The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 5: Dudley Sees His Cock Growth
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 5: Dudley Sees His Cock Growth - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Monday night Lewis arrived at the shop early to see Mike now back from his honeymoon. ‘We had a great time,’ he said in between customers. ‘Venice is amazing, we sailed in a Gondola, walked over the Rialto Bridge, saw the Bridge of Sighs, and dined out in St Mark’s Square with an orchestra playing. I’ll bring you the photo’s in to see on Saturday.’ he said.
Dudley arrived then and went through to the back room. After they closed the shop and went through to the back, Mike chatted to Dudley and told him that not having seen him for two weeks, he could see the difference in him. That brought a big beam to Dudley’s face. Then collecting his coat, Mike left.
Lewis showed him out, had a longer than usual hug and kiss with him, then locked the door. Returning to Dudley, he sat at the table to have a coffee with him.
‘How has your week been?’ he asked. ‘Great,’ Dudley said, ‘I went training with Michael on Wednesday, I’ll tell you more about that later. I got another compliment from my form teacher and the Posters are out for the sponsorship. The initial reaction has been good.’
‘Ok, let’s get work out of the way first then you can tell me all about it.’ Lewis said. ‘Strip off, and I’ll take some photos.’ Dudley stripped and Lewis took a photo full frontal, one from the back and one from each side. Then he took a close up of his soft cock.
Taking his tape measure out, he measured all the parts he had measured the first time, finishing off with a length and a diameter of Dudley’s soft cock. ‘Right, press ups first.’ Lewis said.
Dudley dropped to the floor and did forty steadily, five a little slower and a final five with a struggle. ‘Wow, Dudley, who would have ever thought you would be able to do fifty press ups. Very well done. That’s your first point.’
‘Ok, scales next.’ Dudley stood on them waiting to hear Lewis read out the weight. ‘Twelve stone nine pounds,’ Lewis said, ‘That’s down yet another four pounds, excellent and another point.’
‘Sit ups next.’ Dudley lay on his back on the floor whilst Lewis held his feet down. He did forty steadily, ten slightly slower and five more with a struggle. That’s fifty-five, another wonderful result and another point.’ Lewis said beaming at him.
‘Ok, relax now and tell me about your finances.’ Lewis sat at the end of the settee and Dudley lay down with his head on his lap. ‘Ok, what came in this week?’ Lewis asked. ‘I got my usual pocket money of ten pounds,’ Dudley said. ‘Then on Thursday we visited my dad’s cousin whom we haven’t seen for ages. They gave me twenty pounds. On Sunday an aunt dropped in to see us and she also gave me twenty pounds. On Friday Alison and I went to the cinema. It cost me sixteen pounds for two seats and some drinks. Alison refused sweets. She said it wouldn’t be fair for her to sit nibling whilst I went without. Anyway,’ she said, ‘I’ve been trying to diet a bit too, so it’ll do me good.’ ‘She told me afterwards that she has cut out eating between meals but is having difficulty getting her mum to cut down on portions.’
‘So, I put all my pocket money and twenty pounds in the bank, I used my card to pay at the cinema and mum is holding the other twenty pounds for me to pay in next week.’
‘You put thirty pounds in the bank but spent sixteen, so you now have a hundred and fifty-nine pounds in the bank Lewis said. You have seven pounds seventy in your pocket and your mum has twenty pounds ready for you to pay in next week. Well done, that’s another point.’
‘Ok, feet up now.’ Dudley got down on the floor and Lewis put the chair as a marker. Dudley started on his own before Lewis had chance to hold his shoulders, so he just stood and counted. He did forty at a steady pace, nine a bit slower, then three at a struggle. ‘Fifty-two that’s brilliant, another point Dudley.’
They got back up on the settee. ‘Now tell me about your special exercises,’ Lewis said, resting one hand on Dudley’s head and the other over his cock. ‘There were nine,’ Dudley said with a big grin. ‘On Monday night it was you sucking me, on Tuesday I was making love to Alison, on Wednesday I was firing Michael then last thing he was firing me. On Thursday I was sucking you, on Friday after the cinema I was making love to Alison. On Saturday I made love to Alison twice then on Sunday you er, you went up my bum.’ ‘Did you enjoy every single one?’ Lewis asked with a grin. ‘Very much,’ Dudley said, ‘And I fired every time.’ ‘Do I deduce something happened on Wednesday with Michael and Friday with Alison that prompted some of those?’ Lewis said smiling.
‘Why don’t you tell me about your trip to the cinema first?’ Lewis said. ‘We went to see Finding Nemo,’ Dudley said. ‘I wasn’t bothered, I just wanted to go with Alison, but it was actually very good. We got seats at the back and just sat for a while. Then after a while we held hands which was nice. A bit later Alison snuggled up to my side, so I put my arm around her shoulders. That was really nice too, we stayed like that for the rest of the film. I kissed her head a few times too.’
‘When we came out, I walked her home. As we stood at her front door, we had our first proper kiss. It was wonderful. I didn’t want to rush her into anything, so I broke away after a short while. Then she grabbed hold of me and kissed me again, this time she was holding me as close as we could possibly get. I felt her breasts pressing against my chest so she must have been able to feel my cock sticking out. We stayed locked together for ages, although it only seemed like a few minutes.’
‘This time when we parted, she said, ‘I better go in. Thank you for a lovely evening, then she gave me a quick kiss and went.’
‘I think we better have your sex education lesson very soon,’ Lewis told him with a grin. ‘Next time you should try putting a hand over her breast. Have you made another date?’ ‘No,’ Dudley said. ‘Well do so tomorrow,’ Lewis told him, ‘It doesn’t matter how far away you make it for, if you don’t arrange it she’ll be thinking you don’t want to see her again.’
‘I’ll do it tomorrow at school,’ Dudley said horrified at the thought of losing her.
Dudley’s mind had evidently been on his dream of making love to Alison, so his cock was very solid. ‘Stand up,’ Lewis told him. Lewis took a closeup photo of his cock in as near the same position as his first one as he could remember. Then he measured its length and diameter. ‘We’ll compare pictures and measurements later.’ he said.
‘What happened at your training on Wednesday?’ Lewis asked. Dudley gave a big beam, ‘Well, when we went into the changing area, we both stripped off. As I went to put my swimming shorts on, Michael said, ‘Hang on a minute, I promised you we would compare sizes before I got wet.’ He came over to me and stood close. He put his cock alongside mine and held them touching side by side.
‘There you go,’ he said, ‘As I told you, I’m the same diameter as you and less than a centimetre longer.’ ‘I felt chuffed then a second later we both started swelling up. Michael stepped back and let go. ‘Sorry,’ he said, ‘I didn’t mean to get you worked up.’ ‘Don’t apologise,’ I said, ‘It felt lovely.’ He grinned and said, ‘Yes it did, didn’t it.’
‘We better get in the water,’ he said, ‘Or we’ll get no training done.’ I dove in whilst Michael watched from the side. Then I got out and dove in again whilst he was under water watching my entry. He gave me a couple of pointers then I did two more dives the same. He seemed pleased with the result so then we practiced some quick turns.’
‘Then we did some more back stroke practice. I lay back in the water again with my legs around his waist and practiced the arm movements like before. Michael said I’d picked it up well. Then just as I was about to stand up and have a go on my own, I felt his cock sticking in me again. I stayed where I was longer than I should because it felt nice. But it seemed to bother him so once he realised, he stepped back. I did two lengths of the back stroke whilst he watched the first one above water and the second one under water. He was happy with how I was doing it, so we packed up. ‘Next time I’ll teach you the leg movements to go with the backstroke,’ he said.
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