The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 3: John Gets His Second Fire

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 3: John Gets His Second Fire - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

When Danny and his Mum had returned home after their Sunday lunch out with Uncle Mike and Lewis, there was an envelope through the door addressed to Danny. Inside there was some money and a note from Mr Williams.

It said...


Sorry I couldn’t pay you yesterday, wages enclosed plus extra for your additional hours. Thanks for everything, see you next Saturday.

John Williams.

Ps. I would have dropped it round earlier, but I was very late getting up.

Danny grinned to himself at the ps. knowing that was a reference to him being so relaxed he had had a good night’s sleep. He counted the cash and found he had forty-eight pounds. After feeling puzzled for a moment or two, he realised he had been paid his usual six hours at four pounds and the extra four hours at time and a half. He hadn’t expected to be paid for the extra ‘work’ so he was delighted.

The next Saturday soon came around. Ten o’clock saw him knocking on Mr Williams’s door as usual. Opening the door, Mr Williams was clearly pleased to see him, he also looked very well. ‘Hi Danny,’ he said, ‘Come on in,’ They went through to the kitchen as they usually did, but then Danny would normally go out the back door to the tool shed and start his gardening work. This morning Mr Williams told him to sit down and have a coffee with him before he started.

Whilst he was making the coffee, Danny said, ‘Thank you for the money, and for dropping it in, but you didn’t need to pay me for the extra bit.’ As he put the cups on the table and sat down, Mr Williams said, ‘Danny, you are worth every penny. I not only had the best night’s sleep I’ve had for ages; I’ve slept well all week and I’ve also felt more active during the day.’

Danny smiled at him saying, ‘I’m glad to hear it worked so well.’ Mr Williams told him, ‘I think after last week it’s time you started calling me John instead of being so formal, is that ok with you?’ Danny nodded, feeling chuffed. ‘Now,’ John said, ‘I have a question. You did a wonderful job last week, but I’d like to know if you did it for my benefit alone, or did you enjoy doing it.’ Danny smiled at him, ‘I did it because you looked as if you needed it, and it’s something I enjoyed doing because I found that it relaxed me as well. Perhaps I should tell you,’ He added, ‘It was the first time I had ever done it.’

John looked really surprised, ‘That’s amazing,’ he said, ‘You were so good at it, you felt like an expert, and you took charge like a professional.’ Danny looked pleased, saying, ‘Thank you, that’s a nice compliment.’

‘So how did you know what to do,’ John asked sounding puzzled. Danny looked serious for a moment, then smiled and told him, ‘After my trouble with Gordon, I shut my feelings away and wouldn’t tell anyone. Mum realised there was something wrong and told Uncle Mike. He arranged for me to meet someone he knew who’s near my age. He relaxed me like I relaxed you and was puzzled that I was relaxed when he had his hands on my front, but went tense when he relaxed my back, particularly over my cheeks. He told me afterwards that it’s usually the other way round.’

‘Then coupled with what Uncle Mike had told him, he realised what had happened, he sat me up and said, ‘You’ve been raped, haven’t you.’ I was so surprised and somehow relieved. I just burst into tears. He put his arms round me and just held me whilst I cried it out. It felt so much better somehow now that someone else knew. The following day he relaxed me again and made me take him through it step by step. I felt so good and like you, I’d had my first good night’s sleep for months.’

‘By the time we had finished that day, I not only felt almost as if it had never happened, but I had also agreed to let him tell Uncle Mike what had happened and to allow him to come and see you. It hasn’t been a problem since.’

‘That’s amazing,’ John said, ‘I’d have sworn you had been doing it for years, you’ve definitely got the touch.’ Danny grinned at him and said, ‘Well any time you feel tense, you know where to come.’

‘I’m glad you said that’ John told him, ‘It leads to my next question, would you relax me again?’ Danny looked at him with surprise, saying, ‘Of course, anytime you want me to.’

‘Ok, we’ll talk about that again,’ he said, ‘Now, are you still willing to talk to the other victims?’ Danny didn’t hesitate, saying ‘Yes, be happy to.’ John smiled at him and said, ‘I’ll see what I can arrange, they can come here, then I’ll go out and leave you to it.’ ‘If they all come together,’ Danny told him, ‘I’ll talk to them together, which will probably be enough for most of them, particularly the ones who have already admitted it to their parents. But some of the others might need another session, one to one.’

‘Arrange whatever you think best,’ John told him, ‘Use this house as your consulting rooms, Doctor’ he said as he grinned at Danny.

‘Now, one other question, ‘Any news of Gordon.’ Danny nodded, ‘Uncle Mike told me to tell you that he is under arrest for theft and fraud, there should be no case or publicity for anything else and that he has been punished for what he did as well as dealt with in a way that ensures he will never do what he did ever again. He also said to tell you that he doubts that he will ever show his face again, but if he did, not to worry as he would be much a more docile person.’

‘That’s a relief,’ John said, ‘But it sounds quite miraculous, what would make ... his voice tailed off as he remembered something he had heard on the news recently. I wonder,’ he said, looking at Danny, ‘There was a case of someone being found tied up at the roadside recently not far from here, he was arrested for fraud and there were hints that he had been castrated.’ He looked questioningly at Danny. Danny told him, ‘I wouldn’t know about that, Uncle Mike said what I just told you was probably all you would want to know and would give you peace of mind. I do know a few more details,’ he added, ‘which if you want to know more, I am to use my discretion.’

