The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 6 : Unlocking Johnathans Mind
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 6 : Unlocking Johnathans Mind - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Lewis stroked his head with one hand and rested his other hand over his now limp cock. ‘We need to investigate a lot more before we make a definite conclusion,’ Lewis said, ‘But it seems clear to me so far that you did get undressed, and you did have sex of some sort. But as you did it without knowing what you were doing, it would seem reasonable that at least Jake and Nigel were in the same boat.’
‘I have an idea how we can find out some more, but I’ll come back to that. Forget your problem for the moment and answer me this. You have just had my finger sliding in and out of your bum and it made you fire. I don’t need to ask you how much you enjoyed it. Tell me how the experience has affected your desire to feel a cock up your bum.’
‘For instance, imagine if Kirk was here now instead of me. He’s naked and willing. He’s told you he’d love to put his cock up your bum. How keen would you be to try it with him? How would you answer?’
Having fired twice at Lewis’s hand and told him so much, Johnathan had no hesitation in telling him exactly how he felt. ‘I’d say, go ahead, I’ve dreamt about you doing it for ages.’ he answered with a grin.
‘The feeling of my finger up your bum made you remember something that I believe actually happened,’ Lewis told him. ‘If my finger was replaced with a cock, it might bring back even more recollections. I can’t provide Kirk for you, but I could provide a cock if you wanted to try it.’
Johnathan looked at him amazed. ‘You mean you’d put your cock up my bum?’ He asked sounding incredulous. ‘Only if you were happy with the idea.’ Lewis told him. ‘I’d love to,’ Johnathan said hardly able to believe that he might at long last experience what he had dreamt of for so long. Even if it wasn’t with his pal Kirk, he knew he would still love it.
‘Stand up,’ Lewis told him. Lewis gave him a hug and said, ‘You are naked, and I’ve seen and handled every bit of your body. To do what we plan, you will need to undress me and feel my hard cock. Only then can you decide for sure if we go ahead.’
Johnathan had been swelling at the thought anyway. The idea of him undressing and feeling Lewis made him go rock hard right away. Lewis felt it happen and said, ‘I guess that’s a go-ahead signal. Put your hands up inside my top and run them up and down my bare back.’ he instructed.
Johnathan pulled his top out of his trousers and ran his hands up inside. Running them all over Lewis’s skin felt lovely. His cock throbbed like mad as he did it. ‘Now take my top things off,’ Lewis said. Johnathan pulled them of over his head, then they had another hug, this time bare chest to bare chest.
That sent a lovely shiver through Johnathan. ‘Reach in between us,’ Lewis said in his ear, ‘And undo my belt.’ Johnathan’s heart was thumping away in excitement as he did. It took him a couple of goes before he managed it. Then Lewis said, ‘Now my top button.’ More fumbling until it parted. ‘Now my zip.’
As Johnathan lowered Lewis’s zip, Lewis’s cock pushed his shorts out. It bumped against Johnathan’s hand making him jump. ‘It’s ok,’ Lewis said, ‘He’s just saying hello.’ As they hugged now, Johnathan could feel it throbbing with just Lewis’s shorts between them. His own cock felt as if it would explode.
Kicking his trousers off his feet. Then giving him an extra squeeze, Lewis said, ‘Now kneel down and take my shorts off. Johnathan stepped back and looked at him, feeling uncertain. ‘It’s ok,’ Lewis said, ‘I’m asking you to.’
Johnathan knelt down and watched the big bulge waving about. He reached up with trembling hands and took hold of the waist of Lewis’s shorts. He pulled them down until they got stuck. Lewis put one hand down inside and pressed himself flat against his abdomen.
Johnathan slid the shorts down. As they uncovered Lewis’s cock, all he could see was the back of Lewis’s hand and his balls hanging down. After he helped Lewis step out of them, Lewis took his hand away. His cock sprung out and waved about happy to be free.
