The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 3: The Brothers Secret
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 3: The Brothers Secret - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
After he closed the door Danny went upstairs into John’s bedroom. Looking out he saw Angus go next door. He stayed watching then ten minutes later saw David and Angus setting off together. He went downstairs and waited for five minutes.
Going out and locking up, he went next door and introduced himself to David’s parents. After having a chat and a coffee with them, he left and returned home in time to meet Lorraine and her parents. They were all going out together for a late Sunday lunch.
The next day at school Danny’s phone pinged in the playground midday. It was a text from Angus with all the information he had asked for. He had added on the bottom, ‘Thanks for the hope.’
That evening Danny rang the number Angus had given him for Muriel’s sons. He introduced himself and explained about his counselling. ‘I would like to come and speak to you in confidence about your stepfather,’ he said. ‘The reason for my request is that I am trying to help a young boy who is really suffering, and I need your help.’
‘I’m not sure we want to get involved,’ the voice said. ‘You don’t need to,’ Danny said, ‘I just need some information. If the reason you moved out from home is as I suspect, I’m sure you would not wish to leave a fourteen-year-old boy suffering the same or even worse, when you could have helped stop it.’
‘Just a minute,’ he said. Danny could hear a muffled conversation then he came back on. ‘No promises,’ he said, ‘But if you want to call around, we’re in all evening.’ ‘Thanks,’ Danny said, ‘I’ll be with you in twenty minutes.’
Arriving at the address the door was opened by a young man Danny guessed to be around twenty. He introduced himself as Ted. ‘Come in,’ he said stepping aside. They went through to the lounge where Danny was introduced to Teds brother Darren who looked slightly younger.
‘Thank you both for seeing me,’ Danny said. ‘Might I suggest that I tell you what I know and how I know it. Then you can decide if, or how you want to help, or you can show me the door.’
‘That sounds fair enough,’ Ted, who seemed to be the spokesman, said. ‘Would you like a drink whilst we talk?’ ‘I’d love a coffee,’ Danny said, ‘Thank you.’
Once Ted had returned with three coffees, Danny began. ‘You should know,’ he said, ‘That I have no official standing anywhere. I am just a boy at school. I discovered a while ago that I have the knack of getting people to tell me their troubles and so far, after they’ve told me about them, I’ve managed to solve them.’
‘As a result, people I’ve helped now send their friends to me. Because of that I have learned that your mum Muriel is a lovely lady. Whilst your stepfather is not. I have been told that your mum visits you every two weeks, but as far as I know, your stepfather never does.
‘I often get told snippets of information and at the same time pick up things without being told. I can then often join things together quite successfully. But no one’s perfect so I apologise in advance if I’ve got things wrong on this occasion.’
‘Even though I have not met your mum, your stepfather or yourselves before this moment, I have concluded that the reason you both moved out to a flat of your own was because your stepfather sexually assaulted one or both of you. Or perhaps gave you good reason to assume that he would if you stayed.’
‘I am also of the opinion that deep in her heart, your mum suspects or knows your reason but refuses to acknowledge it to herself.’
‘I can tell you with absolute certainty that whatever your reasons where for moving, had you stayed, you would have been in grave danger of sexual assault.’
‘Now before you say anything, let me tell you that two of the reasons I am so successful is that one, I never disclose anything I’m told without the express permission of the person telling me. And two, I’m a good listener who helps people without judging them.’
As Danny spoke, the two brothers had gone silent. Then they went more and more serious looking. As he finished, they looked at each other as if asking an unheard question. Then Danny spotted Darren giving Ted an almost imperceptible nod.
‘Can you promise that you will not repeat anything we tell you?’ Ted asked. ‘You have my word,’ Danny promised. ‘I was eighteen and Darren was seventeen when mum brought Liam home,’ he said. ‘Neither of us took to him, but we decided we probably wouldn’t have liked any man who was going to replace our dad. So, for mum’s sake we put up with him.’
‘In the first six months he was ok, he was a bit rough when he spoke to us, but we are out a lot anyway and mum seemed happy enough. Then one weekend mum went to visit her parents for a few days.’
‘Saturday night we went out with some friends from work. We met up for a meal at Frankie and Benny’s. After the meal we were going on to a club, but by the time we’d eaten neither Darren, nor I felt like it. Also, we were both going out separately the next day. So, we decided that we didn’t want to be out late.’
‘Because of that we were only out a couple of hours. When we got back and went into the house, we could hear voices in the lounge, so we went in. We couldn’t believe our eyes. Liam and another man similar in age and size were sitting on the settee, both naked and holding each other’s erect cocks.’
‘We stood there with our mouths open. Liam looked surprised to see us then he said, ‘Hi boys, you’re just in time to join us, we’ll make men of you, won’t we Sean?’ I said, ‘You’re disgusting, and we turned to go.’
‘They both jumped up and grabbed us, Liam grabbed me, and Sean grabbed Darren. Neither of us have ever been fighters and although older, the two men were far more powerful than us.’
‘They dragged us into the room and started pulling our clothes off. We struggled naturally, then Liam punched me in the side. The pain was horrific, and I doubled over. Whilst I was crying out in agony, he turned to Darren and said, ‘You’ll get the same if you don’t behave.’ Then Sean said, ‘I’ve got a better idea. If one doesn’t behave, we hurt the other one.’
‘Liam thought that was a great idea and laughed. They both continued stripping us. Now our hands were tied because we knew if we resisted, we would be inflicting pain not on ourselves, but on the other. When we were both naked, they messed about with our cocks then they tried to kiss us.’
‘They both smelled of booze. After that Sean pushed Darren down over the armchair and Liam pushed me down over the settee. Then they, er, they... ‘ ‘They raped you.’ Danny said.
‘Yes,’ Ted said, relieved at not having to say it. ‘What happened after they had fired?’ Danny asked. ‘They pulled out and hugged each other,’ Ted said, ‘They were laughing about ‘Having some new bums.’
‘We took the opportunity to dash out and run upstairs. We took a chair into the bathroom and wedged it under the door handle. Then we had a shower. We’re both used to seeing each other naked of course, so we took it in turns sitting on the toilet to let the cum drain out. Then we got in the shower together.’
‘As we soaked in the hot water trying to wash the dirty feeling off us, we hugged each other, and both burst into tears.’ ‘Good,’ Danny said, ‘That would have relieved some of the mental pressure.’
‘After a while we got dried and listened carefully at the door. Hearing nothing, we gingerly opened it and looked out. There was no one around so we ran into my bedroom being the nearest.’
‘Wedging the door with the chair, we each put a pair of my shorts on and got into my bed. Darren started crying again and I was struggling not to. I held him in my arms and comforted him as best as I could.’
‘I told him mum will kick him out now, so at least we’ll be rid of him.’ We eventually fell asleep in each other’s arms.’
‘The next morning, we got up and I got dressed. Then we went along to Darren’s room taking the chair with us. In his own room he got dressed then we decided what to do.’
‘We were hoping Liam would be sleeping it off, so we went downstairs quietly and headed for the front door. We let ourselves out quietly and got in my car. We drove to the nearby car park and sat discussing what we should do.’
‘We knew mum would be back that night, so we decided we’d keep out of the house during the day. We both had things booked for that day, so that wasn’t a problem. We also decided we were far too embarrassed about it to tell mum we had been raped, so we were just going to tell her about Liam and Sean.’
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