The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 3: A Threat of Castration
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 3: A Threat of Castration - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
During the week Danny had met up with Lewis and borrowed his radio alarm camera. That was now installed in Franks bedroom. Danny had checked it on his phone and was happy with its position.
At eight o’clock Saturday morning, Danny had a text from Frank confirming that the house was clear of parents. At eight thirty Danny arrived outside and let himself in quietly with the key Frank had obtained for him. He went through to the front room and stood watching the drive.
As he watched he texted Frank, ‘I’m downstairs, you are not alone, soon be over now.’ He got a thumbs up back again. Ten minutes later he saw Keith coming up the path. He went to the front door and let him in. When they were in the front room, Danny gave him a hug and thanked him for coming. Keith had been raped himself and Danny had put him back on track. When Danny had explained the situation, Keith had been only too happy to help.
Danny had made two balaclava type hoods which they both put on. Danny was keeping an eye on the camera feed on his phone. He could see Frank still in bed looking as if he was still asleep. It was now five minutes to nine so if Robert remained true to form, he should move any moment.
Keith had been instructed on what he would need to do, so they just had to wait quietly. Keith was just inside the front room door where he could see Danny. Danny was standing in the hall opposite, out of sight to anyone glancing down from above, but able to see the bit of the landing that Robert would have to go along to reach Frank.
He held his phone up occasionally so he could see the screen out of the corner of his eye. Frank lay undisturbed in bed. A few minutes after nine, Danny saw a figure he assumed to be Robert pass along the landing. Listening carefully, he heard Franks bedroom door thrown open.
Signalling to Keith he started quietly but quickly up the stairs. Keith came right behind him. As they reached the landing, they could hear a raised voice. Danny put his phone back in his pocket and took a firm grip on the neck of the empty wine bottle he had brought with him. He had brought a wine bottle because it was what he had knocked out his own rapist with. It seemed appropriate somehow.
Danny and Keith stood right outside Franks bedroom door and listened.
Robert had barged in as usual and seeing Frank apparently asleep, had shouted out, ‘Wake up I’m here to fuck you.’ Following his instructions, Frank turned over slowly in bed and sat up looking frightened, although he didn’t have to act that, his heart was going ten to the dozen. ‘Come on,’ Robert snarled at him, ‘Get up and strip off otherwise you’ll get your balls squashed to jelly. I won’t give you any more chances.’
Robert had pulled his shorts off and was standing there naked with a full hard on. He didn’t know it, but he was facing direct at the camera. As Frank moved deliberately slowly, Robert lost whatever bit of patience he had. ‘That’s it,’ he screamed, ‘I warned you what would happen if you didn’t do as I told you. After I’ve squashed your balls to jelly, I’ll fuck you whilst you writhe in agony.’ As he spoke, he lunged towards Frank still sitting covered up under the duvet.
Danny had raced into the room the second he lunged forward. Just as Robert yanked the covers off Frank and reached towards his balls, Danny’s wine bottle hit him on the back of his head.
Frank was rooted to the spot terrified as Robert surged towards him. Then as he ripped the covers off and went to grab his balls, he opened his mouth to scream. Then he froze as he saw a wine bottle appear up in the air and crash down onto Robert’s head.
Robert froze too, his hand stretched out just a foot from Franks balls. Then as a glazed look floated across his face, he collapsed unconscious on top of Frank.
Frank could then see two hooded figures in his bedroom, one holding the neck of the wine bottle. Before he could feel frightened at the sight, Danny’s voice came out of one hood saying, ‘It’s ok Frank, it’s me and a friend.’
Putting down the bottle, he helped Keith pull Robert’s limp body off Frank and dump it on the floor. Whilst Keith stood guard over him, Frank got out of bed, pulled the duvet away completely and helped Danny spread a plastic dust sheet over the bed.
The three of them lifted Robert up off the floor and lay him on his back on the bed. Danny fetched the bag he had dropped outside the bedroom door and tipped it out. Keith stood watch once more whilst Frank and Danny took a length of rope and wrapped it around the bed head and twice around Robert’s neck. Then they tied it at the front under his chin.
