The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 3: A Catch Up Diary
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 3: A Catch Up Diary - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Later in the week Lorraine had come home from school and was sitting having a coffee with her mum. Alex was still at work. Lorraine had always known that her parents were very happy together, it had been clear to her for as far back as she could remember.
Yet the last few days it seemed as if they were even more so. ‘You and dad seem very happy the last few days,’ she said. Anne blushed, something Lorraine noticed but didn’t let on about. ‘We’ve always been happy together,’ Anne said, ‘We’re very lucky.’
‘I know that mum,’ Lorraine told her, ‘I’ve always been aware of that. But these last few days you both look even happier if that’s possible.’ Then realising that Lorraine was no longer a child and was already having sex with Danny, Anne told her, ‘When we were young, sex was a taboo subject, so we knew very little about the mechanics of it.’
‘Then when we were married, we had sex of course. Well, you know that, or you wouldn’t be here now.’ she said with a laugh. ‘But we only knew basic stuff. Last week your dad found a book that someone had left lying round at work. It told him a lot of things we didn’t know and when Joan invited you out on Sunday, he took the opportunity to cook me a special meal as you know.’
‘Then after we...,’ she came to a stop at that point, this was her daughter she was talking to after all. ‘You went to bed and made love,’ Lorraine finished for her with a smile realising why her mum had stopped.
Anne blushed. ‘Oh mum, it’s perfectly natural,’ Lorraine said seeing her. ‘Yes, I know,’ Anne replied, ‘It’s not just that, it’s me getting used to talking to you about it.’ ‘Like two old friends discussing their love life you mean?’ Lorraine said smiling at her.
‘Oh, you’ve gone so grown up so suddenly,’ Anne said with a sigh, ‘And I’ll bet that you and Danny have probably enjoyed from the start all the new things I’m just discovering.’ Then feeling bold for the moment, she looked at Lorraine and asked, ‘Have you ever held Danny’s er, Danny’s... ‘ She came over all embarrassed and came to a stop.
‘Well, if you were asking if I’d ever held his hand, I’m sure you wouldn’t be so embarrassed about it,’ Lorraine said laughing, ‘So I presume you mean have I ever held his cock?’
From the redness of her mums face she knew right away that that was the right answer. ‘Yes mum, often,’ she answered, ‘It’s lovely when it throbs in your hand isn’t it.’ From the lovely smile that appeared on her mum’s face, Lorraine knew she was right and her mum was agreeing.
Then a thought hit her, ‘Mum, you’re not telling me that Sunday night was the first time you had ever touched dad’s cock?’ ‘Yes,’ Anne told her, ‘It never crossed my mind before.’ ‘That’s amazing,’ Lorraine said, ‘But lovely that you can enjoy it now.’
Emboldened now Anne asked, ‘When you and Danny make love, do you sometimes have an extra special feeling.’ ‘You mean my orgasm?’ Lorraine asked. Seeing her mum look blank, she added, ‘You mean when your body goes tense and your vagina clamps tight on his cock, then a lovely feeling surges through you like a giant wave of pleasure.’
‘Oh yes, it’s definitely that,’ her mum agreed. ‘I get that every time.’ Lorraine told her. Seeing her mum’s surprised look Lorraine explained, ‘Because Danny is so considerate, if when he is getting close to firing, I haven’t had my orgasm, he slows down and tries to hold himself back until I have. Most times he manages it, but if he can’t, as soon as he has finished, he finishes me off with his finger.’
‘I wondered why your dad slowed down on Sunday,’ Anne said. ‘But how do you mean with his finger?’ Lorraine explained about her little lump and how sensitive it is. ‘Amazing,’ Anne said.
‘From the sound of it mum, you and dad are going to learn a lot of new things which will give you both some lovely sensations. Just remember to let yourself go and enjoy it. If in doubt, try it.’ Lorraine got up and gave her mum a kiss. ‘If you ever have any questions,’ she told her, ‘Don’t be too embarrassed to ask me.’
Leaving the room with a smile on her face, Lorraine thought to herself, Book? I don’t think so. Danny has been giving dad instructions. A wave of love passed through her as she thought how much pleasure her parents would now enjoy thanks to Danny.
Later in the week when she was in Danny’s arms, Lorraine told him, ‘Mum confided in me the other day that her and dad had a lovely time on Sunday, apparently dad had seen a book lying around at work which taught him lots of things about sex that he never knew. I think they have led quite a sheltered life.’ she added.
