The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 3 : Johnathan Goes Potholing

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 3 : Johnathan Goes Potholing - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘We didn’t drink excessively,’ he continued, ‘And it was in easy walking distance, so we had no problems about getting home. Over time we got to know the bar staff well, so we always had a tab. That gave us quick and easy service during the evening, then we’d settle up before we left.’

As Lewis started back up from his feet he continued, ‘Occasionally, there would be a group of girls in around our age. We’d eye them up and pick the one we fancied. We’d even discuss which one would be the best in bed. But none of us were ever brave enough to actually go over and speak to them.’

‘Where all three of you virgins?’ Lewis asked as he massaged his knees. Johnathan went a little red. ‘Yes, I think so.’ he said, ‘The other two never actually said, but my impression was that when we talked about girls or sex it was something they were looking forward to rather than something they had experienced.’

As he finished speaking Lewis reached the top of his thighs and massaged all over the front of his trousers. He went rigid again, but even though his cock had grown a little and moved as Lewis’s hand passed over it, he didn’t cry out. As Lewis moved onto his stomach, he relaxed immediately.

‘Do you have any other interests or hobbies?’ Lewis asked. ‘I like sailing,’ Johnathan told him, ‘My dad has a small yacht that will take two to three people. I take that out on the lake occasionally.’ ‘So do I assume you can swim then?’ Lewis asked.

‘Yes, I used to go out in the yacht with dad when I was very young, but he wouldn’t let me come with him until I was a proficient swimmer.’ As he moved up his chest, Lewis asked, ‘When you qualify as an electrician,

what are your long-term work plans?’

‘I’d be happy to stay on with my present firm, but dad thinks I should start up on my own.’ ‘How do you feel about that?’ Lewis asked. ‘I don’t know,’ he answered. ‘I’m not sure I’d have the confidence to run my own business.’

Reaching his head, Lewis told him, ‘You’re doing well, how do you feel?’ ‘I’m surprised just how relaxed I feel most of the time,’ Johnathan admitted, ‘But I still panic at times.’ ‘Hopefully we can get past that very soon,’ Lewis said. ‘Now I want you to turn over again, but before you do, if you feel ok about it, take your top things off. Then I can massage your back on your skin which is much more relaxing than over your clothes.’ He explained about uncovering your body helping you relax and open your mind.

Pulling his top off, Johnathan threw it to one side and turned over. As he massaged the back of his head, Lewis could see that Johnathan’s shoulders were a little wider than his own with a bit more muscle on them. As he came down onto his bare shoulders he asked, ‘What about your last few years at school. How did you get on with the other pupils and the teaching staff?’

‘Ok, I suppose.’ he answered, ‘I was a bit of a loner really, so I didn’t mix much. Although I did have one really good friend, Kirk. We met at primary school. He was as quiet and shy as I was, so we got on well from the start. Mmmm, you’re right about the massage on the skin,’ he added. ‘I’ve never had a massage before.’

‘What did you and Kirk do together out of school,’ Lewis asked as he reached his waist. Johnathan started to reply as he moved up onto the back of his trousers and massaged his cheeks. Although he tensed up, it was nowhere near as bad as previously and this time it didn’t interrupt his response.

‘All sorts,’ he said, ‘He came sailing with me and dad often. We spent time at each other’s homes, and we were each invited on holiday with the others family on several occasions. We both liked climbing and exploring. We joined a pot holing club, but Kirk only came once. I carried on for a while but my dad’s friend who used to take me moved away. After that I had no way of getting to it as it was in Derbyshire.’

As Lewis started back up from his feet he asked, ‘Weren’t you scared going down potholes, aren’t they small dark and deep?’ ‘The first one I went down,’ Johnathan said, ‘Was in the middle of a field with a manhole cover over it. When Jack, my dad’s pal took the lid off, I looked down.’

‘It was like looking down a railway tunnel standing on end. It disappeared down into the depths. I remember thinking, do I really want to go down there. But Jack was very safety conscious though, he wouldn’t even let us climb through the manhole cover onto the ledge four feet below without checking our harnesses. So terrifying as it was, I always felt safe.’

‘This one was partly an old mine working and partly natural caverns. It went down around two hundred and fifty feet, but in several sections. We abseiled down about a hundred feet, then rested on a big ledge where we changed over to a new rope. From there we went down another hundred feet to another ledge.’

‘Once we started down, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Jake told me afterwards that he was absolutely terrified all the way down. When we reached the very bottom, we sat and had our butties. Then Jack told us to turn our headlights off. We sat there in total darkness two hundred and fifty feet underground. As Jack said when we put our lights back on, ‘You have just experienced total and absolute silence.’

As he finished his tale, Lewis had reached his head. ‘Turn over,’ he said. Once Jonathan was settled, he said, ‘Well done, I’ve just come all the way up your back from your feet to your head and you didn’t show any sign of tension.’

‘Wow, so you did,’ he said, ‘I was too busy remembering potholing to notice.’ ‘That means your subconscious has decided that you are safe here with me,’ Lewis told him, ‘An excellent sign. Now I’m going to go down your front again. I’m going to suspend my questions for the moment. Instead, I want you to carry on telling me about your potholing experiences.’

‘But you’ve felt how much more relaxing the massage is on your skin, so when I reach your waist, unless you say stop, I will undo your trousers to take the pressure off your stomach. It will also mean that next time you turn over, I’ll be able to give you some more relaxing options.’

‘Just remember one thing. Each time you have panicked, it has been when you started to erect slightly. Both times it was as my hands were on the way up. When someone else’s hands are relaxing you, then only if your brain feels safe with them, any touch on your cock will make you stiffen up. That is natural and normal, so you don’t need to feel embarrassed.’

‘So even if your problem involves sex, which is most likely as almost everyone else’s does, you starting to erect is not just because of your problem. Also, it is a great compliment to me that your subconscious has accepted me as a friend. Not just any friend but a safe friend.’

As Lewis started to massage his head again, Johnathan relaxed and carried on talking. ‘When it was time to start back up, that’s when the real hard work started. We had to climb the rope by sliding a foot loop up the rope about a foot. Then you put your foot in the loop and stand up with all your weight on the loop. That makes the rope go slack in the mechanism on your harness around your waist, so you pull the slack rope through.’

‘You can then rest your weight on your harness whilst you lift your foot loop up another foot. Then you keep repeating all that until you reach the top. It’s slow and very heavy going. If you think you’re fit going down, you soon find out you’re not when you’re going up.’

‘The ropes are only safe to carry one person at a time, so until you reach the changeover point and unhitch from the bottom rope, no one else can come up behind you. At least you can then have a rest before you start up the next rope.’

Part way through, Lewis had massaged down and reached Johnathan’s waist. He was in full flow with his tale and didn’t falter as Lewis undid his belt and top button. Moving on down over his trousers, Lewis felt his cock, still soft but grown enough to move as his hand passed over it. Johnathan was still in full flow as he went on down to his feet.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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