The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 5: Rescuing Warren

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 5: Rescuing Warren - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

As soon as Lewis left school on Tuesday, he cycled over to the police station nearest to Warrens flat. Going in he told desk sergeant he had an appointment with DC Walters.

Five minutes later Aiden appeared and took him through to the canteen. After collecting a drink each, Detective Constable Walters lead him over to the deserted section of the canteen.

As they drank, Lewis explained about Warren. ‘His back shows the whip marks,’ Lewis told him showing him the photo he had taken of Warrens back. ‘I have keys to my friend flat and have his authority to give them to you to let yourself in when the need arises. The camera I used last time, is in his bedroom and online so I can obtain a recording of his attack. I’m also hoping it will record his cousin admitting to whipping him and sexually assaulting him. He has forced him to sign his bank account over to him too.’

‘Now,’ Lewis said, ‘What I’d like to do is acquaint you with the situation and leave you the keys.’ But I’m not going to give you the full address yet. But tonight, between ten forty-five and midnight I’ll check on him online. The minute his cousin comes in to attack him which he usually does around eleven o’clock every second day, I want to be able to ring you and give you the address without having to waste time explaining then.’

‘As soon as I’ve done that, whilst you are rescuing him, I’ll get my mum to drive me over then we can look after my friend.’ ‘Why doesn’t he just walk out?’ DC Walters asked. ‘He’s got no money because of his cousin forcing his bank account off him. Also, he’s absolutely terrified of him because of his threats to find him and thrash him should he leave.’ Lewis told him.

‘This is a bit irregular just like the last time,’ the DC said, ‘But it worked out well then so I’m inclined to go along with you.’ He thought for a moment or two then he said, ‘I’m due to finish at ten tonight but I’ll hang on this evening in case.’ Lewis handed him the keys. Then he gave him the address of the block of flats. Lewis already had Aiden’s phone number in his phone.

‘I’ll give you the flat number the moment he attacks,’ Lewis told him as he put DC Walters phone number in his phone. ‘I’m going to give a little info to the desk sergeant,’ DC Walters said, ‘Just in case I end up somewhere else or you can’t get hold of me for any reason.’

They went downstairs and DC Walters saw him out.

Later that evening, DC Walters was actually ready to leave for home at his proper finishing time. Instead, he went and had a cuppa in the canteen until ten thirty. Then telling the desk sergeant his intended location, he drove over and parked outside the block of flats.

Meanwhile, at home when it came to nine o’clock, Lewis had sat down with his mum and dad. ‘Around eleven o’clock tonight or possibly tomorrow,’ he told them, ‘I need mum to drive me over to Roland Avenue.’ When they looked surprised, he told them, ‘A man I know is in trouble, he’s being kept almost a prisoner by his older cousin. He can’t leave because his cousin has stolen his bank account and he’s very violent. He’s too terrified to run off. His cousin has already whipped him and cut all his back.’ He showed them the photo.

After his mum and dad had calmed down after seeing the terrible picture, Lewis continued, ‘I have arranged to get a signal from him the next time he is attacked.’ He told his horrified parents. ‘I’ve also arranged with the police to raid his flat as soon as it happens. But I’d like to go over when it does to give him some support.’ ‘Is it someone we know?’ his dad asked. ‘No, you’ve never met him, I know him from the shop.’ Lewis told them.

‘Why do you think it will be tonight?’ his mum asked. ‘He usually attacks him every other day,’ Lewis told her, ‘And he last did it on Sunday night.’ ‘When you say attacked... ‘ his dad asked leaving it hanging in the air. ‘Usually, he rapes him,’ Lewis said. His mum and dad looked even more horrified. ‘How old is he?’ his dad asked. ‘I guess early twenties,’ Lewis answered.

‘When we go over, the police will be there?’ his mum asked. ‘Yes, mum it’ll be quite safe,’ he told her. ‘Ok, I’ll be ready in case.’ she told him. ‘Thanks mum,’ he said getting up and giving her a kiss. ‘And you too,’ he said. giving his dad the same. ‘I wish I’d learned to drive,’ his dad said.

At ten forty Lewis’s phone pinged. It was a text from DC Walters. ‘Finished on time for a change, so sitting in Roland Avenue ready. Will stay for an hour.’ Lewis text back, ‘Thanks.’ ‘That was the policeman I saw,’ he told them. ‘He’s parked in the road outside the flats waiting.’

Lewis went up to his room and linked his laptop to the radio alarm in Warrens room. Warren was in his bedroom moving about, then Lewis saw him strip to his shorts and get into bed. He left the light on as Lewis had instructed, then settled down.

At five past eleven, the bedroom door crashed open and another older black man stood in the doorway. Presumably this was cousin Bashiir. ‘Get up,’ he ordered Warren. ‘No, I don’t want to.’ Warren replied staying where he was. Bashiir snarled at him, ‘Get up now if you know what’s good for you.’ As Lewis watched he had been dialling DC Walters.

‘It’s Lewis,’ he said, ‘The attack had just started, It’s Flat 5, I’m coming over.’ As he hung up, DC Walters rang the station. ‘I need back up to Flat 5,’ he said. ‘Two men should be enough, I’m going into the flat now, I’ll leave the doors open.’

He took a brick he had brought with him, opened the main door to the block with Lewis’s key and propped the door open with his brick. Then running up to the second floor, he opened the door to number five as quietly as he could.

As he went through the flat, he could hear raised voices. Reaching the bedroom door, he listened. He could hear a frightened voice saying ‘Please don’t hit me again with that, I’m sorry, I’ll do what you asked.’

DC Walters opened the door as quietly as he could. A young black man was lying face down and naked on the bed. An older man stood by him, one arm raised with what looked like a whip in his hand, clearly about to strike the man on the bed.

Dc Walters raced into the room, grabbed the arm holding the whip and pulled it behind his back, twisting it as he did. As Bashiir cried out with the pain in his arm and dropped the whip, DC Walters put handcuffs on him as he said, ‘You are under arrest for assault. You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned, something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence.’

When he had finished,’ he said to Warren, ‘Would you like to get dressed, I’ll need you to come down to the station and make a statement. Oh, and Lewis is on his way over.’ Warren sat up on the edge of his bed, looked at Bashiir standing there in handcuffs and knowing it was all over at last, he burst into tears with relief.

‘Are you ok,’ DC Walters asked concerned. In between sobs Warren gasped out, ‘It’s just the relief that it’s all over at last.’ ‘You had no right to break into my flat Bashiir said, I know the law.’

‘You’re quite right,’ DC Walters told him, ‘But when we believe a crime is being committed, we do have the right to break in. However, in this case we were invited in. ‘I’m the tenant of this flat,’ he screamed, ‘I didn’t invite you in.’ ‘But Warren here is a co-tenant,’ DC Walters said with a grin, ‘And we let ourselves in with his keys.’

Bashiir looked over at Warren with pure hatred on his face, ‘I’ll kill you for that,’ he said, ‘That whipping I gave you will be nothing to what you’ll get next time.’ Bashiir couldn’t understand why Warren looked so pleased. Warren had realised his threat, in which he had admitted whipping him, would be recorded on Lewis’s machine.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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