The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 8: Danny Interviews Victim Kevin
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 8: Danny Interviews Victim Kevin - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Several minutes passed, then there was a knock on the door. No one came in, so Danny opened it to find Kevin stood outside. Inviting him in. he told him to sit on the chair, which he did, looking nervous.
Danny smiled at him, saying don’t look so worried, Kevin, I’m not going to eat you.’ He got a weak smile back, then Kevin said, ‘I’m always nervous about everything, it’s nothing personal.’ ‘Don’t worry about it,’ Danny assured him, ‘It’s a good start that you are able to tell me how you feel.’
‘What did Billy tell you?’ Danny enquired. ‘He said you were ready for me, told me I should do the fast track and that he was going home feeling on top of the world,’ Kevin told him. That’s nice to know,’ Danny said, ‘So let’s see if we can get you going home feeling as good.’
I’m going to ask you some questions first, then I’ll ask you to take your top off so I can examine your chest. Any time before then you can say fast track if you want to, but don’t do it because Billy said so, only do it if you feel enough at ease by then, ok,’ Kevin nodded.
When your parents asked you if Gordon had attacked you, what did you say?’ Danny asked. Kevin stammered a little as he replied, ‘I told them he hadn’t. ‘What about when they pressed you about it,’ Danny asked, ‘Did you tell them then?’ ‘No,’ came the reply, but he avoided eye contact. ‘So, when they dropped you off today, as far as they knew, nothing had happened to you?’ Danny asked. Kevin nodded, again dropping his eyes as he said, ‘I guess so.’
‘Now Kevin,’ Danny said gently, ‘I know, and you know that your parents won’t give up pestering you until they get my ok report, so we have to proceed as if it happened, ok?’ Kevin nodded again. ‘If it didn’t happen, then you are very lucky and what happens in this room won’t do you any harm. If it did happen and you are bottling it up, then hopefully we can sort it out now. Either way, we want you to get a signed report so that you can get some peace at home, ok?’
This time he got a ‘Yes’ but still with eyes downcast. ‘So, Danny told him, With you being so nervous, Kevin, I’m going to leave some of the questions until you’ve had chance to relax a bit more and get used to me. I know how you feel because when I was your age, I was the same.’ This time Kevin looked at him differently and gave him a brief smile. Danny laughed and said, ‘Just listen to me, I’m barely three years older than you and I’m talking like I’m an old man already.’ This got a bigger smile from Kevin.
‘Let’s start off by checking your head,’ Danny said, ‘Just relax whilst I run my hands over it.’ Kevin sat upright, still slightly nervous as he felt Danny’s hands running over his scalp, pressing gently at various stages. Next, he lifted his eyelids and looked at his eyes, then into his mouth. As he did, Kevin thought to himself, I hope my breath doesn’t smell. Then he moved his head around as Danny felt the muscles of his neck, then finally he felt his temples, giving them a slight massage as he did so, always good for making folk relax.
‘Have you had any accidents or illnesses in the last two years?’ Danny asked him, still massaging his temples. Kevin was finding the massage very soothing, he answered easily saying, ‘No, none.’ ‘Good,’ Danny told him, ‘You should sail through this check up with ease then.’ Kevin nodded but said nothing.
‘I just want to re-assure you,’ Danny told him, ‘That anything you do or say in this room will never be known by anyone else. It’s important you understand that because I’m going to be asking you some very personal questions. Do you think you can trust me that far?’
Kevin looked at him, he was surprised to find that he was already feeling much more at ease with Danny than he thought he could be. He nodded, then he said, ‘Yes, I think I can.’ ‘Thank you, Kevin, that’s a big compliment,’ Danny told him.
‘I’m going to ask you a few questions before we move on,’ Danny told him, I’m sure that some or perhaps all of them might embarrass you to answer, but remember, we are both healthy, male and often horny teenagers, so I already know all the things you do, but I need you to feel at ease enough to tell me yourself, ok?’
Kevin gave an almost audible gulp, then nodded. Danny told him, ‘Just to help you along, I will tell you something about me first, at seventeen, I am still a virgin.’ Kevin’s mouth dropped open slightly as he said, ‘Oh!’ ‘So, my first question to you,’ Danny said smiling at his still astonished face, ‘Is, are you a virgin?’ ‘Yes,’ came the almost instant reply. ‘There, you see that wasn’t too hard, was it,’ Danny said laughing.’ Kevin smiled, feeling more relaxed by the minute.
