The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 6: Happy Times For Warren
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 6: Happy Times For Warren - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘Sit down for a moment,’ Lewis said sitting on the settee. ‘This flat is yours if you want it,’ he said. Warrens mouth dropped open. ‘How on earth... ‘ ‘A friend of mine lived here,’ Lewis explained. ‘A few weeks ago, he moved in with his girlfriend and two days ago he told me they were going to make the arrangement permanent. He was going to give his notice in at the weekend.’
‘He still has seven months left on his lease, so he is willing for you to live here for the rest of his lease. During that time, if you’re sure you want to stay, you can approach the landlord and take over the lease.’
‘Here’s all the financial details,’ he said transferring a document onto Warrens phone. ‘That’s great,’ Warren said after reading it through, ‘Even with my present job, I can afford that.’ ‘Ok,’ Lewis said, ‘let’s bring your stuff up and leave it in here. Then stay with us for a few more days to give Phillip chance to move the rest of his stuff out.’
They went back to the car and after two journeys all Warrens stuff was in the flat. Then they drove back to Lewis’s. When they were having their evening meal, Warren couldn’t stop saying how wonderful Lewis was as he told them all about his new flat.
When they went up to bed that night and had stripped down to their shorts, Warren hugged Lewis once more. ‘I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to repay you for everything you’ve done for me,’ he said, then gave him a lovely kiss. ‘Just make sure you have a happy life,’ Lewis told him, ‘That’s all the thanks I need.’
When they got into bed, Warren held him close again. Lewis suddenly felt himself stiffening up. When Warren felt it too, he put his hand over it and said, ‘I think he’s telling me how to say a small thank you. I’ve spent over a year hating being forced to suck a cock that I didn’t want to, attached to a man I despised. Can I now suck one because I’d like to, attached to someone I’ll love for the rest of my life?’
‘I won’t say no,’ Lewis told him with a smile, ‘Just as long as you are sure.’ Warren put his lips to Lewis’s, then as he kissed him long and hard, he stroked Lewis’s cock over his shorts, then slid his hand down inside and held it as it throbbed about. When he broke for air, Warren said, ‘Have I convinced you?’
Lewis smiled at him, threw the covers off and slid his shorts down and off. Lying back down he just said, ‘Guess.’ Warren got up on his hands and knees and moved down between Lewis’s legs. Kissing Lewis’s hard cock, he got a smack in the face for his trouble as it flexed happily at the touch. Then lifting each of Lewis’s legs onto his shoulder, Warren took his balls in his mouth and played with them with his tongue.
Whilst Lewis struggled to keep his pleasure quiet, Warren let one ball at a time slide out of his mouth, then he took Lewis’s cock in his mouth. As he slid his mouth down, he lifted Lewis’s feet off his shoulders and lay them down on the bed.
Then with a hand on each of Lewis’s hips, he started moving his mouth up and down very, very, slowly. As Lewis’s cock throbbed in his mouth giving both of them a lovely feeling, Lewis still struggled to keep quiet.
Increasing his speed only slightly, Warren drew his mouth up slowly, but dropped it down again faster. He could feel Lewis’s excited and happy reaction each time.
He increased speed a very small amount each time he went up and down, so to Lewis it appeared that he kept moving at the same speed. But his lovely feeling didn’t stay still, it started growing and moved forward rapidly.
As it built up, he tapped on Warrens head to warn him, then he pulled a pillow over his face ready to muffle the cry he knew he wouldn’t be able to stop.
As he got even nearer, he gave a rapid signal on Warrens head who then suddenly changed to very fast movement and very firm thrusts down. Within seconds, Lewis’s cock swelled and as the nicest feeling he had ever experienced from a suck shot through him, he shot jet after jet of cum into Warrens mouth.
As it flowed, he had both hands on the pillow over his face pressing it down to muffle his ecstatic scream. As he did, he had a sudden mental image of the horror on his mum’s face as she rushed in to see why he was screaming and finding Warren sucking him.
As his muffled scream subsided, and his cum stopped flowing, he threw the pillow aside and smiled at Warren. He had swallowed all of Lewis’s cum and was now looking up at Lewis whilst still holding his now softening cock in his mouth.
Letting him finally slip out, Warren lay down alongside him, took hold of him and kissed him. Then he said, ‘That was so nice because I wanted to do it. And because I was doing it for someone so special.’ ‘It was really lovely,’ Lewis said. They held each other close and as the last forty-eight hours caught up with them, they fell asleep in each other’s arms.
Warren went off to work at the shop and Lewis returned to school. At lunchtime he sat out with Ella. He had rung her Tuesday night to tell her why he wouldn’t be in school, so he filled her in on the result. Then he saw Dudley hovering in the distance. He waved him over.
