The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 1: Driven to Sex by Social Services

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 1: Driven to Sex by Social Services - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Danny held him as he cried, stroking his back and occasionally kissing the top of his head. Angus sobbed for a while then as it started to fade, Danny said quietly in his ear. ‘When you feel up to it, we will continue to get you fully relaxed, then you can tell me everything that happened. Then together we can sort it out and stop it.’

As Angus’s sobs stopped, Danny told him to lie down again. Fetching a flannel and towel he wiped his eyes and his face, then gave him the towel to dry himself.

Danny smiled at him, ‘I’m sure you feel better now you have shared it,’ he said. ‘You must have felt really safe with me to do that. So that means together we are definitely going to fix it.’

Angus gave him a weak grin. He really did feel much better about it. But even so he couldn’t see how Danny could possibly sort it out. At least, not without him getting thrown out of his home.

Danny rested his hands on Angus’s head, massaged for a few moments then moved down onto his temples. After a prolonged massage there, he moved onto his shoulders.

As he massaged, he said, ‘I’m going to go down your front and back whilst we get you even more relaxed. When I pass over your trousers, I’ll undo everything to release the pressure on your stomach. Then when you turn over next, I’ll be able to give you some even more relaxing options.’

‘Now that I know something about your problem, I will ask a few questions about it as we go. But we’re still mainly concentrating on getting you fully relaxed. So, remember to say pass if you don’t feel able to answer anything just yet.’

‘Are you ok with all that?’ Angus nodded, now Danny knew about it nothing else seemed to matter. As Danny moved on down Angus’s bare chest, he asked, ‘Who was the first girl you dreamt about in bed at night?’

Angus wasn’t expecting that and went red as he remembered. ‘Fiona,’ he said, ‘She was in my form at secondary school in Scotland.’ ‘Did Fiona know that you fancied her?’ Danny asked as he moved down over his stomach.

‘No,’ Angus replied, ‘I was far too shy to actually say anything to her.’ ‘So, you just had to make do with dreaming about her when you were tucked up in bed?’ Danny said as he moved up onto the front of his trousers.

As Angus answered Danny undid his belt then continued massaging. ‘Yes,’ Angus said. ‘How often did you dream about her?’ he asked as he moved down over his cock. ‘Every night.’ Angus admitted with a smile at the memory. He had gone slightly tense as Danny’s hand passed over his soft cock, but it soon passed. Compared to previously it was a big step forward.’

As Danny moved on down his legs he asked, ‘Did you get hard the moment you started dreaming about her?’ ‘Yes,’ Angus said, ‘I... ‘ Then he stopped as he realised what he had said and went red. ‘There’s no need to feel embarrassed,’ Danny told him, ‘You know that happens to all boys, don’t you?’

‘Yes, I suppose so,’ Angus replied. ‘And just like you, they love the special feeling they get when they take that lovely hard organ and make it fire. I know I do.’ That comment made Angus feel even more at ease. ‘Did you fire the very first time you dreamt about her?’ Danny asked as he came back up his legs.

‘Yes,’ Angus replied, having no problem talking about it now Danny had admitted he did the same. Although Angus had always believed it to be so, having it confirmed was always better.

‘Have you ever had occasions when you were unable to get erect or unable to fire?’ Danny asked him as he massaged over the front of his trousers again. ‘No, never,’ Angus said, then added, ‘Oh except... ‘ He paused, ‘Except recently,’ Danny answered for him. ‘Yes,’ he said looking unhappy.

‘Was that yes to when you were in bed alone or yes to when your uncle was around?’ Danny asked as he undid his top button. ‘When I was with my uncle and his friends.’ Angus told him.

‘Apart from in your dreams, are you still a virgin?’ Danny asked as he slid his zip down. ‘I don’t know,’ Angus said sounding unhappy as he thought about what he had had to do. ‘Where there any women involved in what you were forced to do?’ Danny asked as he moved up over his stomach.

‘No, they were all men.’ Angus told him. ‘Then you’re still a virgin,’ Danny said. ‘Sex play with men doesn’t count.’ As Angus looked relieved Danny said, ‘So even you and Cameron playing with each other doesn’t count either.’

As he moved on up his chest, Angus looked at him open mouthed. ‘How did you know?’ he asked. ‘Instinct and some guess work.’ Danny told him. ‘You were obviously very close, and my best pal and I have played with each other. It’s really nice, isn’t it?’

‘Yes,’ Angus said, his face lighting up as he remembered. Then he stopped and went red again. As Danny massaged his head he said, ‘Turn over.’ Angus turned and as Danny massaged the back of his head he said, ‘When I go down your back, I’ll massage your cheeks over your shorts. I’m sure you’re relaxed enough by now, so when I do, lift your hips up and I’ll slide your trousers down. Then I’ll be able to massage your legs on the skin.’

As he moved down onto Angus’s shoulders Danney asked, ‘How many times did you and Cameron fire each other?’ He thought for a moment then said, ‘I think it was four.’ ‘Where were you when it happened?’ Danny asked. ‘We were either at Cameron’s or mine in our bedrooms.’ Angus told him.

‘Did you ever do anything else, other than firing each other?’ Danny asked. Angus felt very embarrassed and took a few moments to answer. Then he said quietly, ‘We kissed each other,’ then he added quieter still, ‘On the lips.’ ‘It’s nice, isn’t it?’ Danny said, ‘But I can tell you that it’s even nicer when you kiss a girl.’

Reaching his waist, Danny slid his hands inside his trousers and massaged his cheeks over his shorts. Angus made a lot of happy noises at the sensation, then as Danny started to slide his hands out, he lifted his hips up. Sliding his trousers right down, Danny then massaged both cheeks at the same time. Clearly much to Angus’s delight.

As he moved on down his now bare legs, Danny asked, ‘Did you and Cameron ever do anything different with your cocks.’ ‘No,’ Angus said. ‘We never thought there was anything else we could do. We certainly wouldn’t have dreamt of... ‘ He broke off with a shudder as he remembered why he was there.

Starting back up from his feet again, Danny asked, ‘Have you and David done anything together?’ Angus felt embarrassed again and hesitated. ‘When David realised there was something wrong and asked me about it,’ he said at last, ‘I couldn’t tell him. He could see I was very upset, so he hugged me. Then as we broke away, I felt so good after his hug, I kissed him. He kissed me back and we held each other close for ages. That was yesterday.’ he said.

Danny massaged both cheeks over his shorts, then getting so many happy noises, he slid his hands inside and massaged direct on the skin. Angus let out a wail of total pleasure at the feeling so whilst he massaged with one hand, Danny pulled the back of his shorts down below his cheeks, then lifting his hand off, he put both hands down together, one on each cheek.

At the touch, Angus screamed out even more. Then as Danny started massaging both cheeks at once, he cried out, ‘Oh that’s so wonderful, I thought I’d never be able to let anyone touch there ever again.’

Danny stayed put for a while then moved on up his back. ‘Once we’ve sorted your problem out,’ Danny said, ‘You should say thank you to David for sending you here by giving him another hug and a kiss. You’ll enjoy it even more then because you will no longer be worrying about anything.’

As he reached his head he said, ‘Turn over.’ Angus seemed unperturbed at the bulge now showing in his shorts and settled down seeming very relaxed. Danny massaged his head then as he moved down onto his shoulders, he continued his questions.

‘How would you describe Cameron’s cock compared to your own?’ Danny asked. Angus thought for a moment then answered, ‘He was a bit shorter than mine, but his was thicker. Holding his always seemed so different. But then I guess he would have felt the same about mine.’

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