The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 1: Saving Angus
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 1: Saving Angus - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
On Monday after school, Danny had met up with Angus at Johns. Angus gave him the key to the front door and the Wi-Fi code for the house. Danny set the code into the radio alarm he had borrowed from Lewis then gave it to Angus. ‘Take this home with you,’ he told him. ‘Before your uncle comes home, ask your aunt if you can put it in the lounge for a couple of days as you want to keep a check on it for a friend to see if it’s working ok.’
‘Put it in as inconspicuous a position as you can, but make sure it is pointing at the settee and armchair as much as you possibly can with nothing in between it so it can pick up everyone’s voice.’
‘From the moment Sean arrives, I will be outside the house with some friends, so go along with Sean and your uncle just as you would have had to do if you hadn’t met me. Don’t put yourself in any danger but try and be slow, so Liam has to shout at you and order you to do things.’
‘After tomorrow, it will all be over.’ he promised him. Later that night he signed in and found a good view of someone’s lounge. As he watched Angus came in, glanced over at the radio and went out again. Looking several times during the evening showed no change.
Hoping all his other plans were in place, Danny could do nothing now but wait until tomorrow.
Tuesday teatime, Danny had a text from Ted to say his mum was visiting that evening. He sent a thumbs up back. At six thirty Danny cycled round to Angus’s. As he turned into his road, he spotted a car parked further up the road with two men in it.
Locking his bike to a lamp post, he went up to the passenger side and tapped on the window. As it came down, he asked, ‘Aiden?’ ‘That’s me,’ said the young man behind the wheel. ‘Hi, I’m Lewis’s friend Danny,’ he said, ‘Thanks for coming.’ ‘Hop in,’ Aiden told him. ‘This is George,’ he said introducing his pal.
‘I don’t know how much you know,’ Danny said, ‘So I’ll run through it all for you.’ He told them everything that had happened so far. Then he showed him the lounge on his phone. ‘That radio alarm certainly gets around.’ Aiden said grinning.
‘Have you seen anyone leaving?’ Danny asked. ‘Just as we arrived a lady drove off.’ Aiden said. ‘Just then they saw an older man arrive and knock at the door. He was let in, and Danny soon saw him appear in the lounge on his phone.’
The two men kissed and grabbed each other’s cocks before sitting down on the settee. Just then Danny got a text to say the sons were on their way home with their mum. ETA ten minutes. ‘Go slow,’ Danny texted back.
Watching on his phone he saw Angus come into the lounge. He had the sound off as he didn’t want the two policemen deciding they had to intervene too soon. Danny watched as Angus stripped off watched by his uncle and Sean. Then the two men stripped off to their shorts.
Sean went and stood by the armchair. Come and take my shorts off he ordered. Angus looked round at his uncle with a pleading look. ‘Get on with it or else,’ he snarled. Angus pulled Sean’s shorts down then Sean sat in the chair with his legs up on the arms. ‘Suck me.’ he ordered. Angus looked round at his uncle again. ‘Get on with it,’ he said, ‘Or you’ll feel my hand again.’ Angus knelt down and took Sean’s cock in his mouth.
As Uncle Liam got up, he took his shorts off and crossed the room with his cock rampant. He came over to stand behind Angus. Danny text the sons, come home NOW! As Liam knelt down behind Angus, Danny said, ‘In a few minutes a lady and her two sons will arrive and go in. We need to follow them. I’ll show you why in a moment.’
Just then a car pulled up. Ted and Darren got out, followed by a lady, presumably their mum. As they headed to the door, Danny showed Aiden and George the picture on his phone. ‘That boy is fourteen,’ he told them. ‘The man at his back is his uncle. I suspect that the man in the chair is paying him for use of his nephew.’
The two bobbies were horrified, they got out immediately. ‘It’s important you let the lady go into the lounge first,’ Danny said. They walked over the road. Ted was the last one through the front door. He closed it to behind him, but left it off the catch.
Aiden, George and Danny went in quietly, just in time to hear an almighty scream. Rushing into the lounge, they found the two boys helping their mum to the settee. Liam, Angus and Sean were frozen in surprise.
Liam still had his cock right up Angus’s bum and Angus’s head was still being held down on Sean’s cock. The two policemen took one look and called out, ‘Police. You’re both under arrest for sexual assault on a minor. You do not have to say anything, but it might harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned anything you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence.’
George dragged Liam off Angus and threw him on the floor. Danny took hold of Angus and guided him out of the room. ‘I’ll bring your clothes up in a moment,’ he said. ‘Go to your room and pack enough things for a week. I’ll explain shortly.’ He gave him a hug and sent him off.
Returning to the lounge, he found Sean and Liam getting dressed then they were put in handcuffs. George took them both to the kitchen whilst Aiden rang for a van to collect the prisoners. Danny collected Angus’s clothes and took them upstairs for him. He was just coming out of the shower.
‘Is it really over,’ he said, hardly daring to believe it. ‘Yes,’ Danny said giving him a hug. ‘We’ll have to go to the police station and make a statement. But then I am taking you with me to stay with some friends whilst everything is sorted out.’ They heard a knock on the front door. The police van had arrived. They stood looking down through the bannisters as Liam and Sean were led away in handcuffs.
As soon as they had gone, they went downstairs together. ‘Go and sit in the kitchen for a few minutes,’ Danny told him. ‘I have to talk to the police and your aunt.’ Danny went into the dining room first where Ted, Darren and their mum were sitting. He introduced himself to Angus’s aunt. ‘I’m taking Angus away with me to a place of safety,’ he told her. ‘Here is my phone number. I will come and see you in a day or two to discuss his future after you’ve had chance to recover.’
‘Is he alright?’ she said, ‘It’s all my fault I should have believed my sons.’ ‘With your co-operation when I come to see you, he will get over it.’ Danny told her. ‘In the meantime, you are reunited with your sons who will give you all the support you need. I’m sure you know that throughout they have never stopped loving you.’ He shook hands with Ted and Darren. ‘You’ll all need to make statements at the police station,’ he said, ‘But with all the evidence and witnesses against him, that should be all you need to do.’
Going through to Aiden, he thanked him and George. Collecting his radio, he said, ‘I’ll bring you a DVD of everything that happened to the police station shortly. When you have his statement, I’m taking Angus to stay with some friends until we sort out his future.’ He handed Aiden David’s name and address.
Going into the kitchen he asked Angus for use of his computer and an empty disc. Going online and signing into the site connected to the radio alarm, he made a copy of the whole thing onto the DVD.
Then taking Angus through to the dining room he introduced him to Ted and Darren who made a big fuss of him. Then his aunt burst into tears and said, ‘I’m so sorry Angus, it’s all my fault.’ He went over to her and hugged her. ‘It’s ok,’ he said, ‘It’s all over now.’
The two sons and their mum went off to the police station in Teds car whilst Angus and Danny went with Aiden and George. Danny handed Aiden the DVD.
At the police station Aiden looked after them. Ted, Darren, and their mum all made statements saying what they had found when they returned home unexpectedly. Ted and Darren told what had happened to them to drive them away from home.
Danny gave a statement telling how he had met Angus, what he had told him and what steps he had taken.
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