The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 2: Danny Interviews Victim Colin
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 2: Danny Interviews Victim Colin - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Ten minutes later there was a faint knock on the door. No one came in, so Danny got up and opened it. Outside was a very nervous looking Colin. Danny gave him a big smile and asked him in. Closing the door, he asked Colin to go and sit on the dining chair. “Colin, you look absolutely terrified,” Danny told him, “What is frightening you?” Colin gave him a weak smile, saying, “I’m always nervous about things, but I’m scared about what you’re going to do.”
Danny went over to him and put his arm around his shoulder, he could feel that he was shivering. “It’s understandable after what you’ve been through,” he told him, but remember, I can only examine you if you give me permission. But before we start, let’s see if we can relax you a bit. Come over to the settee and I’ll relax you whilst we just have a chat.”
They went over to the far side of the room, Danny took the end cushion off the end of the settee, sat down in its place, put the cushion over his lap, then told Colin to lie down with his head on the cushion. Once he was settled, Danny looked down at him, smiled and told him, “I’m going to relax your head and your chest whilst I tell you what we are going to try to do. I’ll also ask you a few questions about yourself. Nothing there to worry about, is there?”
As he spoke, Danny rested one hand on Colins head and one on his chest, then started massaging gently. He was pleased to feel that Colin had stopped shaking. “Right,” Danny started, “This one-to-one meeting is to help you get over the trauma you suffered, it’s not going to hurt you in any way. You might be embarrassed by the examination and the questions, but no one else but the two of us will ever know what you did or said in this room, ok?” Colin nodded, he realised he had stopped shaking which made him feel easier and the relaxing was nice and soothing.
Danny continued, “When you feel ready to carry on, and not before, I will sit you in the dining chair and examine your head and neck with my hands. That will just feel like the massage I’m giving you now. After that, I’ll ask you to take your top things off so I can check your heart and chest,” Colin nodded at him.
“Don’t forget,” Danny continued, “I can’t do any of that until you give me permission to examine you. I promise you that nothing I’m going to do will give you any pain at all. I can’t prove that, so I have to ask you to trust me until you discover it for yourself. So, what I’m going to suggest, is that we stay here and talk until you feel relaxed enough to move on, does that make you feel easier?”
Colin nodded and said, “Yes, thank you, I’m sorry to be a nuisance.” Danny looked at him, smiled and said, “Colin, you are not being a nuisance, after what you’ve been through it’s only natural that you’re scared, I know I’m asking a lot of you, we only met a few hours ago, yet I’m asking you to trust me to examine your intimate parts and ask you intimate questions. I Know it’s a big ask.”
“When you feel you’re getting near to feeling able to carry on, I want you to just get up, take your top things off and lie back down. When that happens, I’ll carry on relaxing you, but we’ll then start talking more about the next stage, ok?”
Colin nodded, he felt much happier already and was starting to feel very relaxed with Danny. He had also spoken to Kevin on his way out too, Kevin had told him that Danny was very gentle, a lovely person and said he, Kevin, should do everything Danny asked as it would benefit him enormously.
Danny, still massaging head and chest, asked, “How do you get on with the other lads at school?” Kevin told him that he was always frightened of the other boys as they would often hit him or pick on him or push him around. “Do you have any close mates who are good to you?” Danny asked. “I have a friend called Greg,” Kevin told him, “He is the same age as me, we get on well and often see each other out of school as he lives near me. When we are together at school, the other lads tease us, but they don’t come too close as Greg is much tougher than me, he hits back.” Danny grinned at him, “Sounds like a good friend to have.”
“When Gordon was lodging with your family, was there any occasions where Greg could have been alone with him?” Danny asked. Colin said, “You don’t think...” Then tailed off into silence. Danny said, “It’s a possibility.” Colin thought hard for a few moments, then said, “I’m not absolutely sure, but I don’t think so.” “Have you seen him since Gordon left,” Danny asked, “Did he appear to be the same as always to you?” Colin told him that he had seen him several times since and hadn’t noticed any difference. Danny said, “That’s good, now, earlier you said that Gordon should have been put down. I want you to know that that was seriously considered. It was voted against for three reasons. One, it would be too easy a punishment for him. Two, it is exceptionally hard to get rid of a dead body. Three everyone felt he should suffer just as much as his victims. That I can assure you he did.
