The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 4: Ecstasy For Michael

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 4: Ecstasy For Michael - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Michael screamed out in great delight. He’d never felt anything so lovely before. Then as Lewis started playing with his balls with his tongue, Michael gave a double shiver. The first one was ecstasy at the feelings, the second one at the thought of what it would be like to have an empty sac.

Then Lewis let his balls drop out and put his legs down on the arms again. Michael lay back, eyes closed, waiting for the pleasure of Lewis’s hand on his cock. Then suddenly something warm, soft, and moist took hold of his tip and started sliding down his cock which was now throbbing like mad.

He opened his eyes to see Lewis looking up at him with sparkling eyes and his mouth right down on Michael’s cock, his lips in his hairs. As he stared open mouthed, Lewis drew his mouth off making him cry out again with great ecstasy.

‘Relax and enjoy,’ Lewis told him. ‘When you’re ready to fire, just let yourself go, leave me to worry about your cum, ok?’ ‘Ok,’ Michael said with a face splitting grin.

Lewis put his mouth back on his tip and slid down. As Michael flexed in his mouth, he started moving slowly up and down. After a short time with Michael making an almost continuous happy moan, he speeded up slightly. At the same time, he had been playing with Michaels balls. Now he dipped his fingertip in the oil he had put handy. Then he ran his finger along the muscle behind Michael’s cock, then once round the opening to his bum. Then he returned to playing with his balls.

As his finger ran over his bum, Michael’s moan increased in volume. As he kept going with his mouth, Lewis kept repeating his action with his other hand. Each time going twice around the opening to his bum. Then as he increased speed again, he added a gentle press on the opening. Then the next time he let his finger go inside half an inch.

Michael was clearly enjoying all these new sensations he was getting and was now calling out happily each time Lewis’s finger entered him. Each time he speeded up, Lewis slid his finger in further until very soon he had it all the way in. Then as he felt Michael starting to tense up, he speeded up yet again with his mouth and moved his finger all the way in and out twice, slowly and gently.

Michael screamed out, ‘I’m coming, oh it’s amazing.’ As his cock swelled in Lewis’s mouth then started to shoot his load, Lewis gave a firm thrust into his bum with his finger. He pulled it right out just as Michael finished firing.

Michael had cried out a lot of happy noises as he fired, then as he stopped firing, Lewis slowed to a stop on his cock. Holding it in his mouth, he felt it shrink, then licked his tip. As Michael cried out again from the sensation, he let his cock slide out of his mouth.

Michael was lying back, his eyes still shut and a big smile on his face. As Lewis watched, he opened his eyes, saw Lewis watching him and leaned forward. Taking Lewis in his arms he hugged him then kissed him on the lips, which Lewis happily responded to.

As they broke off, Michael said, ‘I could never have imagined a feeling like that in a lifetime of trying.’ Then realising Lewis hadn’t moved away and had spoken to him and kissed him, he asked in a puzzled voice, ‘Where did my cum go to?’

‘I ate it,’ Lewis told him. Michael’s mouth dropped open. ‘Ate it he repeated,’ not believing his ears. ‘Yes,’ Lewis said, ‘When it’s someone you like it’s a special thing to do. It tastes nice too.’

Lewis stood up and told him to get dressed. Michael stood up and gave him another long hug, followed by another even longer kiss. As he got dressed. Lewis sat on the end of the settee and told him to lie down again.

When he was settled, he asked, ‘When you went up Billy, were you surprised how little he cried out in pain?’ ‘Yes,’ Michael said, ‘I thought he’d be screaming all the time.’ ‘Did you enjoy every single sensation you just had when I sucked you?’ Lewis asked. ‘Yes, definitely,’ Michael said, ‘I’ll dream about it for ever.’

‘Have you ever dreamt about Billy going up your bum?’ Lewis asked. ‘No, definitely not,’ Michael said, ‘It must feel horrible, quite apart from the pain.’

Lewis smiled at him. ‘When I was sucking you,’ he said, ‘I put this finger up your bum as far as it would go.’ He stuck it up in the air to illustrate his point. ‘Because I oiled it first, it slid in easily and painlessly, that’s why you enjoyed the sensation even though you didn’t realise what it was.’