‘This is Dudley,’ he introduced him to Ella. ‘Hi Dudley, I’m Ella,’ she said shaking hands, ‘Nice to meet you.’ ‘I’m sorry to interrupt,’ he said looking at Lewis, ‘But I’m bursting to tell you.’ ‘I’ll leave you to it,’ Ella said. ‘No, no, it’s ok,’ Dudley said, ‘I just wanted Lewis to know my training session with the swimming captain was wonderful again last night. The sponsorship posters and forms are about to go out. I’ll tell you all the details on Monday. Nice to meet you Ella,’ he said as he left them.
‘Someone else who obviously thinks you’re wonderful,’ Ella said smiling at Lewis. ‘Just like I do,’ she said as she cuddled up to his side.
After school Lewis cycled home, left his bike and walked up to the shop. Warren welcomed him with a beaming smile. As Lewis helped out, Warren told him he had just had the ok to take next week as holiday. ‘I’m going to use it to look into finding an engineering job,’ he said. At closing time, they shut up shop, then Warren drove them over to Phillips. They went into the flat and put the kettle on. Not long afterwards, Phillip arrived from work and was introduced to Warren.
They sat and had a coffee together then Phillip said, ‘I’m not allowed to sub-let, so there’s no point in me giving you a lease, it would be completely worthless. As a friend of Lewis’s, I’m happy to let you move in right away if you simply take over the rent etc from today. The rent you’ll need to pay to me, and I’ll continue paying the agent. All other bills you can change to your name. I suggest you give it a month and make sure you’re happy here, then let me know and I’ll contact the letting agents to arrange for you to take over the lease in your own right. I can’t see there being any problem with that.’
‘The flat is let unfurnished, so all the furniture and stuff in here is mine. I have cleared all my personal bits and anything I need out, but the rest is no longer any use to me, as my girlfriend has a set too. So, anything that is in the flat now is yours if you want it. Just get rid of anything you don’t want in any way you can. If it costs you anything to do so, just deduct it from the rent.’
‘Here’s my bank details, the date and amount of your first payment and then your monthly payment afterwards. My phone number is on there too, so if you have any problems just call or text.’ Then turning to Lewis, he said, ‘Christine and I had only decided late Tuesday night to make it permanent. That’s why I hadn’t even had chance to let you know when you rang me Wednesday to ask about the flat.’
Putting his hand in his pocket he pulled out a set of keys. ‘Here’s the spare set of keys,’ he said. ‘I hope this flat brings you as much happiness as it’s brought me.’ They all stood up and Lewis put an arm around Phillip. ‘Thanks,’ he said. Phillip turned and hugged him. ‘Don’t you dare thank me,’ he said, ‘After all you’ve done for me.’
Turning to Warren, Phillip said, ‘It’s all yours, if you need help, call me anytime.’ He gave him a hug which Warren happily returned. ‘Thank you so much,’ he said to Phillip.
After Phillip had gone, they had a look around at what Phillip had left. ‘I’m hardly going to need to get a thing,’ Warren said amazed. ‘Right, let’s go home and eat.’ Lewis said, ‘Then you can move in whenever you want to.’
Over dinner Warren announced he would move in after work on Friday. ‘I don’t know how to thank you all for your hospitality,’ he said. That night when they went to bed, Lewis and Warren cuddled up together and hugged.
‘I can’t believe all the good things that are happening to me,’ Warren said. ‘You deserve it.’ Lewis said smiling. Then Warren said, ‘You know last night how I said sucking you was lovely because I wanted to do it.’ ‘Yes,’ Lewis said wondering what was coming next.
‘Well, the difference between sucking you and being forced to suck Bashiir was so amazing, I’ve been wondering what it would be like if you went up my bum.’ ‘It would be totally different,’ Lewis told him. ‘First of all, I wouldn’t go in dry, so it wouldn’t hurt you. Secondly, I would want you to enjoy it just as much as I did so I would go in slowly and move in and out carefully.’
Lewis felt Warren swelling in excitement at the thought. ‘Would you do it for me?’ Warren asked. ‘I’d be delighted,’ Lewis said, ‘But remember how much you have suffered and be absolutely sure.’
‘I’m sure,’ Warren said. ‘Anyway, one thing I’m absolutely certain of is that whatever you did you wouldn’t dream of hurting anyone.’
‘Ok.’ Lewis said, ‘Then I suggest we do it with you in the same position that Bashiir had you in. That way you will change your memory of being in that position with Bashiir to being in that position with me. Change an unhappy memory to a happy one.’
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