‘Is that through choice, or because you just haven’t had the opportunity to lose it?’ Danny asked grinning. ‘The last one,’ Kevin replied. ‘Me too,’ Danny told him, ‘Never mind, our time will come. Now, I know that sometimes you dream about the time you lose your virginity and when you do, you get an erection, play with it and then get a lovely feeling when you fire. Kevin had gone a bit red in the face. Danny continued, ‘I’m not asking you to admit that because I know it’s true, my question is about how often you do it.’
‘A year ago, you were only thirteen,’ Danny continued, so I want you to think back to the time between then and nine months ago, then tell me roughly how often you actually fired on average each week.’ Kevin thought for a moment or two, then said, ‘About six.’ ‘Ok, now how about between nine months and six months ago?’ ‘Just the same,’ came the prompt answer. ‘Between six months and three months ago?’ After a slight delay, Kevin answered ‘Just a couple. ‘And between three months ago and today?’ ‘Six,’ came the immediate reply. What Kevin didn’t know that Danny knew was that Gordon had lodged with Kevin’s family around seven months ago, so any rape would have happened just before Kevin stopped firing himself for a while, quite unusual for a teenage boy.
‘Thank you, Kevin, you’re doing really well,’ Danny told him. ‘It’s only fair to tell you my numbers are the same as yours.’ He smiled at him as he spoke, being rewarded by a return smile.
‘Now, I know you’re a virgin,’ Danny told him, ‘But there are other forms of sex and sex play. I’m not going to ask you to tell me everything you’ve done. I’m going to list eight things you might have done. All I want you to tell me is how many things on the list you have experienced. I’ll read them through twice so don’t answer until I’ve finished.’
Danny read out the list.
You saw someone else get an erection.
Someone saw you erect.
A male held your erection and fired you.
You held someone else’s erection and fired them.
You sucked someone.
Someone sucked you.
You saw a girl naked.
A girl saw you naked.
Then he read it once more and looked at Kevin expectantly.
Kevin blushed and said, ‘Four.’
‘Now I’ll read it once more,’ Danny told him, ‘Then I want you to tell me how many you have dreamed happened, probably when you were playing with yourself.’
Danny read the list, this time no blush and a quick answer, ‘Eight.’
Danny told him he had done really well and although there would be more questions, it was time to continue with the medical. ‘The next stage is to check your chest, stomach and spine,’ Danny told him, ‘So when you’re ready, take your top things off and stand up in front of the chair.’
Kevin stood up, then as he was about to lift his T shirt up, he suddenly remembered and asked, ‘What do I need to do to fast track.’ ‘Danny smiled at him, it’s good that you’re thinking of that, but don’t do it unless you’re really sure. To go fast track, you need to strip off and lie on the table. If you still feel a bit shy you can leave your shorts on for now. Think about it, then when you’ve decided, go ahead.’
Kevin was still nervous, but he was feeling more and more at ease with Danny as time passed. An hour ago, he would never have dreamed that he could have answered such questions from anyone. Also, when Danny had examined his head, he seemed to know what he was doing, and that had relaxed him a lot. He stood up and took his top off, then without further hesitation, slipped out of his trousers before heading for the table in his underpants.
He paused at the table and Danny said, lie on your back, please. Kevin climbed up and lay flat.
Danny studied him for a moment, he was very thin and a few inches shorter than Danny. His chest was broader than his plus he had very slim hips, but none of his muscles looked particularly strong. He had loose fitting underpants on which disguised whatever was between his legs.
Danny went close to the table and told him that he was going to test his stomach and abdomen by pressing gently with his fingers, all Kevin had to do was relax and answer any questions as he did it. ‘I’m not expecting to find anything,’ Danny told him, ‘But throughout all my examinations, if I touch anywhere that is even slightly sore or tender, tell me right away, ok?’
Kevin nodded as Danny placed his hands on his tummy and started pressing gently as he moved across and down. As he did, he asked, ‘How do you get on with the other lads your age at school.’ ‘Not well,’ Kevin told him, ‘They pick on me all the time, I’ll be glad when I’m old enough to leave.’ ‘That’s rough,’ Danny told him, ‘I’ve been lucky at school, but I have some friends at other schools who suffer bullying.’ As he worked his way downwards, he asked, ‘What was the worst thing they ever did to you?’ Kevin hesitated for a few moments, then told him, ‘I was on my way home from school one day when six of them set on me and dragged me into the nearby woods. I was terrified. They pushed me about at first, just shoving me from person to person and calling me names. I thought I was going to get beaten up. After a while two of them grabbed my arms and two held my legs, then they pulled all my clothes off until I just had my underpants left. Then they pulled those off too and just dropped me on the ground and stood around looking at me. I heard them whispering to each other, but I couldn’t make out what they were saying. Then they all just turned and walked off, leaving me there. I got up, got dressed and ran home.’
