The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 2: Warren Reveals His Terrible Problem

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 2: Warren Reveals His Terrible Problem - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Lewis was going slowly up and down Warrens long thick cock. After saying, ‘That’s lovely,’ Warren continued with his story. ‘I was stroking Linden’s cock,’ he said, ‘And it was already throbbing in my hand. Holding it was lovely but feeling it throbbing was exquisite. As I speeded up a little, having Linden holding my cock whilst at the same time I could see his happy face was very special. Add to that the look on Grenville’s face as he played with Lindens balls, and it was a wonderful time.’

‘It’s been a lovely memory to have through my hard times,’ he said. Lewis increased his speed of movement on Warrens cock just as he said, ‘I speeded up slightly on Linden, I knew he would be quick to come too.’

‘I was beginning to wonder if I might fire as well, for although he was holding my cock still, his grip was still very erotic. Anyway, after a while I speeded up once more, then Linden said, ‘I don’t think I’ll be very long now.’

‘Then about thirty seconds later he called out urgently, I’m coming now.’ As he said ‘now’, his cock swelled in my grip and his cum shot out in a long stream. As the flow started, Linden let out a long scream of pure delight which continued until his cum stopped flowing. As it pooled on his chest, I slowed down and after a few extra gentle strokes I stopped, but I kept hold of it.’

‘As Grenville went to the bathroom, it slowly shrank in my hand. It was a very special feeling. Still keeping hold of my cock, Lindon sat up and kissed me on the lips. I was startled, but it was nice, so I kissed him back. We were still kissing when Grenville returned with fresh tissue.’

‘He stopped dead and said, ‘Wow,’ as he watched us. We broke away and Linden lay back down. Because he had sat up, lots of his cum had run down his front into his hairs. Grenville seemed to love cleaning him up as it took twice as long, plus he had to handle his cock again. Lindon was circumcised so once he was cleaned up Grenville and I had a closer look now he was soft.’

‘Then I told Grenville that he had made an exceptional job of cleaning Linden up. I put my arms out and he came to me. I kissed him on the lips which he responded to vigorously. Then when we finished, Lindon said, ‘I should thank you too,’ so they both had a long kiss.’

‘We got dressed and had a hug together. We all agreed it had been a wonderful experience and vowed to repeat it soon. As he finished talking, he seemed to realise how close he was to firing. He gave Lewis a smile and said, ‘If you keep that up, I’ll be firing very soon.’ Lewis grinned at him, ‘Good,’ he said, ‘You’re not telling me to stop are you.’ ‘I wouldn’t dream of it.’ Warren said laughing. He closed his eyes and lay back with a smile on his face.

Lewis speeded up his movement and felt Warrens cock throbbing. Within a few seconds Warren called out ‘Now,’ and as his cock throbbed in Lewis’s hand like a machine gun, a jet of cum shot up in the air that would have been a good match to Mike. Warren cried out as he fired, a long happy cry that didn’t stop until his last drop had oozed out.

The vast pool of cum on his chest looked like one of Canada’s great lakes. As his cock finished shrinking from very hard enormous to very soft very large. Lewis kept hold of it until the end, then laid it down on his hairs.

Reaching for the tissues on the back of the settee, Lewis mopped up all his cum, then telling him to sit up, Lewis went and fetched a wet cloth and a towel. Returning he washed Warrens front down, then dried him.

Telling him to sit up, he put his arms around him, then as he hugged him, he told him, ‘You can’t possibly be more relaxed with me than you are now. When I lie you down again, we’ll sort out your problem.’

Warren gave him a long kiss. ‘Thank you for everything,’ he said. Once he was lying down again with his head on Lewis’s lap, Lewis rested one hand on his head and one gently over his now soft cock. ‘In a moment I want you to start at the beginning and tell me everything that happened.’ he said.

‘Before you do, let me tell you that if as I suspect the injuries on your back are down to your cousin, he should be locked up. I also think that he is keeping you a prisoner in some way. It follows if that is true, he is probably abusing you sexually as well. Now it doesn’t matter what you tell me, it is not your fault. If you want it to stop and your life from here on to be happy, you mustn’t miss anything out, no matter how embarrassing you might find it. ok?’

‘Ok.’ Warren replied. He took a deep breath and started. ‘A few weeks after my dad died, cousin Bashiir came and helped me empty the house. When he said to come and stay with him, I didn’t see a problem and anyway I had nowhere else to go.’

‘Over the next few weeks, it became clear that he was very controlling. I was questioned every time I came in and he threatened me if I made any attempt to go out of an evening. Then soon after he started ordering me to clean the house and do all the cooking. When I said we should share it, just like we were sharing the rent and bills, he didn’t say a word he just punched me in the kidneys.’

‘I doubled up with the pain and it took nearly a week before it stopped.’ ‘You do what I say when I say,’ he told me, ‘Or you’ll get much worse.’ When I moved in we had made a list of the bills and I had set a standing order up into his account for half of them which was paid each month a day after I got paid.’

‘A few weeks later he came into my bedroom after I’d gone to bed. He was just wearing shorts. I could see right away he had a hard on. He pulled the covers off me and dragged me out. I just had shorts on because it was a warm night. ‘What are you doing,’ I said. ‘Shut up and do as you’re told,’ he said, ‘Or you’ll get hurt.’ He ripped my shorts down and took his own off. He was slightly smaller than me which seemed to annoy him.’

‘He threw me face down on the bed and climbed on top of me. A few moments later he thrust his cock up my bum. It hurt like hell. ‘Please don’t,’ I said. ‘Shut up, or I’ll break your arm.’ he said twisting it up behind me. He started thrusting in hard. It was so painful. Soon he was going at me like a bull at a barn gate. Then he called out and I felt him shoot all his cum into me.’

‘He lay on me with all his weight, it was hard to breath, apart from the stinging inside me. Then after what seemed ages he pulled out and left the room. I cried myself to sleep that night. In the morning I was still sore inside. When I went down to breakfast, he didn’t speak until I was about to leave for work.’

‘I know what time you finish,’ he said, ‘So make sure your back here on time. If I have to come looking for you, you’ll regret it.’ When I went home that night, I said, ‘I’m going to look for a place of my own.’

‘No, you’re not.’ he screamed at me, ‘You belong to me now. If you try to leave, I’ll find you and drag you back screaming. Then you’ll get the worst beating you’ve ever had in your life.’ After we’d eaten, he pulled out some forms. ‘I went to your bank and got these for you today,’ he said, ‘I’m going to look after your money for you. Sign these forms.’

‘Certainly not,’ I said, ‘That’s my money. I already pay you my share of the rent.’ He went ballistic. ‘He dragged me upstairs and ripped all my clothes off. Then he threw me down on the bed like he had done the previous night.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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