The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 8: Boys On Camera
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 8: Boys On Camera - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘How did you feel when Geoff put his cock up your bum?’ I asked. ‘It hurt the first time,’ he answered. ‘But it got nicer as I got used to it.’ ‘Why didn’t you tell him to stop?’ I asked. ‘I couldn’t.’ he answered, ‘My dad needed his help. And I enjoy coming to stay.’ he added.
‘Does your dad know about the blue movies?’ I asked. ‘I don’t know.’ he answered, ‘Geoff told me not to tell him or I wouldn’t be able to come and stay again.’ ‘Did you put your erect cock anywhere else apart from Geoff’s bum?’ I asked. ‘In his mouth when he sucked me.’ he said. ‘Did you suck him too?’ I asked. ‘Yes,’ he said, ‘But I didn’t like it when he filled my mouth with cum.’ ‘Did you tell Geoff that?’ I asked. ‘Yes,’ he replied, ‘He told me to eat it.’
‘Did you eat it?’ I asked. ‘Yes,’ he said, ‘I had to do as I was told.’ ‘Why was that?’ I asked. ‘Geoff told me that if I didn’t, I wouldn’t be able to come again. Also, he wouldn’t be able to help my dad anymore so he would probably go bankrupt.’ ‘Did you understand what that meant?’ I asked. ‘Geoff said we’d be thrown out of our house and have to live on the streets.’ he answered.
‘Did Geoff do the same things with the other boys who stayed with you.’ I asked. ‘There was only ever Gerald there when I was there.’ he answered, ‘He said he had to do the same things.’ ‘Was he happy doing them all too?’ I asked. ‘He liked some of it the same as I did,’ he told me, ‘But he had younger brothers and sisters, so keeping his home was even more important.’
‘Where you ever in pain from anything that happened?’ I asked. ‘Not really,’ he replied, ‘Geoff was pretty gentle, and he never ever hit us.’ ‘Did you and Gerald ever do anything together?’ I asked. ‘We played with each other a few times.’ he answered. ‘Was Geoff ever with you when you did?’ I asked. ‘No,’ he replied, ‘Although we always thought that he seemed to know about it when we had.’
‘When you are back at home, does what you have done at Geoff’s ever give you any problems?’ I asked. ‘Sometimes in bed I have nightmares about having things put up my bum,’ he told me. ‘Also, I sometimes have urges to do similar things with my school friends, but I’ve managed to control that.’
‘Time was pressing on now as the hypnotist had said it was important not to over run if we didn’t want him to have any memories about being questioned. ‘If your dad didn’t need Geoff’s help, would you still go and visit?’ I asked as my final question. ‘No definitely not.’ He replied. I took the questionnaire away, then returned and sat his chair upright. The music was stopped, and the hypnotist said some words to bring him round.’
‘I stood by him as he did and when he was back with me, I told him, ‘Very well done, you finished the questionnaire and then you fell asleep. Come on through and collect your cash. I gave him his envelope with a hundred pounds in ten-pound notes in, thanked him and let him out. He went off happily.’
‘Did you find anything else out from the others?’ Lewis asked. ‘Yes,’ John told him, ‘A number of things. There were nearly always just two lads staying at one time. The same two always seemed to be there together whenever it was possible.’
‘They all told pretty much the same tale. But one of the older ones said that nothing had happened the first time he stayed except that he had watched a blue movie with the other lad who was staying that day.’
‘He went on to say that it was strange, but he couldn’t remember a lot about it afterwards. He described some of the film but said what he remembered didn’t seem much.’
‘He also told me that the other lad had said the same thing to him the following day. Then he went on to say that he had dreamt that he and the other lad had stripped off and done lots of things together.’
‘He didn’t remember a lot of details, even about that, but he did remember having a sore bum and his cock felt worn out. After that it seemed easy to do all the things with Geoff,’ he told me.
‘Did he describe the blue movie at all?’ Lewis asked. ‘Yes, most of them described what seemed to be a small portion of it. Some described more than others, but nothing that seemed complete somehow.’
‘But they all started off identically, so I assumed it was the same film.’ Lewis decided to take a shot in the dark then. ‘Two women walking through a wood and going into a glade by any chance?’ Lewis asked.
John’s mouth had dropped open. ‘How on earth could you know that?’ he asked. ‘I’ve seen some of the film.’ Lewis told him. He explained what had happened and how it worked.’
‘We did find it strange,’ John said, ‘That he managed to get them all to do the same things without any apparent problem.’ ‘Are the boys still visiting him?’ Lewis asked. ‘No,’ John said, ‘This happened a few years back. After we had interviewed the six boys it was reasonably certain all the ones visiting him were being treated the same.’
‘A short while later, Geoff was interviewed and informed that there was overwhelming evidence that he had been lending money purely to obtain illegal sex with minors. We described some of the evidence to him which was enough for him to give up denying it. He of course had no idea that we had only interviewed six of the twenty boys. Also, none of our evidence would have stood up in court due to the way we obtained it.’
‘It was pointed out to him that the Crown prosecution service would soon be preparing charges, after which he would be arrested. At that point it would become public knowledge that he had abused at least twenty underage boys. He was also told he could expect to suffer the degradation of being stripped of his knighthood as well as a long prison sentence.’
‘He put his head in his hands and said, ‘My wife and children don’t deserve that, is there nothing I can do?’ ‘Those twenty children didn’t deserve it either.’ I reminded him.
‘At this moment,’ I told him, ‘Everything is still in my hands. I can finish my report to the C.P.S. tomorrow, or I can take a week. I’ll make you a deal,’ I said. ‘Your life is ended. That’s your own fault and there’s nothing you can do about that. But if you have the decency to save your wife and children, I will make it possible for you to do so.’
‘Anything,’ he said, ‘Tell me what you want me to do.’ ‘First,’ I said, ‘All the loans you have made, you make them interest free backdated to their start, so that those who owe you can pay them off quicker and easier. Second all the money repaid from those loans is to be put into a trust to be shared in equal portions by every child you abused on reaching the age of twenty-one. Third and final,’ I said, ‘You need to die before the seven days are up.’
‘He had clearly been expecting that. ‘If I do all that?’ he said, ‘Who will know about what happened?’ ‘Myself, my colleague here and a few officials.’ I told him. ‘Obviously, the boys will one day learn of your generosity. Your wife, your children and the public will never know anything. You will also keep your knighthood.’
‘How did he react to that?’ Lewis asked. ‘He sat silent for a good ten minutes,’ John said, ‘He had lost all his bombastic self-assured attitude. He was now just someone caught out and facing severe punishment.’
‘He looked up at me and said, ‘I agree. Will you come and see me here at my office in three days’ time to make sure I’ve organised it exactly as you want.’ I agreed so we left him to it.’
‘Three days later I went to see him. He seemed quite resigned and handed me a list of the names and addresses of all the boys involved, twenty-two in all. A separate list showed all the amounts lent to their fathers.’
‘The total lent was slightly under one million pounds.’ He told me, ‘I have set up a trust of one million pounds. One twenty second of that will be paid out to each boy on his twenty first birthday. The loans have been recalculated based on zero interest. That means four have overpaid so the difference has been refunded. Everyone else has been informed of their earlier repayment date. They have also been given the option of keeping the original completion date if they wish, so as to reduce their monthly payments.’
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