The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 5: Dudley Dreams of Sex
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 5: Dudley Dreams of Sex - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Monday night Lewis and Dudley arrived at the shop together just on five o’clock. They went in and said hi to Mike who waved them through to the back whilst he closed the shop.
Going through he found Dudley sitting at the table whilst Lewis was making them coffees. ‘I’ll have one as well,’ he said as he handed Dudley a large fistful of envelopes.
Once they were all settled with their coffees, Dudley shared the envelopes out and told them to help him open them. There was silence for a while as in between sipping their coffees, they tore open envelopes and sorted the contents.
When they had finished, they had opened seventy-one envelopes. Eight had completed promissory forms. They were put in one pile in the middle of the table. Twenty-nine had returned blank forms with a five-pound note in. The cash was stacked on the table whilst the empty forms were put in another heap to be re used. Twenty-three had blank forms with a ten-pound note in which were put the appropriate piles.
Six had filled in promissory notes but had a ten-pound note included. The cash was put on the pile, the promissory notes were clearly marked paid and put in a separate pile. Three envelopes just had a twenty-pound note in and two envelopes had fifty pounds in. One of the fifty-pound envelopes had an empty promissory note but on the back was written, ‘Well done Dudley, good luck, Warren.’
With a total cash of five hundred and ninety-five pounds paid up front plus a promise of thirty-five pounds twenty pence to come, Dudley was clearly overwhelmed at the response.
‘I can tell you that Warren was the relief manager whilst Mike was away,’ Lewis told him. ‘He was with me the other day when he got some good news about some money being returned to him. He had heard my mum asking how you were getting on with your sponsorship, so he asked for a form.’
‘The other fifty was the person who came to see me here last Saturday evening, he read the poster on the way out and said you deserved support for guts alone.’
‘Amazing, Dudley,’ Mike said, ‘I don’t know how you do it.’ He gave him a hug then set off home. When Lewis returned to the shop after seeing him out, Dudley was sat at the table with tears pouring down his face. Lewis put his arms around him and asked, ‘What’s up.’ ‘It’s ok,’ he said, ‘I’m just so overcome at people’s generosity.’ They parcelled everything up ready for Dudley to take to Michael, then Lewis said, ‘Ok let’s get started.’
Dudley stripped off and did fifty-seven push ups. ‘Excellent start,’ Lewis told him, ‘That’s two more than last week and your first point.’
After Lewis pulled the scales out, Dudley stepped up and waited. ‘Twelve stone exactly,’ Lewis called out, ‘That’s another point. Plus, if all goes well you should be down to eleven stone something next week.’ ‘You’re definitely on your final stretch. You only have to lose one pound a week to reach your goal in seven weeks.’
Dudley hugged him, ‘I can’t believe it,’ he said, ‘I thought it would take much longer.’ ‘It will still probably take another year before all the fat and loose skin disappears,’ Lewis said, ‘But you’ve done wonders. I think a bonus point is in order too.’
‘Now, sit ups next.’ Dudley lay on the floor, put a foot each side of a table leg and set to work. It seemed no time at all Lewis’s counting reached sixty-two as Dudley collapsed on his back. ‘That’s two more than last week and another point.’
Sitting on the end of the settee, Lewis said, ‘Come and relax now and tell me about your finances for the week.’ Dudley lay down with his head on Lewis’s lap. ‘I got my usual ten pounds pocket money on Saturday,’ he said. ‘An aunt came to visit on Thursday evening who hadn’t seen me for a while. She was amazed how much weight I’d lost. When Mum told her what I was doing, she was so impressed, she gave me fifty pounds. Then as she passed it over, she said, ‘That is for you. Here’s a donation to your sponsorship.’ She handed me another fifty which I’ve passed on to Michael.’
‘So, with the six pounds in my pocket from last week, I had sixty-six pounds in cash. On Friday I took Alison out for a meal to Frankie and Bennies, then we went on to the Cinema afterwards. I paid twenty-nine pounds seventy for the meal, Alison paid for the cinema. I put thirty-one pounds into the bank on Saturday to round it up. After going to the bank on Saturday I went into the chemists. They had an offer on of a pack of six Durex for five pounds, so I bought one just in case. So, I now have thirty pence left in my pocket.’