‘Wow,’ Michael said, ‘I’d never have guessed.’ ‘If I had put my cock up you instead,’ Lewis said, ‘You would have known and felt it because its thicker than my finger. But because it would be for pleasure rather than rape, it would have felt nice. That is because I would have oiled it and inserted it gently and carefully, like I just did with my finger.’

‘Without realising it at the time, that is precisely what you did to Billy. You oiled yourself because you were concerned about hurting him. Your initial penetration was done as slowly and carefully as you could under the circumstances. That’s why Billy didn’t cry out as much as you anticipated.’

‘If you had asked him, I would suspect that as you started sliding in, he realised it wasn’t going to be painful like he had expected so he relaxed. That allowed you to enter easily, as well as keep moving in and out. Far from hurting him, you probably gave him a lot of pleasure.’

‘But he cried out in pain several times,’ Michael said. ‘I think he realised that Gordon would want to hear him suffering,’ Lewis said, ‘So he cried out often for his benefit, when actually he was enjoying it. ‘Enjoying it because he liked you and it felt lovely.’

‘Afterwards he thought it was very bad of him to have liked it, so he said nothing to you about that. During your friendship afterwards, he quite probably had a desire to repeat it in happier circumstances but was too embarrassed to say so. He was also probably frightened of losing your friendship.’

‘That’s incredible,’ Michael said, ‘I’d never have thought that in a month of Sundays. Mind you,’ he said pausing, ‘Come to think about it, when we’ve been on holiday together and shared a room, we have always hugged each other good night. I did think they seemed to last a long time, but I just put it down to his happiness at being out of the home. Well, I never!’

‘How many times did you and Steve fire each other?’ Lewis asked. ‘Twice,’ Michael answered. ‘On both occasions it was when I’d gone to stay overnight at his. Overnight absences from the home weren’t encouraged, but as I said Mrs Cook was really nice.’

‘Why don’t you think it happened more than twice?’ Lewis asked him. ‘Opportunity mainly,’ Michael said, ‘By the time I was back in my own home it had been quite a while so even when we stayed over with each other, neither of us liked to mention it.’

‘If you had, you would have probably not only fired each other more, but would have moved on to suck each other like you have experienced tonight,’ Lewis told him. ‘Then it could well have progressed from there to putting your cocks up each other’s bums. Even if you only did it once each to try it.’

‘Likewise with Billy, his long hugs were probably him longing to be closer to you, but too embarrassed to suggest anything being younger than you. But he would have been hoping with all his heart that you would react to his hug.’

Michael sat thinking for a while, then he looked at Lewis and said, ‘I think you’re right. Now I think about everything from that point of view everything fits in. Next time Billy visits I’ll check it out, I’d love to do something more for him.’

‘I’ve been up his bum,’ Michael said, ‘What if he wants to go up mine? it wouldn’t seem fair to refuse, given what I did to him. Yet before tonight I would have dismissed the idea out of hand. Now having experienced your finger up me, even though I didn’t know it at the time it, seems feasible. But it still worries me that it might hurt.’

‘Not as long as you do what you’ve learned tonight,’ Lewis told him, ‘Oil him, oil your bum and take it slowly and gently. Remember it would be for pleasure for both of you, it’s nothing like being forced to do it.’

‘Er, Lewis.’ Michael said. ‘Yes?’ Lewis answered. ‘If it happened, I’d feel awful if I said yes to him and then just couldn’t do it. Is there any way you could give me my first experience?’ He looked very embarrassed as he asked.

Lewis smiled at him, ‘Are you asking me to put my cock up your bum?’ he asked. ‘Yes, I suppose I am,’ Michael said, ‘I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked a question like that, please forget I said it.’

Lewis looked at him saying, ‘When I told you that you were relaxed enough to ask me or tell me anything I meant it. I’m not offended by your request. I consider it an honour that you have asked me to be your first. As long as you are sure you want me to, the answer is yes.’

‘Wow,’ Michael said, ‘That would be great, I know you will be gentle so I will be able to relax more.’ ‘Also,’ Lewis said, ‘If for any reason you have a problem, just say stop. If you do, I will stop immediately, then pull out right away. ok?’ ‘Ok,’ Michael said nodding.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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