Now Colin, because you are small in size, I suspect you suffered more pain than any of us. That is why getting you sorted is even more important to me than any of the others. Even if it takes longer than today to do it, I won’t rest until I’m sure you are going to be ok.” Colin was beginning to realise that here was someone who understood and wanted to help. He remembered what Kevin had told him and coupled with how at ease he was now feeling talking about it, he reached a decision. He sat up, got up off the settee, took his top things off and lay back on the settee.
Danny resumed his relaxing massage, this time on the bare skin of his chest. “Thank you, Kevin, that’s a good sign and a nice compliment.” Colin smiled up at him. Danny looked at his bare chest and part of his stomach. His chest was weak looking, and his stomach could only be described as ‘round’ It’s almost as if he grew to my height and then was squashed down shorter, Danny thought to himself.
“Now we have got this far, I’m going to ask you more personal questions which I hope you’ll feel able to trust me with an answer. The next step after that is, when you feel ready, for you to get up, strip off and lie on the table. When you do that, if you still feel a bit shy, you can leave your shorts on to start with, ok?” Colin nodded at him again, he was feeling so much easier now that things were moving at his pace.
“Remember Colin,” Danny told him, “I’m only a few years older than you, so I know exactly what a teenage boy gets up to, so there’s no need to feel embarrassed, everything I ask you about I’ve most likely done myself anyway, but I need you to give me your own details in your own way, so let’s give it a try.
“When were you fourteen?” Danny asked. “Three weeks ago,” Colin replied. “So, when Gordon was at your house you were only thirteen?” Colin nodded. “Now, before Gordon came, how often on average each week did you play with yourself in bed and fire?” Colin was horrified at the idea of telling anyone that, but remembering what Danny had said about himself, he swallowed hard then answered, “About four times.” Danny was still massaging his chest and head, he said, “Well done Colin, I know you found that hard to answer, but I do it too you know.”
“After Gordon had left,” Danny continued, how long was it before you got erect and fired yourself again?” Colin thought for a moment, remembering how difficult it had been, “About five weeks,” he said. “During those five weeks, did you try to do it, but couldn’t?” Danny asked. “Yes, just once.” Colin admitted. “How about now, how often have you done in over say the last three weeks?” Colin answered right away saying, “About six a week.”
Danny grinned at him, “Making up for lost time hey?” he said, then before Colin could answer that he stopped his massage and told him to sit up.
Once he had sat up, Danny put an arm around him, pulling him close so that Colin’s head went onto his shoulder. He put his other arm around him just above his waist, whilst Colin automatically put his arm over Danny shoulder. Danny told him to make himself comfy then he was to listen to what he said carefully, but not to comment until he had finished. He felt Colin nod.
With his mouth near to Colins ear, Danny started to speak. “Once upon a time, there was a nice person who wouldn’t harm a fly. He was quite small. One day a nasty evil person raped him in his own home. The nice person had a bum that was quite small, whilst the nasty person had a cock that was enormous. The pain was more than he could bear, but even worse was the embarrassment he felt. He suffered the pain all on his own until one day his parents asked him if he had been raped. Still embarrassed, he denied it repeatedly. But although the pain had gone, he still had nightmares about it and thought that he was somehow to blame. Then one day his parents sent him to meet someone who might help. He was scared at first, but soon realised that the person he had come to see was gentle and wouldn’t hurt him. He decided to trust him and did all sorts of tests and had a physical examination. They talked about what had happened, then the nice person realised he wasn’t to blame in any way. He was told his body had healed up inside and he could now put the whole thing in the deepest part of his memory and forget it. He went home with a piece of paper that stopped his parents ever speaking about it again. The rest of his life was happy because he never thought about it ever again.
Everything but the end bit is true already,” Danny told him, “I know because of things you’ve said and things you haven’t said. All that is needed now is for that nice person to admit to himself that it happened, be convinced it was not in any way his fault and then finish the rest of this session.”
Danny paused for a few moments, silence dropped on the room, then Danny said, “The whole of your life is ahead of you, for your peace of mind and your happiness, please make the right decision.” Danny had intended asking him outright at that point, but before he could say anything, Colin gave him a hug, got up, then stripped his trousers off and headed to the table in his shorts.