‘That’s fantastic,’ Lewis told him, ‘So, you now have two hundred and twenty pounds in the bank and thirty pence in your pocket. That earns you another point. Plus, I think that passing the two hundred pounds mark in your bank should earn you another bonus point.’
‘For having the common sense to realise that you need to be prepared, and the consideration for Alison that that shows, I also award you another bonus point.’
‘Feet ups now,’ Lewis said. Dudley got up, put the chair in position for his guide, lay down on the floor and swung into action. As he came to a shuddering halt Lewis said, ‘That’s sixty, two more than last week. Well done, that’s your fifth ordinary point for today.’
‘Now come back onto the settee and tell me your special exercises and dreams.’ Dudley settled down happily, this was one of his favourite parts. ‘There were eight,’ he said, ‘Monday night you were firing me whilst Alison played with my balls. Tuesday you were going up my bum, Wednesday Michael and I were firing each other at the same time. Thursday I was sucking Michael. Friday, I made love to Alison, Saturday I made love to Alison again. Sunday when I woke up, I made love to Alison and Sunday night you me and Michael had a threesome.’
‘So, was that eight happy fires?’ Lewis asked with a grin. ‘Eight very happy fires.’ Dudley replied, ‘Not to mention another two very special ones which I’ll tell you about shortly.’ he said with an even bigger grin.
‘So how did your training go on Wednesday?’ Lewis asked. Dudley gave a smile. ‘We stripped off as usual,’ he said, ‘Put our swimming shorts on right away and jumped in the pool like we had agreed. I did a length of back stroke whilst Michael watched from above and below the water.’
‘Then after he’d given me a couple of pointers. I did the same again. Michael showed me how to do a quick turn in the backstroke. We practiced it a few times, then he decided we’d have a three-length race.’
‘We took up position at one end, then I called go. We swam the three lengths and as we came to the end and I stood up, I saw that Michael was a couple of feet behind me.’
‘As he stood up, he beamed at me and said, ‘You won!’ I said, ‘Ah, yes, but I said go so I had the advantage.’ ‘You’re quite right,’ he said, ‘That would give you a slight advantage but not enough to win by that much. I don’t know how passable your turns where,’ he said, ‘As I wasn’t watching them, but it’s still a remarkable achievement.’
‘We got out then and decided to do a dive in and a three-length crawl race. We got out and Michael went and got his phone. He set an alarm for ten seconds. The moment the alarm sounded, we both dived in and swam as fast as we could.’
‘As I reached the wall at the end and stood up, Michal joined me two seconds later. ‘You’ve definitely improved, both in technique and in strength,’ he said, ‘Well done.’ He gave me a hug. We both felt ourselves stirring in our shorts, so Michael said, ‘I think it’s time we got out.’
‘In the changing area, when we stripped our wet shorts off, we were both fully erect. We moved up close and had a full length naked and wet hug. As we kissed as well, our wet cocks throbbed together, sliding about between us. It was a lovely feeling.’
‘Michael pulled out a big cushion into the middle of the floor. We sat on it facing each other with our legs intertwined. First, we both leaned forward and had a hug and a kiss. Then sitting more upright, we each started stroking the others cock.’
‘It wasn’t long before we both cried out almost at the same time as we shot our loads. Because of how we were sitting, both our loads of cum shot up in the air, hit underneath each other’s chins, and ran down our chests. As our lovely feelings subsided and our cocks shrank, we both burst out laughing.’
‘When we stopped, we got up carefully and squeezed into the shower together. After some more enjoyment we came out and got dried. ‘As of now,’ Michael said, ‘You are officially a member of the school swimming team.’ ‘Wow,’ I said, ‘Thank you.’ We had a last hug and a kiss, then we went home.’
‘So how does that affect you?’ Lewis asked. ‘I will now train with the school team.’ Dudley said, ‘But I’ll only be a reserve at any competitions for a while.’ ‘At least you’ve started on the ladder,’ Lewis told him, ‘Well done. I think you deserve another bonus point for that.’
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