s officially mine.’ As soon as the door closed behind them, Warren threw his arms around Lewis and hugged him. ‘Thanks for your support today,’ he said. ‘As well as everything else you’ve done for me.’
‘How did you explain your absence to John and Tim?’ Lewis asked. ‘I went to see John first,’ Warren said, ‘Because apart from the day off for court, I needed a letter for the letting agent. I told him I had been attacked and kept prisoner by a cousin, but a friend had helped me escape. I now needed the day off to go to court in case he pleaded not guilty.’
‘Of course.’ he said. ‘Is everything ok for you now, is there anything I can do to help?’ ‘You’ve already done it,’ I told him, ‘Having this job is the start of my new life.’ ‘Well, I’m always here if you need me,’ he said. Then he added, ‘I presume the friend who rescued you was Lewis?’ ‘When I said yes, he just nodded and smiled to himself.’
‘Good luck in court,’ he said as I left.’
‘I told Tim a bit about it when we started travelling to work together because I knew today would come. As soon as I mentioned your name. he said, ‘That doesn’t surprise me, I know at least three others Lewis has helped, including me.’
‘There’s even a rumour round the factory that he saved the bosses canal boat from sinking in a lock,’ he said, ‘But I don’t know how true that is.’
Lewis just grinned. ‘When you discovered that I’d helped Tim,’ he asked, ‘What did you think?’ Warren grinned back at him, ‘I couldn’t help wondering if Tim had enjoyed your help as much as I had,’ he said.
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