The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 8: Dudley Makes Love at Last
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 8: Dudley Makes Love at Last - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘Change places now,’ Lewis told her. Once she was lying on her back, Lewis sat at her side. She couldn’t resist reaching out and holding onto his cock. ‘Now,’ Lewis said, ‘The next bit is where Dudley will put his cock inside you. The way you described earlier you would have ended up pregnant. A catastrophe at your age. Never ever let anyone put their cock inside you without a condom on.’
‘So, Dudley, being considerate of you and your future, will sit back on his heels between your legs and put a condom on. Then he will no doubt ask you, ‘Are you sure.’ If and only if, you say yes, he will lie down on top of you and insert his cock into you very gently. You will feel no pain, just pure pleasure.’
‘Now, every female at some stage in their life has a thin membrane inside their vagina. Many have disappeared before they have sex, but if it hasn’t, the first time you are penetrated, that membrane will tear. That will give you a small amount of pain but only briefly. Have you ever had a splinter in your finger?’ he asked.
‘Yes,’ Alison said. ‘Well think of the sharp stab of pain you feel as it goes in,’ Lewis told her. ‘Then think how the pain stops almost immediately. That is the pain you might feel. Brief, small and over and done in moments, never to return.’
‘Have you ever seen a condom?’ Lewis asked. ‘No, never.’ Alison replied, ‘I’m not even sure what it does.’ ‘I’ll demonstrate,’ Lewis told her. ‘You know my cock shoots out sperm inside you which swims up to your ovaries and creates a baby?’ ‘Yes, I know that much.’ Alison said.
‘Well, a condom, put simply, is a bag that fits over my cock and collects my sperm so it can’t go anywhere. That way you can have sex whenever you want without getting pregnant.’
‘He went over to his trousers and got one out. Showing it her first in its packet, he then opened it and showed her how he put it on. It’s very thin so it doesn’t spoil your pleasure,’ he said. ‘And that little blob on the end holds the sperm safe until I take it off.’
Alison watched fascinated as he put it on, then prompted by Lewis she reached out and felt it.
‘Now,’ Lewis said, ‘I’m not going to make love to you, that is for you and Dudley to enjoy together. Nor am I going to have sex with you. But what I will do, but only if you are sure that you want me to, is put myself inside you very briefly so that you will know what to expect. Also, if your membrane is still in place, my cock will break it for you so that it won’t spoil your pleasure on your first time with Dudley.’
Alison was thrilled at the thought of having the experience, plus if there was going to be a bit of pain, who better to inflict it than Lewis who clearly was an expert and plainly wouldn’t hurt anyone deliberately.
‘Yes, please,’ she said, ‘That would be good.’
‘Lie down, then.’ Lewis said. Once she was settled, Lewis got up on the settee in between her legs. He lay carefully down on top of her so that his cock was squashed flat between their abdomens.
‘This is how it will feel,’ he said, ‘Except that my cock will be up inside you. Are you sure?’ ‘Very,’ came the immediate reply. Lewis gave her a kiss then lifted his hips. He let his cock drop then as he lowered himself down, his tip touched Alison’s vagina opening.
As Alison drew in an excited breath at his touch, he lowered himself down further, still going very slowly. As he slid into her, Alison was making a lot of happy noises. Her sounds increased in volume as he went deeper and deeper.
When he was about two thirds in, he felt his tip come up against something. Realising it was her still intact membrane, he eased out half an inch.
Smiling at her he said, ‘I’m going to thrust in and out three times so you will know what it’s like. Then I will pull out.’ Alison gave him a lovely smile and said, ‘Don’t worry about your counting.’
Lewis eased out and slid back in, stopping as near as he could judge to her membrane. Then pulling back out he repeated it. Alison was clearly ecstatic at the feeling. Knowing she was on cloud nine, Lewis eased back for the third time and this time he thrust in as far as he could go.
He felt his tip hit her membrane then tear its way through it. Alison was so out of it with the beautiful feeling of him thrusting in once more, that by the time the pain of her membrane tearing registered, it had already stopped.
He happy noises stopped, there was a brief, ‘Ow!’ Then more happy noises. Lewis had stayed all the way in and lay down on her. Holding her tight he said, ‘You know all those terrible pains Erica told you about?’ When she said, ‘Yes,’ wondering if they were about to come, Lewis said, ‘Well that Ow you just gave was it. You will never ever feel pain again, just pleasure.’
Alison wrapped her arms and legs around him and kissed him. ‘Thank you so much,’ she said, ‘I’m so glad I came.’ Lewis let her hang on to him for a while then he said, ‘Time to let go now.’ Alison gave him another kiss then released her arms and her legs.
As he pulled out, Lewis explained about getting hold of the condom. ‘I haven’t gone soft because I haven’t shot my load. But if I had my cock would now be soft and limp. When it goes like that it’s so easy to pull out and leave the condom full of dynamite behind.’
‘Dynamite?’ Alison queried. ‘Yes,’ Lewis said, ‘Sperm just waiting to make you pregnant and blow your entire life apart.’ He pulled the condom off and sat at the side of the settee.
‘Now, to continue with your lesson.’ he said. ‘When a man fires his sperm, he gets an amazingly lovely feeling. When someone makes love to you, you should also have a similar feeling called an orgasm. Not only does that give you a lot of pleasure it produces a lot of liquid inside your vagina that helps the sperms swim to their destination.’
‘That feeling happens because the man’s cock rubs over a very special lump just inside your vagina. You felt it earlier briefly with my finger and when I moved my cock inside you.’
‘Give me your index finger,’ Lewis said. He rested it on the top of his cock about a finger’s width away from his body. ‘Where your finger is now,’ Lewis told her, ‘Is the part of my cock that rubbed on your special lump.’
‘So as long as a cock is two inches long, it is big enough to produce your climax. It doesn’t matter how long or short it is over that it will work just as well. Now you have done so well I’m going to finish off by giving you a climax as a reward.’
‘When you and Dudley make love, he will do his best to control himself firing until you have your orgasm. But if he can’t and it won’t happen every time, once he has fired, he will pull out, then give you your orgasm with his finger so you have pleasure too.’
‘That is what I am going to do now. If you want to keep hold of me whilst I do it, please feel free,’ he said smiling at her. Alison, who had shown no intention of letting go anyway smiled back and took a fresh grip, happy to feel it throb in her hand.
Lewis slid his hand between her legs and ran his index finger around her opening until it slid inside. Alison was very moist, so it easily found her lump and slipped over it smoothly.
Alison cried out as the pleasure started, then as Lewis kept stroking, she cried out louder and with more ecstasy. Very soon her body went rigid, her vagina took a firm grip on Lewis’s finger. She screamed out long and loud as her very first climax surged through her.
As it faded away and her body relaxed, Lewis recovered his finger. Alison lay still breathing heavily with a big beam on her face. Then opening her eyes, she smiled at him, sat up and hugged him. ‘I can’t believe how wonderful that was,’ she said, ‘Will it always be like that?’
‘Most times,’ Lewis said, ‘But it’ll be even better when you experience it with someone you love.’ They stood up, had another hug then got dressed. ‘Just wait until I see Erica,’ Alison said. ‘Why don’t you wait until you and Dudley have made love?’ Lewis suggested. ‘Unless she has been raped, I think Erica is still a virgin and has misunderstood a lot of things.’
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