The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 7: Insemination the Second Attempt
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 7: Insemination the Second Attempt - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Saturday morning Danny arrived at Johns to find John, Chris and Lucy sitting round the kitchen table. Lucy got up and gave him a hug and a kiss. Chris gave him a hug and John smiled at him and said hi, he would have his hug later.
‘I’ve put all your stuff in the lounge ready,’ John told him, as he made Danny a coffee. ‘But thought I’d better wait until you arrived to set it up.’
Sitting at the table they all chatted generally whilst Danny had his coffee.
Then John and Danny went into the lounge to set everything up. Now they were practiced at it, the screen was up in no time with the sheet hanging over it. The frame over the settee was soon in place with the hanging leg slings and Danny set out all his bits and pieces on the side table.
Once he was happy everything was ready, Danny asked John, ‘Are you sure about this?’ ‘Yes, definitely.’ John confirmed. ‘Ok, go and tell Lucy to come in,’ Danny said. ‘Then when I call Chris in, you go up to your room, strip to your shorts and just relax on top of your bed until I come up.’ John gave him a hug and a kiss. ‘Good luck,’ he told him then went into the kitchen to keep Chris company. Lucy came in a few moments later, closed the door and came straight to Danny.
Giving him a hug and a kiss on the lips she moved over to the armchair and started stripping off, putting her clothes on the chair. Once completely naked she returned to Danny, standing in front of him completely relaxed.
‘Ready when you are, doctor.’ she said grinning at him. Danny had put the wedge-shaped foam on the settee underneath the sheet that covered the settee. Lucy lay down so her bum was at the high end, and her head was at the lower end.
Danny took hold of each leg in turn and put them in the slings to support them in the air. ‘I feel like a chicken ready for the oven,’ she joked. Danny smiled at her, ‘I’m sure you would taste lovely,’ he said.
He put a surgical mask on, then poured some of the diluted disinfectant he had prepared into a bowl, put a pair of disposable gloves on, then with a clean swab, he washed Lucy from immediately below her breasts, down her front, down her legs to her knees, then back up the inside of her legs to her hairs, finishing off with a wipe of her bum before he threw the swab away.
Then with fresh gloves and a fresh swab, he washed all over her hairs, around the opening to her vagina and the top of her thighs once more. Throwing that swab away, he put his headlight torch on then put on fresh gloves.
Picking up a small sterile plastic tube, he cut the end bit off the plastic wrapper, and opening her vagina with his gloved fingers, he carefully slid the tube in by the light from his headlight, through her vagina and about an inch into the end of her cervix. Letting her vagina close and hold the tube in place, he slid the cover right off the tube then put two strips of surgical tape over it to fasten it to her thigh so it wouldn’t move.
Then cutting a few inches off the end of the plastic wrapper, he slid it back over the end of the tube to keep it clean. Taking his gloves off he removed his headlight then covered Lucy up with a sheet.
Giving her a smile, and a wave, he went to fetch Chris. As Chris followed him back to the lounge John said, ‘I’m going to read in my bedroom, just shout if you need me.’
Chris came into the lounge behind Danny and went over to the camp bed the other side of the screen. He couldn’t see Lucy as he came in, a deliberate design in case they had to use donors later on instead of Chris. Standing on the far side of the camp bed, he stripped off then lay down.
Danny put a fresh pair of gloves on, then with fresh disinfectant and a new swab, he washed Chris from just above his waist down to his knees, all over his genitals and over his bum after Chris had drawn his knees up.
After a change of gloves and swab, Danny cleaned his cock all over, then his balls. Finally, Chris’s hands.
Giving Chris a pair of gloves to put on, Danny reminded him not to touch anything other than his cock. Putting the headphones on him, Danny pressed play. Chris started playing gently with his cock as he listened to the erotic recording Danny had prepared for him.
Covering him with a sheet, Danny returned to Lucy. She was anxiously waiting. This was one of the parts that she thoroughly enjoyed. Danny put a glove on, lifted the sheet and slid his index finger just inside the opening to Lucy’s vagina.
Looking at the lovely smile on Lucy’s face as she lay with her eyes closed, he moved his finger gently around the opening several times, clearly to Lucy’s enjoyment judging by her noises. Then locating her little lump, Danny stroked it slowly as Lucy cried out even louder.
Speeding up his movement, Danny pressed on it slightly firmer, then soon Lucy cried out even louder, her body went tense, and her vagina took Danny’s finger in a grip of iron as she climaxed. As she made a lovely happy noise, Danny looked up at her face. Her eyes were still closed but her smile was even bigger than before.
As her body relaxed and her vagina released Danny’s finger, he slid it out. He was happy that Lucy had clearly enjoyed it, but also that all her insides would now be moist with her juices to help the sperm swim to their destination. Lucy opened her eyes and gave him a lovely smile. ‘Oh, how I have dreamt of that.’ she told him.
Putting a fresh pair of gloves on, Danny picked up a sterile container and returned to Chris. Lifting the sheet, Chris was working his hard cock up and down slowly just as he was supposed to.
Danny sat at his side and nodded. Chris let go of his cock and relaxed to carry on listening to the tape whilst Danny took over firing him. He rested one hand on Danny’s leg so he could signal when he was close to firing.
Danny picked up his cock with one hand and started going up and down a little faster than Chris had been going. He felt it throb in his hand as it realised another hand had taken over. Speeding up a little at a time, it wasn’t long before Chris was tapping on his leg.
Moving his other hand holding the container closer to Chris’s cock, Danny went even faster. Very soon after Chris gave a fast signal so whilst keeping going at the same speed, Danny positioned the container so that it didn’t touch Chris’s cock but would still catch everything that shot out of it.
Seconds later he felt Chris’s cock swell then throb in his hand as a long jet of cum shot out, every drop deftly caught in the container by Danny. As the flow came to a stop, Danny dropped Chris’s cock, put the lid on his container and returned to Lucy.
As soon as Danny had left, Chris switched off the tape, removed his gloves, pulled the sheet back over himself and rested as he had been instructed.
Meanwhile Danny had uncovered Lucy by rolling the sheet up from her feet onto her stomach. This was deliberate ready for the second stage. Putting fresh gloves on, he pulled the cover off the end of the tube taped to Lucy’s leg. Then Danny filled a syringe with Chris’s sperm and injected it all into the end of the tube.
Then drawing in a small quantity of sterile water, he put the syringe back in the tube and injected its contents to flush the tube through. Throwing the syringe and the container into the bin, he put the cover back on the end of the tube, rolled the sheet back down and took off his gloves.
Giving Lucy a thumbs up, he said, ‘All good so far, see you in twenty minutes.’ Then he went out. This time he went upstairs to John. He had left some things in his room ready. As soon as he came in, John got up put a sheet over the bed, took his shorts off and lay on the sheet.
Danny gave him a kiss, then putting gloves on, he poured some disinfectant onto a swab and washed John’s front down. Then after a change of gloves and swab, he washed his cock and his balls again.
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