Danny jumped to his feet and followed him over, saying, “Lie on your back.” He watched as Colin climbed up and settled himself down. Sitting on the edge of the table, he told him to sit up, then with a hand on each of his shoulders, he looked him straight in the eye and said, “Colin, this is the hardest thing you’ll do today, I want you to say out loud, “I was raped by Gordon Jones.” Danny kept looking at him, a smile on his face, waiting. Colin was clearly struggling, he tried to speak a couple of times, only getting as far as “I,” then “I was,” then in a rush he blurted out, “I was raped by Gordon Jones.”
There was silence again for a moment, then a big beam lit up Colin’s face. “I said it,” he announced to no one in particular, “I said it.” Danny pulled him close and hugged him. “Very well done, Colin, don’t you feel so much better already.” Danny could feel him nodding, then he said, “I do, it’s amazing, it’s like a great weight is lifted off my shoulders.”
“You will never need to say that ever again,” Danny told him. “You can put into the depths of your memory and if your memory ever recalls it, you switch immediately to remembering today and how you felt at this moment. Now, are you ready to finish the session?”
Colin hugged him then said, “Thank you so much, and yes, I don’t feel nervous anymore.”
He lay back down and Danny told him, “Ok, now I’m going to examine your tummy and abdomen down to your shorts, then I’ll take your shorts off, examine the rest of your front, do the final test and were done.”
He put his hands on Colins stomach and pressed his fingers in gently all over. As he did, he asked, “How long was it before you stopped feeling pain afterwards?” Colin replied right away, no hesitation now, “Six weeks.” He answered. “Does that include being able to poo without pain as well,” Danny asked. “Yes, everything,” Came the reply. By now Danny was pressing over his abdomen, He asked, “Is the reason you stopped playing with yourself for a while because it hurt you to get erect?” “Yes, I burnt like hell inside as soon as I started to stiffen up.” “I’ll explain shortly why that happened, “Danny told him. “Can you draw your knees up please.” Once Colin had done so, Danny went over the whole area once more, this time able to press in even deeper with no reaction or sign of pain from Colin.
Telling him to put his legs back down, Danny said, “I’m going to slip your shorts off now, is that ok?” Colin nodded, he felt a little embarrassed at the idea, but he felt so good now that he wanted to do everything that he was supposed to. As Danny took hold of the waist of his shorts, Colin even lifted his hips up to make it easier. Danny slid them down and took them right off.
Looking at Colins cock, he saw the smallest one he had ever seen, it looked even smaller than Danny’s little finger. It was uncircumcised and hung down, not even long enough to go past his balls, which also looked tiny. Danny examined his abdomen from where the waistband had been downwards. As he worked his way down, he asked, “Colin, have you and your pal Greg every played with each other, experimenting.” Colin had lost his inhibitions by now, “Yes, we had a competition once to see who could shoot fastest and furthest.” Danny smiled at him, “Who won?” Colin pulled a face and told him, “Greg.”
“Never mind, was it fun trying,” Danny asked. “Yes, it was, Colin admitted with a big smile. “So, what else have you done to each other?” Danny asked. “We’ve fired each other a couple of times,” He admitted, “But nothing else.” “When was the last time the two of you did anything like that together?” Danny enquired. “About a month before,” Colin hesitated a few moments, then continued in a rush, “About a month before Gordon.”
By now Danny had finished examining the abdomen, he told Colin he was going to examine his groins and said there was a possibility it would make him erect. “If it does,” He told him, “Don’t resist, just let yourself go, it’s better for the final test if you’re hard.
Danny took hold of his cock which felt so dainty in his hand. He explained about the muscle and where it went, explaining that was why he couldn’t erect without pain. Putting his fingers on the furthest groin, he pressed his way down to the bottom. As he went down, his fingers brushed against Colins cock, more so as he got nearer the bottom. When he started down the other groin, he noticed that Colin’s cock was now pointing upwards and had expanded slightly. He smiled at him and said,” That’s really good, let it grow.” Colin nodded, thinking, “Hey I’m getting erect in front of Danny, and I don’t feel a bit embarrassed.”
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