The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 3: Michael Explains the Body In the Street

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 3: Michael Explains the Body In the Street - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘Soon I was as far in as I could go. I stopped and Gordon took a photo on his phone from the side. ‘You won’t want anyone to see this,’ he said, ‘So you’re not going to tell anyone about it are you?’

‘There was another hard whack on my bum which stung like mad. ‘Answer me when I talk to you,’ he screamed. ‘No,’ we both called out. That seemed to appease him, and he calmed down a bit. ‘Go on then,’ he said digging me in the side, ‘Fuck him.’

‘I started sliding out and back in, going as gently as I could. I had my hands on Billy’s hips and I tried to stroke him with my finger on the side away from Gordon just to reassure him. ‘Come on, get a move on,’ Gordon shouted.’

‘Billy seemed to be coping ok, so I speeded up as slowly as I could. Seeing me go faster seemed to satisfy Gordon for he just stood watching. He was still standing naked, and his cock was waving about in excitement. I knew Billy could see it too as his head was on the side, so he was facing him. I hope he was appreciating that having me up him was nowhere near as bad as having Gordon.’

‘Soon even in those circumstances, with Billy’s bum gripping my cock and with it sliding in and out I knew I was getting near. Gordon seemed to sense it too, he had his camera posed and as I shot my load into Billy the pleasure must have shown on my face, for he took a photo just as I cried out.’

‘As I came to a stop, I said are you ok Billy? ‘Yes,’ he said. Gordon pulled me back and looked at my cock now soft and hanging down. ‘Poor little thing,’ he said, ‘You’ve worn him out. Now I’ll show him what a real cock feels like.’ ‘I’d done what he said to save Billy having to put up with that, now he was going to go up him anyway, I wasn’t going to let him get away with that without a fight.’

‘As he pulled me away from Billy, he had taken a photo of me full frontal. As he had his eyes to the screen, I could see a can of something on the bench just to the side of Billy. It was liquid and I had no idea what it was. But by now I didn’t care. I ran back to Billy and acted as if I wanted to go back up him again.’

‘Gordon thought it was hilarious and started laughing. As I leaned over Billy I prepared myself, then grabbing the two and a half litre can I turned and threw it straight into Gordons face.’

‘He let out such a scream and started rubbing his face and crying. I left him to it. I grabbed a saw off the bench and cut through Billy’s ropes. Once he was free, we both got dressed as quick as we could. Gordon was still screaming and had managed to find his way to the sink. He had his head under the tap flooding water onto his face.’

‘You’ll pay for this,’ he screamed, ‘I’ll kill you.’ ‘Go and stand by the door,’ I told Billy. ‘If he attacks me run. I picked up a piece of wood and went up behind him. Bringing it down on the back of his head, he just collapsed on the floor. I found some more rope, tied his ankles together, rolled him over and tied his wrists together behind him. Then rolled him onto his back. I got a cup of clean water from the tap, lifted his eye lid and poured the whole cup full over his eyeball. Then I did the same with his other eye.’

‘Next, I called Billy back in. We dragged him over to the bench and lifted his feet up as near to the bench as we could. Then I tied a piece of rope from his ankles around the vice. I opened his phone which fortunately didn’t have a password. I deleted the pictures he had taken, then emptied the Recycle bin.’

‘After that I took a photo of him naked and trussed up before putting it back in his trouser pocket. I took my phone out and took a picture the same.’

‘I told Billy to follow me, then we switched the lights out, left the door open and went and sat on the bench at the bus stop on the other side of the road a few hundred yards down.’

‘When we were seated, I asked Billy how he felt. ‘I’m ok,’ he said, ‘You hardly hurt at all. I know it would have been so much worse if he had done it. You saved me from that, thank you.’

‘What do you want to do?’ I asked. ‘What we should do is call the police and have him arrested. But then we’ll have to tell everyone what happened and what we had to do.’

‘I don’t want to have to do that,’ Billy said, ‘It would be too embarrassing, what else can we do?’ ‘Well if we go back and undo him, drag him outside and close the door, we could take his clothes away and just leave him his phone. Then we could call the police from a public phone box.’

‘You’ve suffered the most,’ I said, ‘So it’s your choice, I’ll do whatever you decide.’ ‘That last one sounds better,’ Billy said. ‘Can we do that?’ ‘Ok,’ I said, ‘Come on before he wakes up.’

‘We went back to the garage. Gordon was still out cold, so we undid all the ropes and dragged him outside the door. We put his clothes in a bin bag and took them with us, just leaving him with his phone and wallet.

We found the key he had used to open the garage, so we locked the door and kept the key.’

‘Going back over to the seat by the bus stop, we decided to wait and watch for a moment. About five minutes later a lady walking her dog came round the corner, glanced into the path up to the garage door, screamed, then pulled her phone out.’

‘We got up then and walked slowly back to the home. We put the bin bag in the homes industrial sized bin and went up to my room. We watched as a police car arrived, spoke to the lady then Gordon was bundled into the police car still naked and taken away.’

‘He’ll be terrified to show his face around here again,’ I told Billy. ‘He came up to me and hugged me, then burst into tears. I held him until he stopped then asked him what was up. ‘I think it’s relief,’ he said, ‘I feel great, but I couldn’t stop myself crying.’

‘Well hopefully that’s it out of your system,’ I said. ‘But remember, after what we’ve done you should be able to talk to me about anything, so if it ever bothers you, or anything else for that matter, come and talk to me ok.’

‘I hugged him, and he hugged back. Remember we’re very special mates now, I told him, think of me as your brother. He gave me another hug and went off to have a shower.’

‘Two days later Mrs Cook sent for me. ‘Hello Michael,’ she said, ‘Come and have a seat.’ We went over and sat in the armchairs. ‘A strange thing happened the other day,’ she told me, ‘A policeman called to see me about Gordon. Apparently, he had been found outside our workshop on the corner. He was naked and having trouble with his eyes.’

‘He claimed that he had no idea how he came to be there so the police took him to hospital. They said he had had white spirit in his eyes, but it seemed as if his eyes had already been washed out with clean water. Gordon claims he has no recollection of any of it which the police don’t believe.’

‘However, they had nothing to charge him with so they warned him that whatever he had been up to they would be keeping a close eye on him, then let him go.’

‘I just wondered if you had had any more of your perceptive dreams.’ ‘I smiled at her and said, I know nothing about it of course, but I did have a dream the other night. Would you like me to share it with you?’

‘Yes, please,’ she said, ‘Just for my own peace of mind.’ ‘Well, I dreamt two boys from this home were walking past the garage. I said’ ‘As they passed the open pedestrian door, they were pushed inside by Gordon who demanded that one raped the other whilst he watched. He threatened that if the older one didn’t do it he would crush his testicles in the vice, then rape the younger one himself.’

‘He made them both strip off and he stripped off too, just to show how big he was so the older one would know how much it would hurt the younger one if he did it.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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