The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 2: A New Life For Angus

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 2: A New Life For Angus - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

On his way home, Danny called at David’s. They had already heard the Court news through David’s dad. Danny explained about collecting the rest of Angus’s stuff from his aunts. ‘Your aunt and both your cousins would love you to come for lunch on Saturday,’ Danny told him. ‘Then you can bring the rest of your things away and perhaps build a bridge. They said to tell you David is very welcome to join you too, but they will quite understand if you don’t want to come.’

Angus only thought for a few seconds, ‘Will you come with me?’ he asked David. ‘Of course,’ David said, ‘Anyway I always liked your aunt.’ ‘If you walk over,’ David’s dad said, ‘I’ll be home mid-afternoon so if you call me when you’re ready I’ll come over and pick you and the luggage up.’


Thursday afternoon Danny got a call from Aiden. ‘Just to let you know we arrested Barry today as a result of Angus’s statement. He denied it at first but when we told him that the other two had already been in court and pleaded guilty, he decided to confess. He appears at the Magistrates court in the morning.’

Danny texted Angus to let him know. Unbeknown to Danny, Angus then asked David’s dad if he could send a letter to the court. ‘I know what he did was terrible,’ he said, ‘But he was the only one who showed any concern about how I felt. My instinct is that if he had known my uncle was forcing me, he wouldn’t have done anything.’

With David’s dads help Angus wrote out a letter to the Magistrate along those lines. David’s dad took it into the Court the next morning and gave it to the defence solicitor.

When Barry appeared before the magistrate and pleaded guilty, the Magistrate told him that he should send him to the Crown Court the same as the other two. ‘However,’ he said, ‘I have been sent a most unusual letter from your young victim.’

‘Whilst condemning what you did, he says of the three of you, you were the only one who showed any concern for him. That whilst what you did was vile, you always tried to be gentle. As you have not been before the court before, I am going to deal with this case today.’

‘You violated a young boy for your own gratification,’ he said. ‘The scars of what he suffered could blight the rest of his life. I understand that you even paid his uncle for the privilege of raping him, which makes it even worse.’

‘You committed a very serious and unforgivable crime, so you deserve a severe punishment. You will go to prison for twelve months. This is the maximum sentence I can impose. It is only because of your victim’s plea that I am not sending you to the Crown Court for a much greater sentence.’

When the news got back to Angus, David’s dad explained to him that if Barry behaved himself in prison, he would be released on licence after six months. Angus was happy with that, his attacker had been punished, but his consideration had been rewarded.


Friday night Danny got a call from David’s dad. ‘Hi Danny,’ he said, ‘I’m after some advice. My wife and I have been talking and we’d like to offer Angus a permanent home with us if he would like it.’ ‘That would be wonderful.’ Danny said.

‘I haven’t said anything to David or Angus,’ he said, ‘Quite frankly I don’t know how to handle it without putting pressure on either of them. I don’t even know for sure if David would be happy about it.’

Danny grinned to himself. It was everything he had hoped for. ‘Would you like me to sort it out for you?’ he asked. ‘Yes, please.’ came a very relieved reply.

‘What time are they planning on going to Angus’s aunts tomorrow?’ he asked. ‘Just before twelve, came the reply.’ ‘Ok,’ Danny said. ‘I’ll be working next door at Johns tomorrow from ten o’clock. If you tell them to call in as I’d like to see them just after ten, I’ll see what I can do.’

‘I’ll try and find out what you need to know so that you can tell them yourself,’ Danny said, ‘But it might not work out like that. If I judge it to be what they both want, are you ok if I tell them?’ ‘Yes,’ David’s dad said, ‘I’m happy to leave it in your hands.’


Danny arrived at Johns at nine thirty. He had rung John the night before, so John was heading out for some early shopping. The two of them had a long hug and a kiss before he left.

Twenty minutes later there was a knock at the door. David and Angus rushed in and hugged him as soon as he opened it. They went into the kitchen and sat around the table. Danny made them a coffee each and asked how they were enjoying sharing a house together.

‘It’s great,’ David said, ‘It’s just like having a brother.’ ‘How about you Angus,’ Danny asked. ‘I feel the same.’ Angus said, ‘I’ve always wanted a brother and now it’s like I’ve got one.’

‘Where are you sleeping?’ Danny asked. ‘The first night when you brought Angus to us, Mum had put him in the third bedroom.’ David said. ‘When I went in to say goodnight, Angus was crying.’ ‘It was relief, I think,’ Angus said, ‘It just overwhelmed me that it was over and that I was in a home that I wanted to be in.’

‘I hugged him,’ David said, ‘And told him I had twin singles in my room if he wanted to share. We did, and the following day we asked mum if we could stay that way. She was happy about it, so we’ve shared ever since.’

‘Have you quarrelled at all?’ Danny asked. ‘No, we get on too well for that.’ they both said almost at the same time. ‘You have both been an only child for over fourteen years,’ Danny said, ‘How does it feel having to share parents.’ ‘I can’t think of anyone I’d rather share with,’ David said. ‘If David had come up to Scotland to share with me, I’m sure I would have felt the same,’ Angus said.

‘You’re Scottish born and bred,’ Danny said, ‘If you could choose where to live, where would you choose.’ Angus thought for a moment then said, ‘To live in Scotland with my mum and dad.’ ‘How about returning to Scotland to live with your old neighbours?’ Danny asked.

‘If you had asked me that anytime between my arriving in England and last Tuesday, I would have said that would have been my only choice.’ Angus said honestly. ‘If that was still the only choice, I know I would be well looked after and be happy there.’

‘But since Tuesday night there is only one place I would really choose and that is with David and his mum and dad.’ ‘Well, it looks like the Court case will not come to the attention of the Scottish social services,’ Danny said, ‘So whatever happens you can be sure that the final choice of whatever options you are given, will be yours to make.’

‘Anyway, let’s go through into the lounge and get more comfortable.’

Danny led the way through and sat in the middle of the settee. The two boys sat each side of him without being told. Danny put his arms around them as they cuddled up to his side.

‘Danny,’ Angus said, ‘I’d like you to know that I’ve told Derek absolutely everything that happened to me with Uncle Liam, Barry and Sean.’ Danny kissed his head, ‘That’s good,’ he said, ‘That means you will always have someone your own age to talk to if it ever bothers you in the future and I’m not around.’

‘All stand up,’ Danny said. ‘David,’ he said. ‘You sit at the end of the settee. Angus you lie down with your head on David’s lap.’ When they were in position Danny sat on the edge of the settee and smiled down at Angus.

‘Now that Derek knows all about it, can you tell me how often you’ve had bad dreams about what happened to you?’ he asked. A cloud passed over Angus’s face, ‘Twice, this week,’ he answered. ‘Where the other two nights nice dreams?’ ‘Yes,’ Angus answered with a grin. David had been stroking his head and Angus reached up and squeezed his hand.

‘Can you tell us what the bad dreams were?’ Danny asked. ‘One was when Uncle Liam was going up my bum whilst I sucked Sean,’ he said. ‘The other was when I had to suck Uncle Liam and Sean went up my bum.’ ‘How about the nice dreams?’ Angus went red, then said, ‘Pass.’

‘Ok,’ Danny said, ‘You remember telling me that some of the experiences with Barry, because he was gentle, might have been nice in other circumstances.’ ‘Yes,’ Angus said. ‘That is because what you had to do wasn’t in itself bad, it was bad because you were forced to do it and with people you didn’t like.’

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