The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 4: Terror in the Night

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 4: Terror in the Night - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Friday lunchtime Lewis got a long text from Tim.

‘Hi Lewis, I was busy at my bench in the factory earlier today when I looked up and saw the boss watching me. Hi John, I said. Unusually there was no return greeting. As you know John had taken over the factory from his father a few years earlier but was still quite young. He gets on well with all his employees, so I had greeted him as a friend, not just as my boss.’

‘Suddenly realising he hadn’t replied, John said, ‘Hi Tim, sorry, my mind was elsewhere.’ He had a closer look at what I was doing and complimented me on my work. We chatted for a while, then I asked him, is everything ok?’

‘What makes you ask?’ John said. ‘You don’t seem your usual bubbly self, I told him. ‘Oh, no I’m fine thanks,’ he replied, ‘Just under a bit of pressure.’ That’s good I told him, I thought I was turning into Lewis. ‘How do you mean?’ he asked. I told him you can sense when people have a problem without being told. Then as he looked puzzled, I told him, you remember when he visited the factory, and I brought him and took him home?’

‘When he nodded, I said, ‘Well soon after we drove away from here, Lewis asked me what I was having a problem with. I said I didn’t know what he meant. Then I told him what you had said to me about helping a lot of people with problems so you could pick up when someone has one.’

‘Anyway, to cut a long story short, I told him that I did have a problem with something very personal that had been bothering me for weeks. I told him that when we got back near home, you said you’d come back to mine if I wanted and sort it out for me.’

‘I told him that I said I didn’t think I could tell a soul what it was, but you relaxed me, got it out of me and came up with a solution. Problem solved and a weight off my shoulders. Since then, I told him, I’ve met two other people he’s done the same for.’

‘When I noticed you seemed down, I told him, I wondered if because of that I was starting to pick things up as well. I grinned at him, I’m glad I’m not, I told him. I don’t think I could cope with dealing with other people’s problems. Lewis definitely has a special talent for it.’

‘We exchanged a few more words about work then he moved on round the factory. I still think somethings troubling him though, so I thought I’d let you know in case he contacts you.’

‘Incidentally, I gather you know our new engineer. Warren is settling in well. We’ve become good pals and we share transport to work now.’

Lewis replied, ‘Thanks Tim, glad Warren is settling in ok. Hope all is well with you too. I’ve been meaning to give John a call for ages, I’ll have a chat with him.’

Unknown to both of them, after his conversation with Tim, John had thought to himself, I wonder if Lewis could help me. I liked him and he seemed easy to get on with. Mind you he thought, I couldn’t possibly tell Lewis or anyone else about my problem.’

Friday after school, Lewis sent a text... ‘Hi, John, long time since we spoke. I know how busy you are, so I won’t ring you. But please call me when you have a spare moment. Regards Lewis.’

Half an hour later Lewis’s phone rang. He was still on his way home, so he sat on a nearby wall to answer it. He could see it was John ringing. ‘Hi John,’ he said, ‘Thanks for ringing, how are you.’ ‘I’m fine thanks,’ he said, ‘What about you, those six months seem to have flown past. What have you been up to?’

‘I sailed a canal boat to Birmingham for a friend,’ Lewis told him, ‘And I’m still at school. I have a girlfriend now too,’ Lewis told him, ‘She’s called Ella. Also, I’m still doing my Saturday job at the video shop. Oh, and in between I’ve been solving a lot of problems for people.’

‘That sounds interesting,’ John said, ‘Where do you do all that?’ ‘Mainly in the back room of the shop after closing.’ Lewis told him. ‘I solved a very serious problem for my boss’s relative, so he lets me use it. If you’re in the area anytime, drop in.’ Lewis said, ‘It would be lovely to see you again.’

‘Actually, I might be out that way tomorrow,’ John said, ‘Could I call in then?’ ‘That would be great,’ Lewis replied, ‘Come as near to five o’clock as you can. That’s when we close and Mike, my boss goes home.’

Saturday at the shop was a normal hectic morning. At Lunch time Valerie arrived with some more wedding photos. The three of them shared a meal from the chippy, then she showed them the photos. Some of the guests had sent her the ones they had taken. There was also a video of Lewis’s toast.

They looked through them all and watched the video. Valerie sent a copy of it through to Lewis’s phone to show his mum. Then as she left, they opened the shop for the usual hectic afternoon.

John arrived a few minutes before five. Lewis and Mike were dealing with the last-minute rush, so Lewis just pointed to the back room.

Soon they had cleared the shop and Mike locked up as Lewis went through to the back room. He gave John a hug and said how pleased he was to see him. As he made them a coffee, Mike came in.

Lewis introduced them. ‘Sorry I can’t stop to chat,’ Mike said with a big grin, ‘I’ve just got married thanks to Lewis here, so I have to go home and keep her happy.’ Mike shook hands again and left. When Lewis returned from seeing him out, John had finished off making the coffees. As they sat drinking, John asked, ‘How come Mikes blaming you for him getting married?’

‘They had been a couple years before and split up amicably,’ Lewis told him. ‘Then she contacted him with a problem involving her new boyfriend, so Mike brought her to see me. As a result of me sorting that out they got back together. I was their best man a few weeks ago.’

‘A lot seems to happen to you,’ John said with a smile. ‘So how do you do it?’ John asked. ‘Well, most people who come are sent by someone I’ve already helped,’ Lewis told him. ‘Everyone thinks their problem is so embarrassing that they couldn’t possibly tell anyone. So first I avoid asking them anything about it. Instead, I ask them all about the rest of their lives. Then as they tell me more and I get them feeling relaxed with me, they eventually tell me what it is. After that it’s usually fairly easy to solve.’

‘But before then I also tell them that nothing they say or do in this room will ever be repeated to anyone ever. I also point out that I’m here to help not to judge. Plus, they’re always told that if they want to walk out partway through, they can do so without having to explain why.’

‘So far no one has walked out, everyone has ended up telling me their problem and the solution I have recommended has mainly sent them on their way happy. Although there have been a couple of occasions when I’ve had to pull a few strings during the following week.’ John was feeling very comfortable with Lewis and realised that he had done so from the first time he had met him.

He had had a lot of sleepless nights and he knew the problem would not only not go away unless he did something about it, but it would steadily get worse. He made his decision.

‘He was just about to speak when Lewis said, ‘So why don’t you give it a try and see if I can help you too.’ John was startled, then he grinned and said, ‘You’ve spoken to Tim!’ Lewis smiled, ‘Yes,’ he admitted, ‘He was worried about you. But, if I hadn’t and I’d met you accidentally, I would have long since realised you have a problem that is bothering you.’

‘I have no idea where my ability came from,’ Lewis told him. ‘But the more people I help, the more perceptive I seem to be getting in picking up when someone is troubled.’

‘Well, I know you are an expert on canal boats.’ John said with a grin. ‘Plus, you clearly have a mechanical mind. So why don’t you show me your latest ability.’ John said.

‘Ok,’ Lewis said. ‘I’ve already told you everything that I would have told anyone else except that the shop door is locked, and my keys are still in the lock. That means that no one, not even Mike can get in. That means no one can hear anything you tell me.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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