‘Anyway, I gather their love making that night was the best they had ever had. She was obviously over the moon about it. That book has a lot to answer for,’ she said, ‘It’s made the rest of their lives even better that it was. If I had that book here right now, I’d give it the biggest hug and kiss ever.’ she said.
Then turning to Danny, she gave him a rib breaking hug, followed by a long, long, kiss. When they finally came up for air, Lorraine said, ‘I love you so much.’
Hi Danny,
Just to let you know all is well at home. Helen accepted that it has to stop between us for all our sakes. As she said, we both have lovely memories to dream about. Everything is good and my thanks once again.
Best wishes
Danny just returned a thumbs up.
During the week, Lewis had a phone call from Len. ‘I just wanted to tell you about Friday,’ he said. ‘I called for Pauline as arranged, then we walked into town to the restaurant. We had a lovely meal, and we didn’t stop talking all evening, except when we were eating.’
‘When we left, we took a taxi back to Pauline’s. I walked her up to her door and she asked me in for coffee. We chatted over coffee then she snuggled up to my side on the settee. We kissed and I put my hand on her breast over her clothes. She kissed me even harder then, so I slid my hand up inside her top and caressed her breast directly over her bra. Pauline was making lots of happy noises, then she asked me if I’d like to stay the night.’
‘Naturally I said yes, so we went through to her bedroom. We undressed each other then got on the bed, I was just in my shorts and Pauline just in her panties. We kissed and explored each other for a while as we stripped each other off completely. I was as hard as nails by then, of course. Then I suddenly panicked.’
Pauline felt it and asked me,’ ‘What’s the matter?’ ‘I can’t make love to you,’ I told her, sounding really downhearted, ‘Not tonight anyway.’ ‘Never mind,’ she said, ‘Just having you in bed with me to hold will be lovely. But why can’t you?’
‘I haven’t got any condoms,’ I told her, ‘I’ve been dreaming of making love to you ever since I met you, but I’ve been too shy to go into the shop and buy some.’ She kissed me and told me that when she first met me, she knew I was very shy. That was one of the things that attracted her to me.’
‘I thought you might have a problem like that, she said, so just in case I got these for you.’ She reached in the drawer of her bedside cabinet and pulled out a little parcel that was gift wrapped and labelled to Len with love, Pauline. I opened it and there was a pack of three durex.’
‘I knew we would end up in bed sooner or later,’ she said, ‘Although even I wasn’t expecting it to be this soon. I would have been very happy just to spend the night together in each other’s arms, but I’ll be even happier if you make love to me.’
‘So, I did. It was amazing, wonderful, lovely. Pauline seemed to be happy with my performance and thanks to your instructions I gave her a climax without having to use my finger. When we woke up the following morning it was so good to find her there beside me.’
‘We spent the weekend together day and night. We have discussed it and decided we should wait a few weeks as we are, then if we both still feel the same, we will give up our flats and get a new one between us. This would never have happened without you, Thank you so much.’
Hi Lewis,
Len and I had a lovely meal out on Friday. We talked nonstop all the way through it. We went back to mine for a coffee. I felt so right with Len, I invited him to stay the night. (It’s a good job I got a pack in, because as I had expected he had been too shy to go to the shop!) We were a perfect match and spent the entire weekend together. I really think he is the one for me. But we’re going to wait a few weeks to be sure, then we will move in together. When I asked you once if I would ever see you again, you told me ‘Only if you invite me to your wedding.’ I hope to hold you to that in the not-too-distant future.
Forever in your debt yet again,
Love Pauline x
Lewis replied,
Hi Pauline,
It was lovely to see you too. I hope you will both be very happy. I’ll look forward to getting your invitation.
Love Lewis x
Hi Lewis,
Andrew proposed to me last night, I said yes! Mum and dad are delighted as they think he’s wonderful. We are planning a week’s holiday to Belgium later in the year, we have tickets for an outdoor Andre Rieu concert in Maastricht. We’ve booked our hotel, (one room naturally). Mum and dad have studiously avoided asking about our sleeping arrangements. I’m sure they realise we’ll be sharing, but just want to pretend it isn’t happening. Sex with Andrew is lovely as always, thank you. Haven’t fixed a wedding day yet but will send you and Ella an invitation as soon as we do.
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