John looked at him quizzically for a moment, then laughed, saying, ‘I rather hope it was him and Mike is quite right. What you have told me is all the peace of mind I need. I’ll let you get on with your work now, perhaps we’ll have another chat at lunch time.’

Danny got up and went out into the garden, he felt a warm glow inside having seen the difference in John, as well as delight that John put it all down to him. He got his tools out of the shed and the next few hours he was busy gardening.

Lunchtime soon came round, time flying as it does when you’re busy doing something you like. Usually when he felt ready for lunch he would go over to the house, make himself a drink and sit at the kitchen table to eat the sandwiches his Mum had made for him. Today John came out into the garden just after one o’clock and told him he was putting the kettle on if he wanted to come in for his lunch.

Danny walked back to the house with him, John pointing out a couple of jobs he wanted doing as they passed. Back at the house Danny sat at the table whilst John made them both a drink. He explained he often didn’t eat midday as you don’t burn up as many calories as you get older. He sat at the table with him and whilst Danny was eating, he told him he had been on the phone to the other parents, and everyone was keen for Danny to talk to their kids. He had arranged for them all to come on Monday at ten thirty as it was half term holiday. He had also told them that Gordon had been dealt with and would not be able to do it again.

‘I wouldn’t be drawn any further,’ he said grinning, ‘I just said I knew for certain he would be incapable of ever doing it again. Whether or not you tell the others anything is up to you. If you do, whether they tell their parents or not, is up to them. Now before I forget, is there anything you need me to get in for Monday.’

Danny thought for a moment or two, then said, some squash, coke and biscuits should do the trick. John told him he would see to it that there was a good supply in. ‘Once they are all here, I’ll disappear,’ he said, ‘Otherwise I might cramp your style or stop them opening up to you. I can stay away as long as you need, there are plenty of places I need to go, so just text me when you’re through, ok?’

‘That’s very good of you,’ Danny told him.’ ‘Nonsense,’ John replied, it’s the least I can do.’ Danny finished the last of his lunch and got up to return to work. John said, ‘Just before you go, last week you did four hours extra, for which I paid you time and a half, a total of twenty-four pounds. So, here’s a proposal. Every time you relax me in future, I’ll pay you twenty-five pounds, no matter how long it takes. I know you probably won’t take four hours, after all we had other things to deal with last week, but it’s worth it to me, the effect on me has been amazing.’

Danny was delighted to hear he could earn more money doing something else he enjoyed. He asked, ‘How will I know when you need relaxing.’ John told him, ‘That’s easy, I think I’m going to need relaxing regularly for quite some time, so any week you’re here and you don’t have to dash off, if you want to do one, I’d be delighted.’ Danny grinned at him, saying, ‘So would you like to start your treatment after I finish this afternoon?’

‘Yes please, Doctor,’ John replied laughing. ‘I’ll look forward to it, and I promise I’ll take my medicine without any fuss.’ They both laughed and Danny returned to the garden. Whilst he was working, he couldn’t help thinking about the extra money he was going to earn, by the sounds of it, every week. He was pleased about the cash, but he was also pleased about doing the relaxing, he had grown to like John, and this next one would be even more relaxing for both of them.

The rest of the afternoon seemed to go slowly at first, then suddenly he heard the nearby church clock strike three thirty. He finished weeding the area he was working on and put his tools away in the shed. Locking the shed up, he put the key back in its usual place, under the stone in the border nearby. He walked back to the house just as the clock struck four.

He took his boots off and let himself in through the back door, then went through to the kitchen to wash his hands. John heard him and came through from the other room. He sat at the table watching Danny at the sink, then he said, ‘Danny, are you sure you are ok with our arrangement?’ As he dried his hands, Danny turned to face him, gave him a big smile and told him, ‘I’m delighted with it,’ ‘Great,’ John replied, ‘But don’t forget, if you get fed up with them, just say so. Are you ok with the bedroom like last time?’ ‘Yes, I will and yes,’ Danny responded with another grin.

They went upstairs and into the bedroom. The electric heater was already in place and had clearly been on for a while as the room was nice and warm, John folded the bedding back and turned to Danny to ask, ‘Do you want me to strip off and lie on the bed.’ ‘Yes please,’ Danny replied. He watched as John sat on the side of the bed and took his slippers and socks off. Next, he stood up and pulled his pullover off. Underneath was a brand-new T shirt. He undid his belt, undid his top button, undid the buttons of his fly, then dropped his trousers to his ankles. He was wearing a pair of shorts. Danny must have looked surprised for he told him, ‘After you were so surprised to see my long johns last week, I realised how old fashioned I was. I threw them away and went shopping for some new clothes. See what you’ve done to me,’ he laughed, grinning at Danny.

Danny told him to take his T shirt off, but to leave his shorts on to start with. This he did, then he lay face down on the bed. The stool Danny had sat on last time was also in the room, by the bed ready. Danny positioned it and sat down. Resting his hands on John’s head, he started his massage. As his fingers moved around, John said, ‘It feels just as good as last week.’

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