‘Did you tell anyone what had happened?’ Danny asked. ‘No,’ Kevin replied, I was so glad to be in one piece I thought it better to forget it.’ ‘What happened the next day in school?’ Danny asked sympathetically. ‘It was strange,’ Kevin told him, ‘None of them said anything to me, they just looked at me a bit sheepishly, then walked away, I never made friends with any of them, but they never bothered me again.’ Danny agreed with him, ‘That does seem odd,’ he said, ‘But at least they left you alone.’
By now Danny had examined all of Kevin’s stomach and visible abdomen, he decided that he would check his spine. After Kevin had turned over, he told him he was going to examine each vertebra from his neck to the base of his spine. Feeling each bone with his fingers, he worked his way downwards. When he neared Kevin’s waist, he felt him tense up slightly, then as he lifted the waistband of his underpants to reach the pelvic vertebra, Kevin almost went rigid. Danny stopped straight away and took his hand out of his shorts. He didn’t let on he had noticed anything, just said, ‘Thank you, Kevin, you can turn over again now.’
Once he was settled on his back once more, Danny asked him to draw his knees up, explaining that this would relax his stomach muscles for further examination. This he did, showing no discomfort when Danny pressed his fingers in, even when he did the area of abdomen immediately above his waistband. That was the final confirmation for Danny, him being at ease when his front was examined, but not when his lower back was touched.
Danny told him to put his legs down, then he said, ‘In a moment I’ll ask you to lift your hips so I can slip your shorts off, then we can complete the examination, ok.’ Kevin nodded, he still felt a little scared at the idea of the final bit, but he felt so much at ease with Danny by now, he knew he was in safe hands.
Danny took hold of each side of his waistband, nodded to Kevin, who immediately lifted his hips, then Danny slid them down. As soon as Kevin put his hips down, Danny slipped them off over his feet. Looking back at Kevin, he exclaimed, ‘Bloody Hell Kevin!’ Kevin looked startled, then worried, saying, ‘What’s up, what’s wrong?’ He was peering down at his groin to see what was up. Danny grinned at him, saying, ‘Wrong, there’s nothing wrong, it’s lovely, you’ve got one of the biggest cocks I’ve ever seen, I’m dead jealous.’
Kevin looked puzzled and said, ‘Isn’t everyone like that?’ Danny laughed, then asked, ‘How many cocks around your age have you ever seen?’ Kevin thought for a moment then said, ‘Three.’ ‘And they were?’ prompted Danny. ‘There was my pal Gerry about two years ago, he was the one with me when we fired each other to see who would shoot the furthest. The other two were two boys about my age when I was on holiday last year, I’d gone for a walk along the beach and came round a corner into this secluded cove. They were both naked and lying side by side on their backs. Each had a hand on the others cock, and they were both erect.’
‘They were as surprised to see me as I was them.’ He stopped and looked at Danny. ‘What happened next?’ Danny asked. ‘I think we were all as embarrassed as each other,’ Kevin told him, ‘I just stammered, sorry to disturb you and turned around and went back the way I came.’
‘So, thinking about those three and yours, how do you think everyone’s size compared.’ Kevin thought then said, ‘I didn’t really compare, I just saw cocks and assumed they were all the same.’ Danny asked him about the pal who had fired him, ‘You must have held his cock for a while, didn’t you notice if it was smaller or bigger than yours.? ‘We were just having loads of fun,’ Kevin said, ‘I was enjoying myself; I didn’t really think about sizes.’
When I took your underpants down and saw it, do you know what I thought,’ Danny asked him. When Kevin answered no, Danny said, ‘I thought to myself Kevin soft is bigger than me when I’m fully hard. Why couldn’t I have been born with a whopper like that.’
Kevin really didn’t know what to say, then after a moment he asked, ‘Is it really that much bigger than everyone else.’ Danny laughed again, then told him, just like everyone is a different height, weight or shape, so is everyone’s cock. Clearly looking at you, you can have a big cock when you are of small build, equally a big strapping chap can have a tiny little cock. The only thing they have in common is that they all swell up, shoot sperm and give lovely feelings.’
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