Next, they pushed a length of rope under the middle of the bed, then they each took one of Roberts arms, wrapped the rope several times round each wrist so his hands were on his chest, before tying the rope together in between his hands in a reef knot, possibly the easiest knot to undo.
They put another rope under the bed and tied each end around his knees, so they were pulled wide apart. Then another rope under the bottom of the bed and round his ankles which was then tied so his feet were locked in place about eighteen inches apart and immovable. The reef knot again was tied in full view. Finally, after checking he was still breathing, Danny stuffed a bit of cloth in his mouth and tied a gag around to hold it in place.
Danny nodded to Frank. Following his earlier instructions, he picked up his clothes and left the room. Getting dressed on the landing, he went along to Robert’s bedroom. Seeing his phone on the bedside table he picked it up and took it back to Danny. As he had been instructed, he handed it through the door without coming in. Going down to the lounge, he closed the door and sat watching his bedroom on the screen of his phone which Danny had set up for him. Danny didn’t want Robert to see him involved but felt he should be able to watch what happened.
Danny checked all the ropes. The rope holding Robert’s wrists was deliberately slack enough, so that he could undo the knot. Using a piece of wood with a ‘V’ in the end, brought especially for the purpose, Danny pulled the rope away from the side of the bed to tighten it and wedged it in place with his piece of wood between the rope and the side of the bed. Robert could not now move his hands.
Checking Roberts phone, Danny couldn’t open it without a pin number, so he took a photo on his own phone of Robert all trussed up. ‘Thanks again for coming,’ he told Keith, ‘I should be ok now, but if you could go downstairs and sit with Frank for a while just in case he breaks loose.’
Keith grinned under his hood. ‘That doesn’t look very likely,’ he said as he went out. Danny closed the door and sat down to wait. A good ten minutes passed before Robert started to come round. Danny watched him patiently.
When Robert eventually opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was a figure with a black hood hiding his face. Robert could tell from the build that it wasn’t Frank. His head ached like mad, and he couldn’t move or speak, he was very, very afraid.
Danny just sat in silence watching him for several minutes knowing that it would unnerve him even more. Then he spoke. ‘You have been found guilty of the violent rape of a minor on several occasions,’ he said. ‘There can be no mitigating circumstances, you have abused the hospitality of this house and carried out a vicious and violent sexual attack on an innocent child. The physical and mental pain you have submitted him to for your own gratification should get you the maximum penalty’
‘I am here to carry out the sentence which the Judge will communicate to me very shortly. The worst option is extermination, in which case you will die by the insertion of a red-hot poker thrust up your bum. A lesser but very painful and appropriate option is that you have a rough pole inserted up your bum with the same force you used on your victim. That would be done five times for every rape you did. Then to stop you doing it to anyone else in future, the final option is that you are castrated by having both your testicles cut out and put through a mincer. The judge may also decide you deserve to suffer more than one of them.’
‘Now, whilst we wait for the verdict, I want some information from you. Whatever the punishment is, you will be filmed. To put that on your phone as a reminder to you, I need your phone number. Your fingers are free so you can write the number down.’
‘You have also raped several boys in the past. They will need counselling, so you will give me their names and addresses. Again, you will be given a pen and pad to write them down.’
‘Just in case you decide not to cooperate with the information, here’s the alternative. Earlier I heard you threaten your most recent victim with having his balls squashed to jelly.’ Danny showed him a woodworkers ‘G’ clamp. ‘If you don’t give the information when asked, this will be attached to one of your balls and tightened up a turn every time you refuse.’
Danny released his piece of wood to make the ropes on Robert’s wrists slack, then put a pen and pad in his fingers. ‘Give me your phones pin number first, then your phone number,’ he ordered. ‘There was some angry sounding muffled grunting from behind the gag.’ Danny just looked at him and said, ‘I see you’re not writing.’
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