Johnathan stared at it open mouthed. To him it looked considerably bigger than his own. The thought of such a whopper going up his bum should have frightened him, but strangely all he felt was excitement.
Lewis looked down at him and smiled. ‘Explore it, feel anywhere you want,’ he said. ‘If you’re considering having it up inside you, you’re entitled to check it out.’ Johnathan reached out gingerly and took hold of it. It was too big to fit it all in his hand.
Feeling it brought back all the happy memories of playing with Kirk. Feeling it’s size and hardness excited him beyond belief. He felt all over it, then played with his balls. Finally, he stood up and looked down between them. Both of their cocks were sticking straight out. Johnathan was happily surprised to see that although it was bigger than his, Lewis wasn’t a great deal bigger after all.
Lewis moved forward and took him in his arms. Their cocks squeezed together, then moved up so they were flat on their abdomens, side by side and throbbing together. Johnathan enjoyed the feeling of them touching as well as all the wonderful feelings that were going through him.
‘If you decide to go ahead,’ Lewis told him, ‘You can call out stop at any time. If you do, I’ll stop immediately. If I am inside you, I’ll pull out right away. Take as long as you like, then tell me what you decide.’
Johnathan didn’t hesitate. ‘Go, go, go,’ he said with a big beam on his face. Lewis gave him a smile, leaned forward and kissed him. Johnathan returned the kiss happily, remembering again that long ago kiss with Kirk.
‘Go and sit in the chair,’ Lewis told him. Once settled he told him what was going to happen. After they were both oiled and ready, Lewis knelt down on the cushion and placed his tip up against the opening to Johnathan’s bum.
Johnathan cried out happily at the sensation. Keeping up a gentle pressure, Lewis kept his tip pressing gently. ‘Your bum muscles have automatically closed up,’ he told him. ‘Soon they will realise they are not being forced. Then they will relax and let me in.’
Whilst they waited, Lewis took hold of Johnathan’s cock and stroked it, making him give a string of happy moans. Then as his bum relaxed, Lewis’s tip started sliding in. As he slid in deeper, going very slowly, Johnathan’s moans increased in volume and sounded even happier.
Soon Lewis was in as far as he could go. He was pushing forward as hard as he could. He remained still as he said, ‘When I start moving, I want you to close your eyes and enjoy it. Put your mind back at the club watching the movie and let it tell you what it will. Tell me what you see as it happens.’
Johnathan gave him a smile, then closed his eyes. As his mind returned to the night at the club, Lewis started moving. He drew out slowly and went back in slowly. Then he increased speed very slightly. Setting himself at a slow but steady rate he watched Johnathan’s face.
His smile said nothing but enjoyment. After a few minutes, Johnathan started speaking, ‘I’m watching Nigel getting undressed,’ he said. ‘Now he’s bending over the chair. Jake is standing behind him. He’s putting his cock up into Nigel’s bum.’ He went quiet for a while so Lewis speeded up his movement slightly. ‘Nigel’s sitting in the chair naked,’ Johnathan said, ‘I’m kneeling in front of him looking at his cock. I’m putting my mouth down to suck it.’ Lewis speeded up again as he felt his own feeling starting. Then as his cock swelled and he shot his load, he called out ecstatically. As he did Johnathan called out, ‘Someone’s going up my bum. I know it can’t be Jake, I can see him in the chair. It can’t be Nigel because I’m sucking him so it must be Bryan.’
As Lewis slowed down to a stop, Johnathan opened his eyes. ‘That was amazing and so lovely,’ he said smiling. Lewis held himself in as he shrank, then let his cock slip out. He stood up and gave Johnathan his hand. Standing up they both hugged, Lewis now soft and Johnathan still hard.
‘So now we know a bit more,’ Lewis said, ‘Well done. I suggest we have one more try whilst you’re still hard. You go up me.’ ‘Wow, really?’ Johnathan said. Lewis smiled at him. He sat down in the chair and squirted some oil up his bum. Then he rubbed a bit around the opening.
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